He has invited me to church and told me he would go with me if I ever wanted to see what it was about.
And you would be love bombed by the congregation as a newcomer.
In the booklet, they say that Jehovah is written as God's name 70 times in scripture. But, when Iooked Jehovah up in original Hebrew, I only saw it written 4 times as just Jehovah.
In the publication of JW "The Kingdom Interlinear Of The Christian Greek Scriptures" a word for word translation of the Greek New Testament the Tetragrammaton representing Gods name does not exist at all yet JW`s have added the name Jehovah in their translation of the New Testament ?
If they lie about his name being in the New Testament what else would they lie about.
One more important thing to consider :Their are numerous / many scriptures in the New Testament that admonish Christians to do this,that or the other in the NAME of JESUS .
Their is not one Scripture in the New Testament that admonishes Christians to do ANYTHING in the name of Jehovah ,not one.