Pat, you have a good point. So many have died and so many have killed all in the name of religion. I heard a woman on the news today who is from Palastine, but lived here and sent her kids to college here.
She made a comment I thought was so profound.
I can't quote her directly, but will try to paraphrase what she said....
Any people who think they have divine guidance, a direct pipeline to God, and think God has directed them to do certain things, will think they have a right to do anything under the sun, to further their cause.
And a quote I read before and also saw posted here, but can't remember where, is so true.....(On going to war over religion:)
"You're basically killing each other
to see who's got the better imaginary friend."
- Rich Jeni
"Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)