I'm looking for a scripture connecting the 8th king to a judgment period. Also you confuse the 8th king, "the beast that was and is not," i.e., beast from the abyss (17:8, 11) with beast from the sea (13:1, 2).
No there is no confusion about the two because they are one in the same.
Putting the 8th king (beast from abyss) aside for the moment.
The beast from the sea and the beast from the earth (false prophet) come to their end when Jesus comes. Also, at that time, all that took the MOTB, etc come to their end.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>42 months>>>>>>>Jesus comes>>>>>>>
In order for that to take place at that time, logically the 42 months of the sea beast has to take place where people are taking or refusing the MOTB, etc. This is whereby the use of this sea beast, the choice has to be made by all people, which they will be judged by, is to support the beast and reject God or worship God and reject the beast.
If you support the beast (reject God), you will be among those that are killed and left as bird food when Jesus comes. If you reject the beast (worship God) you will undergo GT during that time under the sea beast 42 months, but you will end up part of the GC or one of the ones that rule with Jesus when he comes.
Those 42 months under the sea beast serve as the judgment by God on his house to find who really are his people. Obviously, those who support the sea beast are not God's people and they will receive their judgment of death (being bird food) by Jesus when he comes.
Those that refuse the sea beast, worshipping God instead, these are his people and are judged to receive their reward of life being part of the GC or ruling with Jesus.
The sea beast 'was' - gets a death-stroke/'is not' - then gets its death-stoke healed - at which point it is given authority for 42 months and those that follow/support the sea beast, their names are not in the book of life. Also, this sea beast and the kings of the earth come against Jesus and are killed by him, etc. (Revelation 13:3,5,8;19:19,20)
>>>sea beast 'was'>>>is not>>healed given authority 42months>>Jesus comes>>>>
Scarlet beast 'was' - goes into the abyss/'is not'- then comes out of the abyss - at which point the kings give their authority to it making it the 8th king and those that follow/support 8th king, their names are not in the book of life. Also, it and the kings come against Jesus and are killed by him, etc. (Revelation 17:8,11-14,17)
>>>scarlet beast 'was'>>>is not>>comes out of abyss given authority>>Jesus comes>>>
Right now, the sea/scarlet beast is in its was/is state as the 7th king. When it receives it death-stroke/goes into the abyss and then gets healed/comes out of the abyss, it will become the 8th king. Then it goes off into destruction/thrown into the fiery lake by Jesus. Revelation 17:11,14;19:19,20