Though I don`t remember her name I certainly can relate to the music of the sixties that she was a part of.
Rip Babs. for the music in that era.
barbara alston, ?
1944 to feb.16, 2018, was a leader of the crystals in theearly '60's.
the crystals recordings included "uptown," "he's a rebel," "he's sure the boyi love," "da doo ron ron (when he walked me home)," "then he kissed me," "santaclaus is coming to town," etc.
two+ months into marital counseling for my wife (pimi) and i (pimo).
wife after decades of marriage decides for the first time to bring up separation due to, drum-roll please...... absolute endangerment of spiritual life.
a spouse may constantly try to make it impossible for the mate to pursue true worship or may even try to force that mate to break god’s commands in some way.
I presume you both decided to see a therapist and he /she suggested EMDR as Sail Away points out this therapy is used to work with people with trauma ? So is it you or your wife that is suffering with trauma? If I may ask ?
Has she made an appointment for herself also ?
As Sail Away says your wife is using a flimsy excuse to break up your marriage .
And Jehovah`s Witnesses claim they don`t break up marriages ? Bullshit they do so simply for religious differences.
Can you imagine the world in general becoming aware that JW`s break up marriages simply because of religious differences ?
Probably unheard of in mainstream Catholic and protestant religions as an excuse for breaking up marriages.
My thoughts are with you Brian J
Take care.
be courageous and very strong”—joshua 1:7
What`s missing in that 2018 Regional Convention program are the 30 or so Christian Greek Scriptures/new Testament Scriptures that admonish Christians to bear witness to Jesus ,for Jesus and about Jesus .
Jesus Christ is the name to be held up above any /every other name either in heaven on earth or under the earth.
According to the Bible ,all Bibles including Jehovah`s Witness translations of the Bible.
The name Jesus Christ not the name Jehovah .
Correct me if I am wrong but I don`t believe their is even one Christian Greek Scripture/New Testament Scripture that specifically charges Christians to be witnesses of Jehovah ,not one.
Yet their are more than 30 scriptures that admonish Christians to witness for ,about and to Jesus Christ and not one for Jehovah God.
there are a number of things that don't make sense to me about your religion.
a. blood prohibitions: .
- plasma...when all components of plasma are acceptable to the society.
I now laugh at that claim Jehovah never changes ,
"He is the same today as He was yesterday and is the same as He is tomorrow" Oh Yeah ?
In the Old Testament /Hebrew Scriptures Jehovah is a bloodthirsty ,war mongering ,genocidal God who delights in killing old men old women and children dashing them to pieces because they don`t worship him
The old testament is full of such accounts.
Never mind the fact that he never bothered to have any dealings with other nations other than the Jews at all.
And then in the New Testament /Christian Greek Scriptures we are supposed to believe that God is love ?
"That he gave his only begotten son so that all exercising faith in him may have everlasting life" ?
Oh hang on, Jesus Christ is going to rule with 144000 resurrected imperfect humans for a thousand years good luck with that brainwave ,then after the thousand years of Christ and his imperfect humans rule Jehovah is going to let loose on mankind Satan the Devil again to mislead humanity again to their destruction ,a number which are as the sands of the seashore.
So after killing Billions of people at Armageddon very soon in another thousand or so years he is going to kill untold Millions/Billions more humans male female child and have no pity for them .
Simply because he let Satan out among them again to mislead them ?
What imperfect human father would subject their child to such an abomination.? Time and time again ?
As Jehovah God is prepared to do ?
hi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
One thing I forgot to mention was that while I took a stroll through the town I came across an elderly couple tucked away in a vacant shops doorway manning a JW cart .
Their was no way you could see them walking along the pavement in either direction until you was right in front of the shop doorway they were that much obscured .
I looked at them but no eye contact was made and I walked on then stopped a few feet further on ,will I or wont I ?,I thought then thought better of it, naaahhh we are here to enjoy ourselves not spoil it with religious confrontations so I kept moving on.
And would you believe their were six people from our home town 3-4 hours drive away that we came across in the 3 days we were there .
Their are a number of towns in this region of S.E.NSW that are popular holiday destinations for Victorians and New South Welshman and as the saying goes "Don`t think you can carry on an affair here without being sprung" you will always run into someone who knows you.
Not that that`s our problem of course I`m just saying .
it seems that every congregation had a problem with people being affected by the demons.
looking back i have to wonder was it that more people were emotionally or mentally unbalanced?
or they simply off their medications or were they in need of meds?.
As Simon says
Like all the demon-possessed people in the bible, they were ( all ) suffering from mental illness.
And I totally agree with that statement.
I knew of a couple of sisters in different congregations that claimed the Demons were having sex with them ..?
The demons if they existed at all are spiritual not physical so how could they have sex with a human ? According to the Bible that privilege (?) was taken away from them at the time of the flood so that they couldn`t produce hybrids such as the Nephilim any more.
it`s all in the mind that can play weird tricks on us when we are vulnerable
The bottom line is do not be afraid of Demon possession it ain`t gonna happen.
given the numerous videos on youtube about all the scandals and controversies of the watchtower bible and tract society.
are they headed to becoming one of the most infamous religious groups in the world for all the wrong reasons?.
hi friends one and all i just thought i would let you know it`s our 57th wedding anniversary today .
and we are setting off this morning for 3 nights in eden nsw i think it has more to offer than the one in genesis.. with a bit { or a lot } of luck we will make our fortune .
have a good day everybody.
Both the Smiddy`s here would like to thank you all for the best wishes and congratulations you have showered upon us for our wedding anniversary.
We had a wonderful 3 days though sadly we didn`t make our fortune, though we never lost a fortune either.
The whale museum their is really interesting with many exhibits and history of the whaling station that existed here many years ago when they used row boats before the use of technology was employed
Particularly of interest was the co-operation between killer whale and humans in herding other whales for the kill benefiting both man and whale in the process which apparently is well documented and attested to.
Something that is unique and never been recorded anywhere else in the world.
Google Eden NSW Whale Museum Australia if your interested.
Once again thank you my friends.