That is great news IF the legislation is passed in state parliament of Victoria.
The bill is to be introduced into parliament in the first half of this year
Six months later we may know the outcome or not .
Sorry if i sound cynical .
sexual abuse survivors in victoria to be able to sue churches as government moves to end 'ellis defence'.
updated about 2 hours ago.
That is great news IF the legislation is passed in state parliament of Victoria.
The bill is to be introduced into parliament in the first half of this year
Six months later we may know the outcome or not .
Sorry if i sound cynical .
so the official program is out but does anyone have access to the actual outlines for the assembly this year in english and/or spanish?.
maybe the gb are clamping down on their "high-up" leaks within the organisation and the circuit overseers making these available have been kicked or had to no longer leak material for fear of getting themselves discovered by the wt gestapo..
I thank all you guys for giving us all a heads up in what is transpiring in WT land Kudos to you all.
You perform a marvelous service to all of us out of the loop.
Keeping up with Jehovahs Chariot as it is slowing down and getting bogged down as the world is waking up to its internal scams and corruptions and child sexual abuse issues worldwide is icing on the cake ,at least for me.
May you continue to be able to do so .
it struck me that the society has created a culture of lazy jw parenting.. rather than parents being there to guide and direct and help their children through all stages of life, the gb / society has become the "go-too" for everything.. if the child has an issue, there is a wt article for that.. does the child need help with something else?
ah, there is a caleb and sophia cartoon for that.. what about that other topic?
ah, there is a book for that.. so rather than being present parents, the average jw parent simply outsources their parenting to the organization!
I think you make a good point there stuck. It makes sense that the parents don`t have to think anything through because the "Society" has already done that for us so no need for us to do so.
Is it any wonder that they would feel the same way with their children and as you say there are books for children Sophie & Caleb cartoons and awake articles that cover all the information that children need so why could a parent have anything more to add that the GB hasn`t already covered ?
dear brothers and sisters.
after many years outside of the truth, living as an atheist, i have come to realise that i have been on the wrong path.
the fool has said in his heart that there is no god, and i have been a fool.
Fred you forgot to mention that the Catholics also gave God the name Jehovah LOL
Good joke mate
the watchtower company and the jdubs talk so nonchalantly about the year 1914, the year they say jesus became king in the heavenly kingdom.
they talk about the year like it was just a short time ago.
the invisible king began ruling in the invisible kingdom.
Contrary to what many Jehovah`s witnesses believe Paradise is not just around the corner according to the Governing Body`s own writings / teachings .
The survivors of Armageddon have the job of a massive clean up to do not only with the dead bodies/bones of millions destroyed but also getting rid of all the concrete cities that cover the earth .
Then they have to deal with all of the resurrected ones that come forth many of which rebel against the new system of things for whatever reason
Why do I say this ? because at the end of the thousand year reign of JC Satan is let loose on the earth again by this loving God Jehovah to again mislead as many as he can which the Bible says are as many as the sands of the sea-shore. Rev.20: 7-9
It doesn`t sound like a paradise any time soon to me.
when i watch a tv show or movie or even a ball game, i don’t want to be deluged with matters involving politics.
entertainers and sports heros should stick to doing what people pay them for.
entertain us and just do your job!.
I don`t care about an actors political ,religious or pet causes or whether they are gay bi-sexual or whatever .
I either like an actor for their talent or I don`t
I don`t care what their personal views are and it does not influence whether I watch their movies or TV shows.
Case in point Kevin Spacey : he was excellent in House Of cards ,I don`t care if he propositioned some sheila or touched another one on the bum or made a sexual advance to some guy I just dont care what he does in his personal life .
He is a great actor and impersonator and that is what I respect him for. Not his personal sexual preferences whatever they may be.
And I think he was hard done by being kicked off of House Of Cards.
"If the Elders inadvertently reveal his past wrongdoing,undoubtedly it will result in major repercussions to him and his wife"
What there really concerned about is the bad publicity it will bring on the JW religion him now being a baptized witness
And no concern for the friends and family of the people he is supposed to have murdered or the crimes he has committed and that they are now culpable for aiding and abetting a criminal as flipper points out.
And they wanted to challenge him about his smoking pot ?
My mind boggles with how they think and reason .
"As Elders you have no obligation to reveal information of this type to the authorities" "it`s confidential"
In other words they claim "Clergy Client privilege" in a court of law while claiming publicly they have no "Clergy Class"
will our fearless leaders the gb call a news conference and invite all the major news networks and outlets and put their asses on the line and declare "you are all doomed!
" or will they have the rank and file do all the dirty work while they sit back in their gated corporate country club?!
ask any jdub that question!.
When was the first time that the WTB&TS stated that JW`s would be changing their message to one of Judgement against the nations / ?
If my memory serves me correct it was either in the 1970`s or maybe the 1980`s or somewhere in between .
So we are looking at a ball park figure of around 50 years ago give or take a few years
.How many of the older generation would have since died off expecting they would be delivering such a message.
That never eventuated. ?
How many more of this generation are going to experience the same disappointment ?
The Governing body are masters at leading the gullible down the garden path on the never never plan of one of their prophecy`s ever being fulfilled .
Well if one eye is higher than the other then he`s the man
i`m sure many of you old timers would remember her she was in her nineties when she recently passed away .. she co-starred with fred astaire in bandwagon and also appeared in a couple of episodes of the mary tyler moore show.. and won numerous awards in the entertainment industry .
she was 97 when she passed away..
I`m sure many of you old timers would remember her she was in her nineties when she recently passed away .
She co-starred with Fred Astaire in Bandwagon and also appeared in a couple of episodes of the Mary Tyler Moore Show.
And won numerous awards in the Entertainment Industry
she was 97 when she passed away.