what is it about non-creationism which many find so appealing? What is their heart-of-hearts motivation? Is it for the same reason that many (or should one say MANY?) xJws are turned off by the thought that there may really be a Creator and a Heavenly Family?
My objection to an Almighty God Jehovah /Jesus Christ /Angels /Satan etc. is :
1. The Bible and what it contains.And what it does not contain.
2.Imperfect human beings are the ones who defined what was the word of God ,God had no say in it he was completely silent about it.
3.God by all accounts in the Bible had no problem communicating with humans by means of visions ,angels ,dreams ,prophets ,etc.and their was no doubt that it was God communicating with them.
4.No such claim can be made by any Christian religion today it is all down to the religions interpretation of the scriptures they want you to believe in.An interpretation of the Bible by imperfect human beings who have an agenda of their own .God has no say in it .
And all of these reasons no doubt fit any other religious belief of Christendom.
5. Having said all of that , forget the Bible and all of that ,I am not averse to the possibility that their are other life forms in the universe that may or may not have had involvement in the spread of life forms on this planet .
6.That is to say if #5 were true {and I`m not saying it is } it does not mean they are or have been in any way involved in how events turn out here on earth.Nor are they involved in any way with what happens to humans on a day to day basis .
7. It could be said that if a more advanced civilization in the universe sowed the seeds of life for this planet and left it to sort itself out then I suppose you could call it from our viewpoint a God ?
But it certainly is not is the Christian or Jewish or Muslim book of faith or any other religious book of faith produced by imperfect humans.