Only God knows that. Our job is to be ready for the second coming of the Son.
I am not asking as it pertains to the whole day and hour thing...I just want to know from you if you know from the Scriptures when his second coming is said to take place?
Who said anything about what Jew are experiencing today?
You did when you said:
They were to be enslaved and dispersed among the nations where they have been for the last 1900+ years.
Yes. In the events leading to and including those occurring in 70 AD.
So, you are claiming this has been fulfilled:
[17 Between the porch and the altar Let the priests, the ministers of Jehovah, weep and say: ‘Do feel pity, O Jehovah, for your people; Do not make your inheritance an object of scorn, Letting the nations rule over them. Why should the peoples say, “Where is their God?”’3 “For look! in those days and in that time, When I bring back the captives of Judah and Jerusalem, 2 I will also gather together all the nationsAnd bring them down to the Valley of Je·hoshʹa·phat. I will enter into judgment with them there In behalf of my people and my inheritance Israel, For they scattered them among the nations, And they divided up my land among themselves.]
Jews are all over the world today and only granted a country in 1948
Any so-called Jews that are all over the world today, is due to their own doing, by them not returning in 1948 nor any time since.
A similar enslavement and disbursement among the nations is not scheduled to happen again after the parousia.
Correct, no enslavement occurs after Jesus' second coming. It takes place before he comes.
It is your claim that that enslavement started in 70ce and has continued for 1900+ years with the Jews being all over the world. But you have stated that they could return in 1948. So that means they are no longer enslaved among the nations after 1948. (70 to1948 = 1878 years of enslavement)
Where do you place Rev 11:2;13:5,7,10 as taking place...before 1948 or after?