It is happening already isn`t it ? How many times in the past have Law Enforcement officers been sprung by using excessive force on a "victim" by someone who is using a mobile phone to record the incident ?
So a definite YES from me .
i saw an article in the news yesterday that laws are going to be passed subjecting the police to being recorded by anyone while performing their duty or enforcing the law and encourages citizens to sue if they interfere.
some law enforcement agents become angry and confiscate recording devices from people recording them while making an arrest, etc.. it does seem that the work that the police and other government agents do is public and not private or confidential so there should be nothing to hide from the cameras.
on the other hand, how can one distinguish being shot by a camera or by a weapon until one is hit?.
It is happening already isn`t it ? How many times in the past have Law Enforcement officers been sprung by using excessive force on a "victim" by someone who is using a mobile phone to record the incident ?
So a definite YES from me .
what do you sincerely think?
do you nurture any hope?.
According to the Bible at least a couple of humans have been resurrected to life from death and apart from the fact that the Bible says the wages of sin is death then these resurrected ones would be deemed sinless therefore they should not have died again, however apparently they did.
In any case none of these resurrected ones ever had anything to say about their experience or non experiences while in the death state.
Here I might take exception to what Jesus said, words to the effect that when your dead is if you are asleep and know nothing , well I don`t know about Jesus when he`s asleep ,but when I`m asleep I have another life.
I dream, sometimes they are amazing and can be quite bazaar but I am alive and doing things and inter-acting with other people in my dreams { wet dreams can be most pleasant }
So to answer the OP I guess I`ll know or won`t know when I kick the bucket.
here is a good article on bloodless medicine.
i have weighed in with my thoughts, and encourage others to do the same:.
An interesting article Lee and I agree with your observation/comment and it is my belief that the patient is under pressure to involve the liasion committee in any decision they make.
In other words they are co-erced to follow WT/JW beliefs in the matter
2017 figures released to bethel families worldwide:.
peak publishers: 8,457,107. total baptized: 284,212 .
regular pioneers: 1,225,279 .
Correct me if I am wrong ,the majority of people on this board believe/proved JW`s organization are not honest when they quote sources for their articles in magazines or on their programs on JW.Org
In other words they are biased to only present what they believe validates their belief /agenda promoting their view omitting anything in this same quote that may give an alternative understanding of the subject.
And they justify /rationalize this as Theocratic Warfare ,withholding information from those not worthy of it as being OK.
{ The sin of Omission ?}
And only promoting beliefs /views that support their claims disregarding all other evidence to the conrtary
So why in the world should we trust what they say in regard to anything they say as regards their previous year of so called increases and achievements in their witnessing ?
Edit to add :
The fact that they mislead the R&F JW`s today as to what they believed and taught in their early history was an eye opener for me. That they could be so dishonest about their own early history was a shock to me.
what do you sincerely think?
do you nurture any hope?.
I used to be a Christian ,then I became a Jehovah`s Witness and now I am an Atheist ,I have researched religious teachings and the Bible
I rest my case.
I have no thought ,memory ,experience of life before I was born and do not expect anything more after my death.
Jrjw ,The sad truth is their is no absolute truth in any religion,it can only be equated with wise sayings from any intelligent person who professes a certain religion who just happens to belong to a said religion.
Religion and truth are no more relevant than are Politics and Truth
None of the ancient religious writings of any of the Holy Scriptures of any faith demonstrate the GOD of such inspired writings had any knowledge of anything more than the knowledge that existed among humans of the day .
Think about that for a moment.: Nothing GOD Jehovah or any other GOD ever said or did was anything in any of the sciences in advance of what was known and accepted of the day by learned men.
To put it bluntly GOD was no more learned than the men of his day.He was far from being Almighty.
If he was in fact an almighty GOD [the ultimate chemist as the WT once said] he had more than enough chances to demonstrate that throughout the history of the Bible yet he never did so .
So on that basis I conclude Jehovah God or any other GOD was no more enlightened or intelligent than the smartest man or woman of the day.
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
I know their has been a lot of controversy about Lloyd Evans /John Cedars over the years and I have been on the fence making a judgement about him ,however I think this post by himself LE/JC has tipped the scales.
in summary, my dad passed away not to long ago, 8 months ago, on april while i was 12. i'm 13 and i've been grieving for 6 months now and im suicidal.
i'm not doing this to get attention, but to talk to someone.
my dad was a jehovah's witness and i want to talk to all of you.
My Dad was a Jehovah's Witness and I want to talk to all of you
Qrystal, we are here to hear you whatever you have to say without being Judgemental .
You say you want to talk then by all means do so please we are here to listen first of all to what you have to say and if you want our advice we are here to give that also if that is what you want .
But please do not do anything rash like suicide ,please just talk to us so we know how you are feeling and where you are coming from as regards your emotions.
Your young you have a whole future ahead of you a wonderful future if you just embrace it and work your way out of the dark place you find yourself in now but please just let us help you get through this time.
If you dont want everyone to know what you are saying you can always PM me or anybody else you wish to talk to using the envelope in the far top right hand bar
Take care
for $150: collaboration with the backer so that their story of successfully escaping an abusive belief system (300 words max) features along with others in the final pages of how to escape from jehovah's witnesses.
the text will be written by the author but will include a minimum of one quote worded by the backer.
I would be happy to be payed $150 for telling my story not charged $150 for telling my story ? WTF ?
Or did I misunderstand this post.
looking for jw sexual abuse survivors from new zealand .
Twice Amypk80 has posted this request and no NZ has responded to her post ,surely their is someone over their who can give her some encouragement as she is a newbie to this site.
Amy you will have a PM (personal message) click on the envelope in the above bar next to your log in name.