thanks fred your very helpful.............
Do the people in the org know the date is wrong?
hello i'm new to the whole jw study thing, but they said it fell in 607 but due to the advice of others here i looked it up.
i found in 3 encyclopedia's online that it fell in 586. i printed them out and am going to get more.
i'm going to show the lady i study with, i'm just curious what you think will happen, and if she will try to deny it.
thanks fred your very helpful.............
Do the people in the org know the date is wrong?
hello i'm new to the whole jw study thing, but they said it fell in 607 but due to the advice of others here i looked it up.
i found in 3 encyclopedia's online that it fell in 586. i printed them out and am going to get more.
i'm going to show the lady i study with, i'm just curious what you think will happen, and if she will try to deny it.
Hello I'm new to the whole JW study thing, but they said it fell in 607 but due to the advice of others here I looked it up. I found in 3 encyclopedia's online that it fell in 586. I printed them out and am going to get more. I'm going to show the lady I study with, I'm just curious what you think will happen, and if she will try to deny it.
to carry the island thing further, if you were stuck on an island what 10 movies would you have?.
1. superman.
2. airplane!.
1. Cry Baby
2. Hairspray
3. Pecker
4. Serial Mom
5. Rocky Horror Picture Show
6. Gidget
7. Chasing Amy
8. American History X
9. Fight Club
10. Sid and Nancy
i flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
she gave me some jW lit in the beginning but when I ask a question she answers by using scripture. Not the book she gave me.
By the way thank you to everyone that posted I really appreciate the information. I am in no way rushing into this and am not going to make any sort of decision for a while. I will continue to keep you all posted on my journey.
i flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
Ok, Maybe the vegetarian example wasn't the best. I stopped drinking once and wasn't cool enough to hang out with my friends, quit drugs, and couldn't even talk to my old buddies. Got tattoo's and had friends not want to be seen with me. Left home to college and parents decided not to be a part of my life. Maybe I'm just numb to the whole shunning thing. Since everyone seems to shun everyone at some point in time, however this Jw was at least honest in telling me it would happen. It seems to hurt more when you don't know.
i flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
Last time I checked I was from earth also. I did not say it was acceptable. I merely meant that she was honest with there rules which are obviously strict but they are rules and that is what they believed. I thought from reading posts that they never told you that if you were disfellowshipped you would be treated differently. She pointed out in the bible today that Jehovah must come first before family and friends, I take it that is why they have this postition. Whether I agree or not I don't know I see both sides. which is why I have been confused. Obviously I have not had anyone be disfellowshipped and put in that position.
as for my tats I have a dragon on my right upper arm, geisha in front of waves on my left arm, dragon on my wrist, dragon on my upper back, sun on my lower back, and one on my ankle. They are very large and colorful so if they think I can get them removed they are crazy.
I have not picked up Franz's book but have Reasoning from the scriptures with the Jehovah witnesses, and 30 years a watchtower slave. But have found that the first book I mentioned doesn't seem to be written by someone who has any clue to what JW preach I haven't started the other one yet and I will be sure to pick up Franz book.
i flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
the lady I'm studying with has a daughter who is going to get a tattoo. She even pointed out a passage in the bible that says how god does not judge by outward appearances. I guess she could be lying but she knows how I am and why would she want me to join if I wasn't allowed to be me, I would be disfellowshipped within minutes.
When you were a JW and someone was disfellowshipped did you talk to them afterwards???
i flat out asked the jw i'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of jehovah witness.
then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter.
i am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but i am just not seeing the same things you guys have.
I flat out asked the JW I'm studying with what she would do if someone was disfellowshipped and she was honest and said she wouldn't talk to them since they wouldn't be good examples of Jehovah Witness. then we started talking about appearances and tattoos, and about my pink hair :) and she said it didn't matter. I am enjoying reading and visiting this web site but I am just not seeing the same things you guys have. I'm not sure if some areas are less strict then others. It seems to make sense to me, they believe they are the one religion and all others are false, if you committ to that belief and leave well you made your choice and will be treated accordingly. Although I feel horrible about some of the experience people on this site have had I just can't see the negative aspects others are pointing out. But then part of me feels stupid because I know so many of you experienced the same horrible things. Did you know that JW were so strict before you joined? How long before you realized it wasn't something you wanted to be a part of? I am really trying to see some negative things but I'm having a hard time, and I understand why they don't talk to disfellowshipped members, If you were a part of a vegetarian club and you decided to eat meat, would you expect others to talk to you.
I really hope I have not offended anyone, I am just a little confused reading your posts then going through the studying and hearing the other side. also please excuse my rambling, but I write like a think which right now is a little jumbled.
i went to my first jw meeting, there were actually two but i only stayed for the first one.
it was actually kind of fun.
there was role play and that was funny, everyone was laughing and people were soooooo nice in fact most new who i was already.
Well I did it. I went to my first JW meeting, there were actually two but I only stayed for the first one. It was actually kind of fun. There was role play and that was funny, everyone was laughing and people were soooooo nice in fact most new who I was already. Which after viewing this site made the little signs of caution flash in front of me. I did think it was interesting, I was not bored at all. And I have been reading all the posts and posting somewhat but I'm still enjoying my studying. And believe me if you all new me you would think that is amazing, I fit the profile of someone they would disfellowship upon site. But for some reason I'm enjoying my time, but I don't know if it more an interest rather then something I plan on making a life commitment. One thing is hard, the lady I study with is really nice and I would feel bad if I decided to just stop studying. Has anyone else experienced this? How do you handle it, I work with her and have met her family and they have all been so great. Oh well so I'm at this crossroad and I plan on staying put unitl I know for sure which direction to take.
i had a follow up phone call from the mormons today wanting to arrange for house visit no.
2. the first visit had been a game where i asked questions and they wriggled about a bit so as not to address them -- it brought back dub memories, i'm telling you.. it went like this.... who will survive the world's judgement day?
only mormons and exceptional individuals.. how about me?
that is sooooooo weird today I studied with a JW and she said the same thing "only god can judge you" I was asking about the 144,000 people and how they know they are chosen, she said she would have to get back to me the next time we meet. and she would bring me more books. this was the first time she has done that. anyways thought it was weird.
Oh and every mormon I have ever known, had a trampoline and a mini van. Odd