I feel your frustration stuck they just cant seem to bring themselves to the obvious conclusion. Hopefully what you have said will make him think ,their have been a lot more people posting here that were in the religion for many years and are now advanced in age so their is always hope I guess.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
"ah yes Dad, do you mean those times when Jehovah made those mistakes and errors?"
by stuckinarut2 inso...while chatting with my ultra "spiritual elder" father on the phone this afternoon, i couldn't resist using that line!.
i had sent him that video of the recent convention showing brothers and sisters dancing to the "kingdom song" and waving their illuminated phones and arms in the air like some sort of revival church concert.
(perhaps someone can post that link to that thread again here?).
Why do ex-JW's talk so much about being ex-JW's?
by Sour Grapes inis it because we were in the cult watchtower compound that we talk about being ex-jw's when we stop being active?
i have never heard anyone say that i was an ex-catholic or an ex-lutheran or an ex-baptist.
they just stop going to their church and don't talk about it.. years after not stepping inside a kingdom hell, many of us still have to talk about being ex-jw's.
I think stuck has hit the nail on the head ,with mainstream religions their are no repercussions for stop attending their church ,not so with the JW`s.they have to destroy all relationships you had with family and friends .
Their not happy unless they victimize you .
Silly Bible Stories we once believed
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthese bible stories are too silly to be true.
take off your rose colored glasses and you will begin to see some great imagination, exaggeration and great story telling!.
telling !.
Jesus resurrecting the dead and they died again ? ( remember that the wages of sin is death so once you have died that penalty is paid )
So why did they die again ?
Jesus walking on water ?
An axe head floating on top of the water ? {Whats that got to do with anything }
Hello from Scotland - it has been ages....
by The Scotsman inwell how the devil is everyone?
i have not been here for a long time........totally lost track of what is going on in jw land, apart from the little bits i hear from family members still in.
(they say everything is swell and that armageddon is just round the corner).... :).was hearing that anniesland congregation in glasgow has been (or is about to be) disbanded.
Glad to meet your acquaintance Scotsman from OZ .JW`s have gone weirdo these past few years .
You wouldn`t recognise the religion you once belonged to.
Avoiding Service Tips?
by Kohanic inback again!.
so as i'm still pimo and living under my parent's roof, how can i get out of service?
cause i really don't want to go and i feel dirty just knowing i could be influencing someone into this garbage..
just say you are going on return visits and that your interested folk do not want anybody else to call on them so you have to go alone .
And then do whatever grabs your fancy
I knew an Elder who got away with that for years ,no he wasn`t an apostate he just hated doing D2D work.
Evolution doesn't happen today...WRONG...
by HowTheBibleWasCreated inlast year i had a brother tell me that one proof evolution is false is that he doesn't see it happening today... i was going to bring of viruses evolving so fast that new vaccines must be developed each year but felt he was too closed minded to receive it.
today i was listening to the audio book of 'an ancestors tale- richard dawkins' and noted oe point that shined through.. here is evolution happening>>>.
What do creationists as well as those who believe in Creation not to confuse the two believe how or why we have a creature in Australia called the Platypus ?
Did God get his DNA mixed up ?
or is it a product of evolution ?
Or is their an alternative solution ?
Cult Leader Thinks He’s Jesus
by Jules Saturn ini was sent this video and don’t know if anyone was aware of it or if this has been posted before but in russia there is a religion known as vissarion’s church of the last testament where their leader who was formerly known as sergey anatolyevitch torop who goes by vissarion believes he is the messiah.
according to the video, there are 5,000 followers worldwide with 2,000 followers actually living on site with vissarion.
i found it pretty odd but very interesting and wanted to share it on here.
As the saying goes their is one born every minute ,I know I was one with the JW`s.
Calling Cofty and others regarding evolution
by dubstepped inso i have started down the path of trying to understand evolution, and to get the linear lies that the jws planted in my head out of it.
i bought an audiobook called "evolution: what the fossils say and why it matters" by donald prothero.
i heard it recommended on an atheist podcast that i listened to.
As I have posted on another thread every living thing on this planet whether in the sea on the land or in the air keeps alive by devouring another living thing.And has done so since the beginning of time .
I can`t see a loving Almighty Creator being responsible for that ,so I guess evolution makes much more sense .
Jehovah`s Witnesses who blame Satan for this situation undermine their God whom they believe in .
If they believe Satan is the cause of this situation then obviously he is more powerful than their God who they worship.
For all JW`s who believe God is going to rectify things in his own due time ,I ask you to send me 10$ and I will make you a millionaire in the not too distant future ,your million$ is not far away it`s just around the corner just send me your 10$ and I will make you a millionaire ,it`s imminent.
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa ini left the jw organization last year during summer.
maybe some of you can relate.
who of you are agnostic or an atheist?
I am another one who took some time before I went from a true believer to an agnostic and now an atheist .
And it has been sites like this one that pointed me in the direction to research other material for and against the inspiration of the Bible from an Almighty God.
Over a number of years.
I weighed it all in the balance and found the Bible wanting
.I have now been out 25 years.
God and the Bible ? No way
Some higher intelligence that planted the seeds of life on this planet ? and left it to its own without interference ?who knows .
the jury is still out on that one.
One fact that I have learned is that every living thing on this planet whether it is under the sea on the land or in the air ,it only survives by devouring another living thing .And it has always done so.
Does that sound like a loving caring Creator to you ?
Silly Bible Stories we once believed
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthese bible stories are too silly to be true.
take off your rose colored glasses and you will begin to see some great imagination, exaggeration and great story telling!.
telling !.
As for who killed Goliath ? David or his brother Jonathan ? or was it El-ha-nan ? 2Sam.21:19-21