Panda 116k
Cedars 115k
looks like panda tower has overtaken cedars with 116mil followers.
is he the top jw youtuber?.
Panda 116k
Cedars 115k
strange that after 2 years we still don't know the facts about anthony's resignation.
grant davus writes:.
the announcement.
Splitting hairs about 'ALL' the videos being removed.
Regardless of there still being some there, it was very clear that they removed a lot and even took him out of photos and redid audio recordings. Surely there was a reason for that, that has nothing to do with health issues.
'it's called satire'
Said in a Carl Spackler voice...
may 2025 study article 21 seek the city that will remain.
what i remember was, when you see the romans, flee to the mountains.
now the wt is saying that's not enough.
This is exactly what happened to the survivors of the great tribulation. They were to be enslaved and dispersed among the nations where they have been for the last 1900+ years. This is not scheduled to happen again at or after the parousia.
What/when is the so-called 'parousia'?
Who are enslaved currently among the nations that can't return back to Isreal now if they wanted to?
You are saying Luke 21:24 happen already and is not said to happen again...what about this...Rev 11:2;13:5,7,10?
Has Joel ever been fulfilled? Joel 2:17;3:1,2
may 2025 study article 21 seek the city that will remain.
what i remember was, when you see the romans, flee to the mountains.
now the wt is saying that's not enough.
It's funny to see a down vote based on showing what the Bible actually says.
I don't care if you believe the Bible or not. Chances are it is all BS, but regardless, it says what it says and states of those coming out of the GT, which is the time during the MOTB period. Obviously that time has not come yet so that shows the GT is still future.
[9 After this I saw, and look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, dressed in white robes; and there were palm branches in their hands...13 In response one of the elders said to me: “These who are dressed in the white robes, who are they and where did they come from?” 14 So right away I said to him: “My lord, you are the one who knows.” And he said to me: “These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and they have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.]
may 2025 study article 21 seek the city that will remain.
what i remember was, when you see the romans, flee to the mountains.
now the wt is saying that's not enough.
To make it a dual prophecy, is to make Jesus speaking simultaneously, literally to His generation of believers and figuratively to ours. And we are left trying to figure out what praying our flight will not be in winter or on a Sabbath means. And what Jerusalem and Judea means and what the mountains mean and what not going home to pick up your jacket when roofing means...etc.
It does have a future application according to the Bible. But the parts that you are referring to do not apply.
[ 21 for then there will be great tribulation such as has not occurred since the world’s beginning until now, no, nor will occur again.]
= Rev 17:13; 13:5,7,10;14:6,7,9-12;7:9,13,14;20:4;19:20,21 Here
may 2025 study article 21 seek the city that will remain.
what i remember was, when you see the romans, flee to the mountains.
now the wt is saying that's not enough.
13 For example, when the COVID-19 pandemic struck, “those . . . taking the lead” gave needed direction.
From what I saw/heard is that everything the WTS/GB said during that time is to do all the CDC and WHO said to do. Stay home, wear mask, take vax shot, etc.
If that is the case, then those who were taking the lead at that time were 'worldly government agencies'. That's who was directing JWs. So I guess the same is to be expected during the GT... listen and obey the 'worldly government agencies'.
i just saw the new wt is up and available.
the cover picture looks to me like the one that should have been used on the august 2024 wt but was pulled at the last minute and released with a different picture many weeks later.
someone on here uploaded a low res version of the picture last year.. of course we all know why the picture was pulled in the first place........ george.
I think originally it was she wants to talk to her, but the angels and her husband are saying don't because she is disfellowshipped.
Now it is supposed to be the angels are directing her to speak to her.
i just saw the new wt is up and available.
the cover picture looks to me like the one that should have been used on the august 2024 wt but was pulled at the last minute and released with a different picture many weeks later.
someone on here uploaded a low res version of the picture last year.. of course we all know why the picture was pulled in the first place........ george.
we get old because jehovah had to prove to all the angels that his way of ruling was the best?
that's the sorriest argument the watchtower has come up with.
Your next breath is a sign of his benevelence.
benevolence - the quality of being well meaning; kindness.
Vatican: Pope Francis is suffering from double pneumonia
(suffering from a pneumonia)