Obviously, if Jesus was not who he claimed he was: The “Messiah” and/or the Gospels are myths, then there is no point in considering anything at all about Jesus or the so called New Testament
I think that just about sums up my take on the Bible and where I stand as far as religion is concerned .
Different Countries and cultures came up with their very different beliefs and practices throughout the Centuries.
Christianity is just one of many.
but given the gospels are true, the miracles, his resurrection, God’s voice from heaven, that is striking proof that Jesus is the Messiah.
That is just heresay ,there is no proof at all of what you claim .There is no verified secular record that any of this ever occurred .
All of these claims of proof are contained in a book of fiction that is called the Bible and that is where it should be in a library the fiction section.
No God past or present has ever spoken to anybody from heaven , except to the delusional / or mentally ill person.
GOD ,He /,she ,has had ample opportunity to speak to mankind over many serious events that have taken place in history, both ancient and modern ,and we have heard nothing .......,zilch, from any GOD ever.