Your daughter and the other girl look so much alike ?
Are you sure you don`t moonlight on air supply ? You could milk a lot of free drinks out of that surely .
PS .I like the Aussie connection with the backdrop.
starbucks conversation today.... "oh my god!
i recognize you!
"you-you're graham somebody...air supply...the tall one.
Your daughter and the other girl look so much alike ?
Are you sure you don`t moonlight on air supply ? You could milk a lot of free drinks out of that surely .
PS .I like the Aussie connection with the backdrop.
jw: didn't we just hear somebody say that the sun's gonna blow up?.
me: well, they were saying that it will expand and eventually burn out.. jw: but it can't do that, it just keeps blowing up inside and getting more power.. me: well, they were talking about stars in general, how they have a life span.. jw: but god didn't make it that way, it's firmly established to time indefinite.
it's not like the sun is a regular star.
I should have known better :
When I first started studying the brother didn`t know the difference between astronomy and Astrology I had to spell it out to him .
And I still became a JW.
emma chambers the comic relief/co-star of the vicar of dibley dierd of natural causes a couple of days ago .
she was ony 53 years old.
she was also in notting hill with other credits to her name.
i met a wonderful man on several months ago.
on our first date, there was amazing chemistry and we ended up having sex.
it was not planned, it just happened.
I think this is a troll after all this time and the to and fro ing that`s been going on all this time .
Isn`t it behoven to us to bring these "gems" to the appropiate authorities when we become aware of them ? And not just assume that we have everything under control.
nothing is ever fixed, laws change and religious myth evolves.
no doubt the habiru (hebrew) forebears of the jews when arriving in the levantine highlands cherished their stone age practices and sacred rituals.
child and human sacrifice was a grim stone age social mechanism to make for balance, loyalty and control within a tribe.there was no connection then with an almighty spirit, polytheism ruled the hebrew mentality.
Religion is a big money making goldmine even in this 21st Century
Look at all the Tele-Avangelist`s that exist around the world.
looking at Christendom alone their are over 40,000 Christian sects alone all claiming to be the "truth"
how many millions believe in a God that is not related to Christianity ? Probably half the population .
so as is my habit when i need a good laugh at stupid chat forum threads i popped in to the jay double u talk site and happened on this hilarious thread.
of course i have not read the whole thing, it was just too mentally painful to read those nitwits "reasoning"about "music".. why jehovah's witnesses do not use drums.... .
Dont keep it to yourselves guys can anybody download what they are talking about ?
greetings, earth-bound friends:.
i guess at this point in life, given what we all now know, we no longer harbor any delusions of grandeur.
my temporary insanity, which i've written about on other threads, was that assurance of being in heaven with jehovah and jesus and the other 143,999 kings and priests.
humbled , I know I`m still trying to get my head around CoCo being one of the anointed do they allow red beards in heaven ?
"O when we believed with all our hearts... what hopes we had.."
So very true ,so many of us believed with all our hearts that this was the "TRUTH " only to find out otherwise after spending many years 5,10,20,30,40,50,years or more and then realize the fact that we have all been had big time.
I think many still in are only in their because of pride not willing to accept they have been conned/duped into believing something they no longer believe and to save face or ridicule they stay their when they should be honest with themselves and get of her.
That the JW religion is nothing more than an another American made up religion no better than the S.D.A.`s , the Mormons ., the Christadelphians ,the Christian Scientists ,A.S.G.or any other of the 40,000 christian sects of Christendom
if you have the time and the means to visit israel right now, you can see something that few modern people have seen.. at the israel museum in jerusalem, a very special document will be on display.
the museum's website heading describes it as:.
genesis retold: an exceptional dead sea scroll.. .
My main question would be :
If their is / was an Almighty GOD why couldn`t / wouldn` t he preserve the original texts ? After all it is supposedly his word , you would think he would want to preserve it as was accurately portrayed wouldn`t you ?
And not leave it up to imperfect humans who have their own agenda for making their own pet views known.
Ancient Jewish worshipers no doubt had their pet beliefs and being imperfect humans like the rest of us could quite easily modify /manipulate writings to suit their agenda.
Scribes were only imperfect human beings that had their own beliefs and bias `s
It`s no stretch of the imagination that they could influence what we accept today as the Word Of God
greetings, earth-bound friends:.
i guess at this point in life, given what we all now know, we no longer harbor any delusions of grandeur.
my temporary insanity, which i've written about on other threads, was that assurance of being in heaven with jehovah and jesus and the other 143,999 kings and priests.
LOL CoCo I didn`t think of you as one of the Anointed though you do have a beard and that qualifies you now as does any female anointed .
I wasn`t aware of your heart attack back then or I don`t think I was my memory is not so good now LOL
And I`m bloody sure if you were sitting at the right hand of JC we wouldn`t be getting the crap that is coming out of now.
I believe you would contribute something more poetic , artistic and up building, encouraging people more to express themselves and thrive on their individualism and creativity