Their just around the corner any day now its imminent,Ye of little faith
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
The new world we live in
by JaniceA inso, i'm in a starbucks.
it's 5:45 pm.
this kid who is maybe 6 years old yells, "mom, my tablet is fully charged any my phone is at 84%!".
E cart witnessing on our way to see Shen Yun in San Francisco
by cha ching intoday, i took the day off to go with my husband to san francisco on bart to see shen yun.
coming out of the station, were two elders at a watchtower cart!
my husband loves to witness to them.. started off with a smile and they smiled back and he told them he had been associated with jehovah's witnesses and now he is not but he wishes to tell them that even though they are going to hear things that are upsetting in the news, there is life after jehovah's witnesses.. they smiled and asked him if they could ask what religion he has gone to, or what he is doing now.
If they put themselves on public display such as cart witnessing in public areas then they shouldn`t complain if ex JW`s approach them in conversation ?
Right ?
Silly Bible Stories we once believed
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthese bible stories are too silly to be true.
take off your rose colored glasses and you will begin to see some great imagination, exaggeration and great story telling!.
telling !.
Maybe it`s a fact that the "Christian" religion is such a major money maker $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for whoever gets on the bandwagon.
And the IBSA / Jehovah`s Witness religion is no exception.
Anxiety, OCD, Hoarding, and the JWs
by Spiral ini'm noticing what seems to be a higher incidence of the above among the local jws than in the "general" (read: worldly) population.
i don't say this lightly, my wanderings around the fringes of jw society locally is revealing an alarming trend here.
the poverty doesn't help (there are good jobs, but you need a degree or qualifications to get one).. anyone else see this?
How can anyone believe Armageddon/Great Tribulation be imminent / just around the corner for over a Century and it`s still spoken of today 2018 as imminent / just around the corner and not have mental issues ? they should be addressing ?
Will The Governing Body Sell Out The Watchtower Corporation In A Plea Bargin With Prosecutors?
by Brokeback Watchtower inas the lawsuits continue to increase world wide against the watchtower corporation and it's branches,, things could get very dire for the governing body to plea bargin for a lighter sentence and so turn over crucial evidence against their fellow f&dss, technically beat their fellow slave and what not.. now i know a lot of you will be thinking: "what on earth could lead to the gb blowing the whistle on fellow his fellow gbs?
" i think that a legitimate question and offer no answer but just use your imagination as if this thing led them to make a run to the opposition to rat on others to get a lighter sentence.. hey i'm thinking about man's powerful desire to save one's own skin at the expense of his loyal companion..
Think of the Roman Catholic Church how many lawsuits of child sexual abuse all over the world have been filed against them in the last Century ? How many priests /clergy and lay people have been charged and convicted ?of such crimes ?
Actually you can go back centuries with sex/child and otherwise scandals Nuns/Priests etc and they are still a thriving organization today.
Jehovah`s Witnesses pale into insignificance considering the numbers and multiple offences committed by priests of the R.C.Church
Now I ask you is the R.C.Church in financial trouble around the earth because of it ?Ready to collapse ?
I don`t think so ,and neither will the WT Society be in such trouble being such an insignificant small sect of Christendom.
Family Insists on Having Relationship with My Child -_-
by Cimarrona inhi gang, i'm a single mother of an 8 month old baby boy.
i've been df'd for over six years now.
my parents are super dubs and most of my siblings are dubs (on paper - a couple have been inactive my entire life but still claim to believe) with the exception of a brother who was never baptized.
And above all beware of the "Theocratic Warfare Strategy" which includes withholding information from you that could influence your decision or allowing you to believe something implied but not actually stated to also give you a false impression.
Don`t be sucked in
Russia is Smart
by Kohanic in
so according to the law department's meeting in feb 2016, russia has been studying the linguistics of the watchtower articles and discovered its brainwashing abilities!.
lol it's funny now that i'm on the russian side of this debate now, ban them all!.
Kohanic / Drearyweather `s interchange of points of view and the way they resolved their apparent differences is one of the things I love about this site .
I think we could all take a lesson from how they handled their differences and resolved it amicably.
Thanks guys you may not have intended it to be a lesson in how mature adults handle problems. however to me it was.
"ah yes Dad, do you mean those times when Jehovah made those mistakes and errors?"
by stuckinarut2 inso...while chatting with my ultra "spiritual elder" father on the phone this afternoon, i couldn't resist using that line!.
i had sent him that video of the recent convention showing brothers and sisters dancing to the "kingdom song" and waving their illuminated phones and arms in the air like some sort of revival church concert.
(perhaps someone can post that link to that thread again here?).
I feel your frustration stuck they just cant seem to bring themselves to the obvious conclusion. Hopefully what you have said will make him think ,their have been a lot more people posting here that were in the religion for many years and are now advanced in age so their is always hope I guess.
Why do ex-JW's talk so much about being ex-JW's?
by Sour Grapes inis it because we were in the cult watchtower compound that we talk about being ex-jw's when we stop being active?
i have never heard anyone say that i was an ex-catholic or an ex-lutheran or an ex-baptist.
they just stop going to their church and don't talk about it.. years after not stepping inside a kingdom hell, many of us still have to talk about being ex-jw's.
I think stuck has hit the nail on the head ,with mainstream religions their are no repercussions for stop attending their church ,not so with the JW`s.they have to destroy all relationships you had with family and friends .
Their not happy unless they victimize you .
Silly Bible Stories we once believed
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthese bible stories are too silly to be true.
take off your rose colored glasses and you will begin to see some great imagination, exaggeration and great story telling!.
telling !.
Jesus resurrecting the dead and they died again ? ( remember that the wages of sin is death so once you have died that penalty is paid )
So why did they die again ?
Jesus walking on water ?
An axe head floating on top of the water ? {Whats that got to do with anything }