Their is nothing new under the sun.King David lusted after another mans wife effectively had him killed then bedded the widow. { It`s good being the King}
Nothing has changed and probably never will me-too or no me-too
despite decades of the feminist movement, watchtower's attitude of woman being inferior has changed little, with pauline sexism justified as inspired, on the basis that women are lesser emotionally, intellectually and physically.
jehovah's witnesses seem to accept this with little resistance.
is there anything about the #metoo movement that may wake followers up?
Their is nothing new under the sun.King David lusted after another mans wife effectively had him killed then bedded the widow. { It`s good being the King}
Nothing has changed and probably never will me-too or no me-too
i thought of successfully fading out, but suffered a miscarriage last week.
i gradually decreased the number of meetings i attended.
in the latter half of the year it became once a month, then once in two months, once in three months ….. last week, two elders who visited me, after their bla..bla..asked: “where will you go leaving the motherly organization—the only truth now available on earth?”.
Welcome to the forum Ireneus now you have said your piece to the two elders you have no more need to speak to any of them again and certainly do not need to attend a JC
Do not be intimidated into thinking they have power /authority over you they do not .
keep us informed of your progress in knowing TTATT.
take care and I wish you well.
maybe some of you remember me, maybe not.
for general information i am now 19 years old, and living by myself.
for the past 1 year (more like 1.5 years) i have been quietly fading out of the hypocrisy of this organization, but since i still live in the town i grew up in it has been hard, and filled with different challenges.
You could jump the gun on them and write your own DA letter to the BOE and just slip it under the door of the KH before they have their meeting Whichever way it goes in time you will realize this is the best thing to happen to you..
You will be totally free of the cult .
Take care Citizen
so as we all know, the australian royal commission has it on record that a "child safegaurding policy" document was produced hurriedly at the tail end of the australian royal commission.. the commission was told by the society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".. the commission quizzed the brothers as to whether it would "be freely handed out, or simply handed to those who requested it".
either way, it was to be freely available.. so imagine the surprise of one our fellow faders who attended a kh yesterday to ask for a copy!.
she politely and respectfully asked the brother at the door for a copy.
The Commission was told by the Society representatives that this would be "freely available to all congregants and interested people".
It would be an interesting exercise if as many as possible Australians went to a KH even posing as a family member of someone who had a JW relative and requested a "Child safeguarding policy"
Even going to an out of town KH where nobody knew you just to see what sort of response you would get and forwarding that on to the Australian Royal Commission .
Of course to appear genuine you would have to attend a public talk and wt study I`m seriously considering this.
What do you think ?
I can see how they can justify themselves with this. Many years ago I think it was when they got their new HQ`s in Brooklyn and they were showing the staircase of the building and the obvious money that was spent in the building and someone queried why such expense was out layed in this project and the answer given was something like this.
No expense was spared in building Solomons Temple Christendom spare no expense in building churches to their Gods We have the truth about the one true God so shouldn`t we spare no expense in honouring him ?
( or words to that effect )
And of course Solomon King David benefited by living in such quarters so why not the latter day Guardians Of Doctrine benefit after all their responsible for saving all of humankind on a grander scale than Noah providing they obey us.
i think the overwhelming problem with trying to wake up friends and family is they have nowhere else to go.
i mean these people all their friends are jws a lot of them their family is jws.
if they wake up or agree with you in anyway they know instantly that they loose all this, many will even loose jobs.
I truly feel sorry for those that have woken up to TTATT themselves but still have family members that are die-hard JW`s still in like spouses or adult children or parents and are afraid of losing them through shunning or DF or Da .
These poor bastards {I mean that in a nice sense} are held to ransom by the WT/JW Society and they genuinely feel they have no place to go.
That is the real EVIL of the WTB&TS their policy on shunning, DF, DA, and ostracizing anyone who just leaves the religion .
so, i was sort of forced to spend time with my uber-in parents.
they went on gushing about the website, and the new business cards they have to give out to busy people.
business cards?
O K ,I give up what is DILLIGAF ? I Thought I knew them all ,obviously not.
facebook is great for finding old friends.
i found a friend who is an ex witness who i haven't seen for about 7 years coz she left the society and we lost touch and i got in contact with her the other day on facebook and she came for tea earlier and we had a great time talking about experiences of the wts and it's strange doctrines and remembering our school days.
we chatted for about 5 hours and are going to keep in touch.
Maybe i`m old school or just weird but I just couldn`t dig FB it seemed to me to be about everyone just saying look at me, look at me, look at me .?
So I quit FB
However I do have another thread where the telephone was used in a catch up.
{sorry don`t mean to hijack a thread}
needing advise.
i was on here years ago fighting for custody of my daughters.
the court gave us a joint arrangement.
Sorry you and your daughter had to experience this :JaniceA has hit the nail on the head here ,
Your dad, your ex and your mom are monstrous and your daughter should sue them until they are penniless and they probably should all be prosecuted criminally. Please put the blame where it belongs.
I hope you find justice ,please investigate all avenues that are available to you within the law.
my wife was looking through some old diary`s that we have lying around and found a ph.# of an old friend (jw) that we knew over 15 years ago .we were always curious as to what has happened to her as she was a dear friend for many years when we were in the "truth".
so she rings the number (,do you still have the same # that you had 15 yrs ago ?
) and this friend was a bit of a "gypsy" type so she wasn`t expecting much when she rang.. to cut a long story short we all had a good conversation we had been trying to find out about her all these years with no success and she was also trying to find out about us all these years with no success ,we had moved interstate.. nothing was said about religion though i suspect she is still associated with the borg.
My wife was looking through some old diary`s that we have lying around and found a ph.# of an old friend (JW) that we knew over 15 years ago .We were always curious as to what has happened to her as she was a dear friend for many years when we were in the "truth"
So she rings the number (,do you still have the same # that you had 15 yrs ago ?) and this friend was a bit of a "gypsy" type so she wasn`t expecting much when she rang.
To cut a long story short we all had a good conversation we had been trying to find out about her all these years with no success and she was also trying to find out about us all these years with no success ,we had moved interstate.
Nothing was said about religion though I suspect she is still associated with the Borg. however with efforts she has made to find us through JW`s she must be fully aware that I DA`d and she had no problem talking and chewing the fat with me.
She was always a bit of a rebel as far as Elders and their rules were concerned.
Both my wife and I are very happy that this dialogue took place today and look forward to cementing this relationship again.
Apparently she is not concerned I DA`d myself and i am not going to shove my atheistic beliefs down her throat .
I will keep you posted to how this pans out over the next few months or so.