Obviously that explains why so many more JW`s are claiming to be of the Anointed Class
JoinedPosts by smiddy3
Attention!! There will be sex in heaven
by James Mixon inwell i thought i had heard it all but, the mercury columns "will christians enjoy sex in heaven" just hurt my brain.
how can god allow sexual relations in heaven without marriage??
in heaven there is no need for anyone to belong exclusively to another(wow!!!
New to the truth
by MatthewHewey ini have been meeting with member's of the kingdom hall, and i have attended a few times now on sundays.
i'd like to discuss experiences with this group since i'm new.
so far, i love it.
A previous President of the WTB&TS/Jehovah`s Witnesses stated that "Religion Is A Snare And A Racket"
Joseph. F.Rutherford
That definition fits the JW religion down to a tee.
A truer word was never said
The anonymity of Jehovah's Witness material
by stuckinarut2 inis it vital for credibility to have the name of the writer of an article referenced?.
does this allow for honesty and accountability?
does this assist in ensuring that whatever is presented is as factual as possible, or not biased in some way toward the religion's ideas?.
If they don`t quote their sources maybe they feel they are then not accountable ?
However surely they are when they mis-represent someone they do quote and take them out of context giving an entirely different view to what the author intended .?
References to YHWH in ancient documents
by Doug Mason inpage 15 of awake!
2017 provides an image that shows hebrew writing with the statement: “the personal name of god written in ancient hebrew characters appears abundantly in early manuscripts of the bible”.. alongside that image, the awake!
provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘god’s name’ in various languages”.. the facts do not support either assertion that the watchtower society makes:.
Alongside that image, the Awake! provides a listing to show “the rendering of ‘God’s Name’ in various languages”.
And the rendering of God`s name in all of these languages would be by Christendoms Scholars/clergy no doubt otherwise who else would be writing about such things.?
Does`nt that fact fly in the face of the claim by WT.Org that Christendom has been hiding Gods name and keeping it from the public ? Why is that name carved in stone on Churches throughout Europe and other parts of the world including Australia?
Tony "Tightpants" Morris Talks Of Tight Pants AGAIN!!
by pale.emperor inagain with the pants... tony, if you can't stop looking at young men in tight pants don't take it out on the rest of us.
Tight pants tony thinks Jehovah is offended by men wearing tight pants ?
How come Jehovah never complained about men wearing dresses including his son/ Jesus ?
My 71st Birthday Confessional
by TerryWalstrom ini was born january 15, 1947in mt.
carmel hospital, detroit, michigan.. within six months of my birth, my mother would bundle her baby boy into a blanket and board an american airlines propeller-driven plane--in effect, leaving my father behind--to return to her hometown, ft. worth, texas.. my dad had an excellent job working for cadillac as an inspector.
it was a union job.
Happy Birthday Terry,I always enjoy your contributions on this board ,welcome to the old mans club .
Suing the Org
by dantoole87 ini believe that i have a good cause to sue the organization.
but i know that they have crafted themselves a legal loophole infinite loop.
so i was thinking that i should just sue the congregation that i know fucked me over.
So what exactly would you be suing the congregation for ? You say you were brought up in the religion ,however you stayed their and apparently believed it for a time and now you feel you have been lied to and want to sue the congregation ? is that it ?
Join the queue there are over 40,000 different christian sects with millions of people who have left dissatisfied with their chosen religion for one reason or another .
Do you honestly think the courts would listen to you or any of them with a complaint ? as to how they were treated ?
By the way dantoole87 welcome to the board and please do not take offence at any critics you can learn a lot by hanging out here.
Let's compare the sayings of Jesus and the modern day Governing Body
by RULES & REGULATIONS inimagine yourself still sitting at a kingdom hall meeting and turn to the book of mark 7: 21-23. the sayings of jesus are really profound.
the scripture makes you think, reflect, enters your heart and produces results.. today, you have your modern day governing body ( who supposedly are the mouthpiece for jesus and jehovah and provide spiritual food for the 8 million followers).
if jehovah really sends his holy spirit upon these seven men, is this silly and petty message they can come up with?
So if you know that someone has committed a juicy, serious sin, go and "talk to them" about it. Having "discussed" it, then tell them that they are compelled to confess to 3 elders via a Judicial Committee.
Sad to say TFG they don`t even do that ,they don`t approach the bro.or sis, at all but go straight to an elder themselves and make a complaint and then the elder goes to the person and says something like many have complained or observed such behaviour and it`s a cause for stumbling etc etc.
Watchtower and Awake in the cafeteria of my work place
by StephaneLaliberte insomeone at my workplace, i don't know who, is a jw and has been leaving magazines in the cafeteria.
any suggestion as to what i could do?
i thought of writing up a note stating: "to whoever is bringing these magazine: jw have broken up my family, please don't bring religion to work.
I`m just wondering how your workplace employers would react to employees leaving religious tracts /mags around the workplace .
What would they tolerate next other employees leaving their preferred religious literature around the workplace ? next you could expect literature of all the political persuasions being left around .?
I think a quite word to management in a suggestion box if they have one or an anonymous note to management outlining the above scenarios that you don`t think this is the right place to be leaving such literature as it could compromise the Company you work for.
Then management could put up a notice that such practices are not tolerated by the company and whoever is responsible to desist from doing so.
Just a suggestion
Gave a Nice (anti) Witness Today
by Phizzy inthe door was knocked very quietly, (the bell ignored) .
two ladies stood there both clutching bibles, a youngish one, early thirties, and an old dear, in her seventies i would guess.. the young one started "we have been asking your neighbours today if they feel there is anywhere to go for reliable guidance ?".
" but pointing to her silver sword i said " but not there though !".
"Well it was nice to hear your opinions", I didn't let that go ! I said " Everything I have told you is facts, not opinions, if you find out that something I have said to you is not factual, write it on a piece of paper and put it through my door if I am not in "
I liked that Phizzy you got the last word in and it was a clincher.
I would give you an A for presentation an A for keeping your cool and a AAA for closing the discussion with a clincher.