Personally I think it would be hell on earth to be subjected to that in your latter years .
Thank God I`m an Atheist.
its been mentioned before---care homes.
in the uk there are a few ( no idea how many ) jireh care homes--loosely connected with the watchtower.. but take this on board.
the dubs are an ever aging customer base.. in the uk, lots of the ageing population end their years in privately run care homes.
Personally I think it would be hell on earth to be subjected to that in your latter years .
Thank God I`m an Atheist.
its been mentioned before---care homes.
in the uk there are a few ( no idea how many ) jireh care homes--loosely connected with the watchtower.. but take this on board.
the dubs are an ever aging customer base.. in the uk, lots of the ageing population end their years in privately run care homes.
Jah -jireh ( charity ) Homes are solely for aged Jehovah`s Witnesses that have been set up by Jehovah`s Witness business people and not operated by the WTB&TS .or so they say but who knows ?
They first started about 30 years ago in some areas
The criteria for getting into one of these homes providing you have the money is you must be in good standing in the congregation you have come from and you continue as far as practical in your circumstances to attend KH meetings at the site and participate in FS in one way or another depending on your ability in keeping with your dedication to Jehovah.
They have a web-site for you to peruse . Jah-Jireh (Charity ) Homes
Their have been horror stories about them as well as praises about them , maybe it all depends on ones spirituality or lack of.
to illustrate how the botchtower's groupies are losing brain cells...last year an elder told me some of the increase in the anointed is due to those who have been unfaithful and needed to be replaced.
when i was in first grade i knew that if i had 10 marbles and i lost one and a friend gave me a marble to replace the one i lost that i once again had 10 not 11 marbles.. jdubs are very good at not thinking..
The reason for the increase of the Anointed is simply because the Jdubs who still have half a brain cell left have decided that the big A is not coming in their lifetime and have decided to go to heaven at death rather than wait forever in the grave where they will rot or be burnt up in a crematorium .
i get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
Jesus was a fan of the Hebrew god of the Hebrew Scriptures who was a Monster to say the least ,a homicidal maniac bent on destroying civilizations sanctioning genocide ,the rape of women ,the killing of infants ,old men, women and children ,slaughtering thousands of animals as sacrifices to fill his lust for blood and he promises to do so again in the future ?
Jesus also said he came divide families ,father against mother brother against sister and so forth.
And he is also happy to be the principle one to slaughter all of mankind in the Apocalypse .
My question for those still believing Jehovah`s Witnesses who believe in God /Jesus :
If God loved the world so much he gave his only begotten Son as a sacrifice why is it only confined to a small religious sect known as Jehovah`s Witnesses in the world that at present has only made only limited inroads in 1/3rd of the worlds population all established Christian nations foundations laid by Christendom
after about 140 years of operation and 104 years since Jesus has supposedly has been ruling as King in the Heavens. ?
How about Jehovah /Jesus Christ preach to the countries that Apostate Christendom hasn`t already converted ? like India , Pakistan ,Saudi Arabia ,Syria , Jordan ,Bangladesh ,Indonesia ,Phililpines ,etc,etc,etc,
Or don`t these people mean anything to Jehovah or Christ Jesus
So much for his love of the world of mankind .
perhaps this has been linked here before.
if that's the case, i'm sorry.
however, new people join, others miss things, some forget, so i thought it was worth posting, especially since this issue comes up from time to time and some here have never worked it out or are in the process of trying to do so.
All great religious figures such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed …were sent by God to restore the remembrance of God which would help people to be good citizens of their respective countries.
However you left out Jehovah who had a lot to say more so than Jesus ,Buddha ,or Mohammed .
And I don`t think any of them really had that much in common if anything at all .
That is if any of them ever existed and lived preached and practiced the life we are led to believe they did .
i was thinking about this over the weekend.
just this week, there was the "consolidation" talk (in my wife's congregation) , the article about shunning that went viral, and the annual "show your love and obedience to jehovah by giving us your money" watchtower.
i know my wife said people are running scared about this consolidation even though it was sold as maximizing space to help other areas, build kh in other countries, etc...... the media and government has hit them hard in many countries, but they have gotten off easy in the usa, where the majority of the people and money reside.
lglesia ni Kristo and Rizalists.
Isn`t this an example of a breakaway movement that has many more adherents than those who they broke away from ?
Of course i stand to be corrected here it just seemed so close to what JW`s believe.
But then I guess so many other End Time religions also do.
And their are other smaller groups around the world that are breakaway movements from the JW`s.
I was told by an PO in the 60`s that the Beroea Bible Students in Melbourne were a breakaway movement that still followed C.T.Russells teachings
i've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now.
i'm starting to "awaken" and it is all that has been occupying my mind.
i've always, always had doubts, some of which i expressed to family members who always had the same replies:.
Just looking back at your posts and if it hasn`t been suggested to you before look at the search option at the top of the page and type in any question you might have and you will open a page with a wealth of information for you to digest.
Take care and welcome to freedom from a mind controlling cult ,that sucked so many of us in
watchtower telephone booksdownload1999
Please forgive me for my ignorance but WTF ? What significance does the WT Telephone Directory have to do with anything ?
Am I missing something here ?
jehovah`s witnesses claim that all their beliefs are based on the bible.the bible clearly states early on in deut.4:2 not to add to the word....and rev.22:18 re-iterates much the same thing in not to make additions to the word of god.. i think we could agree on that the organization has raised the bar on that one with their "weasel" words on so many issues that have already been thrashed out on this forum.. so a few other things that come to my mind are : with regards to j.w`s being parasites on christendom.. 1. they claim christendom apostatized itself from true christianity by the 3rd century , yet they accept apostate christendoms determination of what books are to be included in the bible as gods word as if they were governed by holy spirit to do so.?.
2.jehovah`s witnesses have only ever followed in christendoms missionaries footsteps where they have gone preaching and poaching off of the work these missionaries that have laid the groundwork before them .. 3.jehovah`s witnesses have never opened up virgin territory and gone where no other christian missionary has ever gone before .
{ not to my knowledge anyway i stand to be corrected if i am wrong on this point}.
The canon of the Hebrew scriptures was fixed even before Jesus' was born. and the New Testament books were finalized by 180 CE (the Muratorian Fragment),. So the JW's believe that the canon was determined much before the Councils of the third century Roman Catholic Church.
The Watchtower /Jehovah`s Witnesses believe and teach that the Apostasy began by the time the last Apostle died around 100 AD
So I stand by my statement that Jehovah`s Witnesses accept the word of Apostates who determined what books are to be accepted in the Christian Greek Scriptures NT as the inspired word of God.
i get it, not a fan of yahweh the desert god.
but what about jesus?
anything wrong with his teachings like the sermon on the mount and the example he set.
All great religious figures such as Buddha, Jesus, Mohammed …were sent by God to restore the remembrance of God which would help people to be good citizens of their respective countries.
That doesn`t sound like an Almighty All knowing God to me ,it just sounds like some crazy mixed up dude who can`t make his mind up on how to help or direct people in this life.