O K ,I give up what is DILLIGAF ? I Thought I knew them all ,obviously not.
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
SKE, and other acronymic crap
by MTSman inso, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
Catch up
by Jrjw infacebook is great for finding old friends.
i found a friend who is an ex witness who i haven't seen for about 7 years coz she left the society and we lost touch and i got in contact with her the other day on facebook and she came for tea earlier and we had a great time talking about experiences of the wts and it's strange doctrines and remembering our school days.
we chatted for about 5 hours and are going to keep in touch.
Maybe i`m old school or just weird but I just couldn`t dig FB it seemed to me to be about everyone just saying look at me, look at me, look at me .?
So I quit FB
However I do have another thread where the telephone was used in a catch up.
{sorry don`t mean to hijack a thread}
My father also molested my DAUGHTER!
by alamb inneeding advise.
i was on here years ago fighting for custody of my daughters.
the court gave us a joint arrangement.
Sorry you and your daughter had to experience this :JaniceA has hit the nail on the head here ,
Your dad, your ex and your mom are monstrous and your daughter should sue them until they are penniless and they probably should all be prosecuted criminally. Please put the blame where it belongs.
I hope you find justice ,please investigate all avenues that are available to you within the law.
My wife and I just had a wonderful experience today.
by smiddy3 inmy wife was looking through some old diary`s that we have lying around and found a ph.# of an old friend (jw) that we knew over 15 years ago .we were always curious as to what has happened to her as she was a dear friend for many years when we were in the "truth".
so she rings the number (,do you still have the same # that you had 15 yrs ago ?
) and this friend was a bit of a "gypsy" type so she wasn`t expecting much when she rang.. to cut a long story short we all had a good conversation we had been trying to find out about her all these years with no success and she was also trying to find out about us all these years with no success ,we had moved interstate.. nothing was said about religion though i suspect she is still associated with the borg.
My wife was looking through some old diary`s that we have lying around and found a ph.# of an old friend (JW) that we knew over 15 years ago .We were always curious as to what has happened to her as she was a dear friend for many years when we were in the "truth"
So she rings the number (,do you still have the same # that you had 15 yrs ago ?) and this friend was a bit of a "gypsy" type so she wasn`t expecting much when she rang.
To cut a long story short we all had a good conversation we had been trying to find out about her all these years with no success and she was also trying to find out about us all these years with no success ,we had moved interstate.
Nothing was said about religion though I suspect she is still associated with the Borg. however with efforts she has made to find us through JW`s she must be fully aware that I DA`d and she had no problem talking and chewing the fat with me.
She was always a bit of a rebel as far as Elders and their rules were concerned.
Both my wife and I are very happy that this dialogue took place today and look forward to cementing this relationship again.
Apparently she is not concerned I DA`d myself and i am not going to shove my atheistic beliefs down her throat .
I will keep you posted to how this pans out over the next few months or so.
The International Space Station passing Overhead At 10:22 pm ESDST Lakes entrance Victoria Australia.
by smiddy3 init`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
They have an unlimited budget granted to them by the Zionist government to keep all you peons believing in your silly spinning ball.
Jehovah`s Witnesses must be in on the conspiracy as their foundation members C.T.Russell and Co. were obviously in league with the Zionists.
Otherwise why else was their magazine titled "Zions Watchtower And Herald Of Christs Presence "
Little mindmines in the Oct. 2017
by days of future passed init is difficult for me to say exactly what i mean on this subject.
my sister sent me a link to the oct, 2017 wt simplified article (which has been discussed about the shunning) and i found it disturbing of course, how the wt gives advice, different for each sex, along with the "unbelieving" mate dissing.. wt - although an unbelieving husband may not take the lead in spiritual matters, he should be respected because of his position as the head of the family.
likewise, an unbelieving wife should be shown self-sacrificing love and tender affection by her christian husband.—eph.
WT - At first, we may not have told our family about our association with Jehovah’s Witnesses. As our faith grew, though, we saw the need to be open about our beliefs.
That description fits me down to a tee 59 years ago when i was 19 years old and converted to the JW`s and indoctrinated that I would be persecuted by members of my own family for learning the "truth" and I withheld that information from my then GF { now my wife} until I was stronger in the faith.
The International Space Station passing Overhead At 10:22 pm ESDST Lakes entrance Victoria Australia.
by smiddy3 init`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
HaHAHA Morpheus
The International Space Station passing Overhead At 10:22 pm ESDST Lakes entrance Victoria Australia.
by smiddy3 init`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .. the wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when i noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a se/nw (?
) direction { i hope that`s right }.
anyhow i thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the iss from time to time.. by the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg c.
It`s always a buzz to see this with the naked eye and know that their are human beings orbiting the earth a couple of hundred miles up every 90 minutes or so .
The wife and i were just sitting out on our porch/patio waiting for the cool change to arrive when I noticed this "star" moving across the sky in a SE/NW (?) direction { i hope that`s right }
Anyhow I thought some others on here may be interested in tracking the ISS from time to time.
By the way the cool change hasn`t arrived here yet it`s still quite warm though not as hot as it was today at 41 deg C
Introduce myself
by dantoole87 ini'd like share why i went from being a teenager determined to work in full time service for jehovah my entire life, to now being on here commiserating with you all.
i use to be an atheist but i now believe in god.
but i'm not preachy about god.
Once I took a critical look at what was actually printed in the Bible saw the discrep`ancy`s ,the absurdities ,contradictions etc,etc.I came to the conclusion it was a book made up by man of many manuscripts that suited there purpose and rejected many other manuscripts that didn`t suit there purpose and even today their are many Christian religions that have different views as to what books are in their particular Bible.Look at Europe.
And in any case it is not any God who determined what was acceptable and what was not it was imperfect humans who had their own agenda.
DNA Editing Now Geting Easy Thanks To CRISPR, Welcome A New Species: Homo Evolutis
by Brokeback Watchtower innow that it is 1)easy to make edits in dna, 2) the invention of the quantum computer, 3)advanced algorhyms, 4)mass collection of dna code we should be able to change homo sapiens to homo evolutis.
i see a singularity coming.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nimj6snpq-o.
WOW this post went up 3 days ago and nobody apart from me now has made a comment about it ?
I have only just come across it and haven`t been able to view all the videos or even one yet only to read the definition of Homo Evolutis
And if nothing else it all sounds very interesting science fiction bordering on the reality ?
Where are all the science buffs ?