This is a very interesting subject Magnum .
I hope i can add my 2 cents worth that get people thinking also.
The GB/FDS class claim they are Spirit Directed,by Jehovah God and Christ Jesus since as they claim Jehovah /Jesus approved them to dispense food (spiritual) at the proper time some 140 or so years ago.
OK ,they were International Bible Students then later to become Jehovah`s Witnesses
Any, even superficial look at what JW`s have taught over the 140 years of their existence and their subsequent dropping of that belief or in some cases reversal of a particular belief or in other cases adopting a previous rejected belief as now being an accepted doctrine surely one has to wonder what the Holy Spirit is doing .
Not to mention of the 6 thousand years ending in the late 1800`s only to be resurrected again in 1975 .
All of their holy ones to be taken to heaven in 1914 that they were prophecying about for the past 40 years.
And all this has happened in the last 140 years of Jehovah`s chosen people for these last days.
These are just some of the false/errant teachings of JW`s/GB in these last 140 years there are many more.
Now the point is this
The Bible was written /completed some 2000 years ago ,how many times have these Bible writings been subjected to revisions ,corrections,contradictions ,etc,etc. in 2000 years ? That changed the core beliefs and doctrines ? not once .What was written 2000 years ago is basically what is written today
That cant be said for Jehovah`s Witnesses as their history stands in their short history of 140 years.
"Their history" that brings up another subject where they like to re-invent themselves.(such liars )