I used to watch this as a little girl with my grandmother.
I liked his cute son on the series. Who was he?
I used to watch this as a little girl with my grandmother.
I liked his cute son on the series. Who was he?
letter regarding theocratic strategy.. .
I love this!! I posted this to the so-called 'elder' on the Prince board too. hehehe
it was in response to some things i and others posted about holidays, etc.
i don't know where he's an elder, but times have sure changed.
mimric i have never posted on this site but i have followed for 5yrs and i think its time because of this last post.
Thanks outlaw.
it was in response to some things i and others posted about holidays, etc.
i don't know where he's an elder, but times have sure changed.
mimric i have never posted on this site but i have followed for 5yrs and i think its time because of this last post.
You guys are so awesome!!!!! Thank you so much. I am going to post most of this including the BS meter!! LOL
Lduh...the Prince board is the largest board dedicated to the artist known as Prince who is now a JW. There are many JWS on the board and they try to make it seem as if Prince is Jehovah's gift to the world. There are several ex-jws there including me. And we are constantly debating JW doctrine. This is a pic someone posted in a thread about how Prince is Larry Graham's puppet. hehehe
Thank you guys again!
it was in response to some things i and others posted about holidays, etc.
i don't know where he's an elder, but times have sure changed.
mimric i have never posted on this site but i have followed for 5yrs and i think its time because of this last post.
It was in response to some things I and others posted about holidays, etc. I don't know where he's an elder, but times have sure changed. I need some quotes from recent articles ASAP. I only answer JW's on that board with quotes from their own literature. Opinion and past experience does no good with these people. Are there recent articles about Internet use? Going to college? HELP???
mimric I have NEVER posted on this site but I have followed for 5yrs and I think its time because of this last post. it burns me when people say as Jehovahs witnesses we dont have fun becaues we dont celebrate holidays like thats the ONLY way you can have fun. I am one of Jehovah"s witnesses and have been since 91 Im 36, I listen to oldsckool hip hop mostly, rock, r&b, reggae etc, I travel, been to six flags in most of the states, go camping, I have probably been to more get togethers than most none witnesses on this site and not just gatherings for witnesses. Im an elder in my congregation and every1 in my congregation knows how I live no secrets. All this garbage about not using the internet and just dealing with witnesses is what it is garbage. I have NEVER heard or read such crap. I have been around witnesses all my life not saying there are not UNBALANCED people in the organization but as a whole that is not how we are. i also have two gay brother in laws that i deal with regularly like they are family. That is for the ones who want to go there. All in all I have much fun with the witnesses and with out I just keep everything in perspective and balanced, like I said its not much my congregation doesnt know about me and Im an elder. One more thing I have a wife and 3 children all baptized of there own will never asked them they came to us and they all are well rounded go to public school, I dont beleive in home schooling, honor students etc. They will also got to school after highschool if thats their choice nowhere has the organization said dont send your children to school. Just my thoughts
my frequent walks these last few years about the neighborhood so familiar to me would ordinarily be construed a pleasant enough non-event.
a little mild exercise - taken in small doses to keep the joints operating properly - and a keen eye peeled for the ever-changing face of nature have rendered the daily promenade a suitable diversion.
until recently.
wow just wow. Did I say wow?
a simple refrain from posting on jwn from the time the first plane hit until the last building fell.. 8:46 am - 10:28 am edt.
AGuest....and I believe we should do more than simply 'remember'...if we don't these things will just keep happening over and over and over. We will never learn.
a simple refrain from posting on jwn from the time the first plane hit until the last building fell.. 8:46 am - 10:28 am edt.
AGuest...Hi...missed your posts.
This incident didn't affect me more than others across the world. I cry when I watch those commercials of starving children where they ask you to sponser a child. I almost totally stopped watching the news because I just can't handle the violence. I am a pacifist. I hate war. Any war. I am not patriotic. I am part of the whole world, not just America. I think about the mothers and fathers of children in Iraq and Afghanistan who have watched their children die because of our policies and my guts wrench. I refuse to buy diamonds because I can't wear a stone that a child slaved to dig up and may have been killed for.
Yet I had relatives and friends who lived in NY. Are they any more human than others who die across the world? No. But they are close to me. If I could save every person in this world who is tortured, or sold into slavery, or killed in drive-by shootings or wars, etc., etc., by giving my life to do so, I would do it in a heartbeat.
And I feared for my sons because I didn't know what was going to happen next. As for lighting candles or having moments of silence, I do that for many things simply to remind myself of what is important and to reflect on other's suffering. I give of myself and donate time and promote awareness of atrocities around the world, such as volunterring at a rape crisis center, giving time to causes affecting women...I have one degree in psychology and am working towards my Masters. My field will be domestic violence issues.
Also helping ex-JWS get past the brainwashing.
a couple of months ago i posted about this "reunion" but since this event is now less than a month away, i thought i'd repost an invitation to attend.. to be held in schaumburg il (outside of chicago) on saturday september 18th 2010.. this is associated with the northwest suburbs transitioning jehovah's witnesses meetup group in the chicago suburbs.. http://www.meetup.com/exjw-429/.
if interested, please go to this website to get the details and to rsvp.. the more the merrier... hope to see you there!.
I live in Chicago and I would love to come but am vacationing in Texas right now. Maybe I can make a future gathering.
1973 july 15 p.7 "questions from readers.
when did the dinosuars become extinct?".
@ Jam....good question. There had to be since they survived until this day.