This thread is an interesting find for me based on a recent experience. I have that experience to share...
One more thing before I share the what/why RK banned me on 6/22.
I wanted to show a brief run up of how I ended up writing the post that he edited and deleted most of the context of. On 6/17 I asked one short simple question that instead of answering it he said:
I am not obligated to explain anything to you.
That is a strange reply coming from someone who boast that there is not any challenge that he is not able to refute using the word of his God. There at that point it is clear that he is evading to answer my question about one particular Scripture (2 Thess 1:7), because he knows if he did and he was truthful about when the timing of that Scripture occurs, it would unravel the erroneous teachings/beliefs he puts forth by using that Scripture and others to apply to another point in time to match with his erroneous teachings/beliefs. (So very WTS/GB of him.)
Here is the buildup to my posting:
Someone said this which is in line with RK teaching:
I thought Jesus presence is the 42 months when he comes alongside the holy ones?
I replied:
Many do think and say that, but they do so without using Scriptures to show it.
If you do think that then will you show me the Scriptures that would show Jesus coming at the beginning/start of the 42 months?
And then show me the Scriptures that show Jesus coming at Armageddon (after the 42 months)?
(I hope that you will supply two separate set of Scriptures that you feel pertain to both if that is what you think. Then with that we can look at the context of them and see if they fit two different time periods.)
Also, tell me if Jesus comes at the start of the 42 months, is that considered his second coming?
RK replied:
I do not know of anyone who says that except me. And I have used plenty of Scriptures to explain it
I know that you use Scriptures when speaking and writing what you do about that. And I appreciate that about you because it gives one Scriptures to read and study.
Likewise, the WTS uses Scriptures in all they say in their articles/paragraphs, yet you and many others can read what they write/say and read the cited Scriptures and say, 'No, that ain't it'.
So, it is not that I am claiming that you do not use Scriptures, what I am saying is that when asked about what you wrote/say if I have questions about something and then ask you about it, asking about Scriptures, etc... you will not do for example what I asked Guest to do. You or others just say go read your book or here is a link to an article to read. That is said as if the answer to what I am asking is found there. But my questions stem from already have reading all that first.
It's the same with JWs, you can read all from the WTS and then have questions and ask a JW and then the best answer they can give is go to JW dot org or read such and such article. How will that answer your question if your question is based on what you already read there. It is always just going to keep saying the same thing there. What they are really saying in doing that is just accept what is said there and believe it without question. They are unable to answer/defend what is said if they have to reason upon the Scriptures and what is written.
I think it would be awesome of you if you would at least share your thinking on what tribulation do you think they are receiving relief from here, because in doing so it shows the point in time that Jesus comes from heaven with his angels, etc. Then with that we can look at other Scriptures pertaining to his coming, etc.
So, what do you think, are these verses pertaining to the start of the 42 months or after them:
7 But you who suffer tribulation will be given relief along with us at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with his powerful angels 8 in a flaming fire, as he brings vengeance on those who do not know God and those who do not obey the good news about our Lord Jesus. 9 These very ones will undergo the judicial punishment of everlasting destruction from before the Lord and from the glory of his strength, 10 at the time when he comes to be glorified in connection with his holy ones and to be regarded in that day with wonder among all those who exercised faith, because the witness we gave met with faith among you.
You pretend like you know everything and make matter-of-fact statements. I am not obligated to explain anything to you.