JoinedTopics Started by Dave500
What is this?
by Achille inthis image is from "the watchtower" july 2024 (study edition):i can't figure out what that object is that is between the sleeping apostles.wath is it?
a stick, a scroll of the scriptures?
I think I may be becoming an X-X-JW
by joe134cd ini think i may be moving on shortly.
i officially joined this web-site 12 years ago as pimo about to exit the organisation.
i had spent about a year before that, as just a none commenting member.
Examples of Watchtower flawed interpretation of Bible passages?
by Vanderhoven7 inasking jehovah’s witnesses to interpret specific passages is a great way to demonstrate their interpretive abuse.
got any clear examples?.
Greeting a person(who was removed from the congregation) at the Kingdom Hall now becomes a matter of conscience
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | august 2024. help for those who are removed from the congregation.
14 does what we have considered mean that we would completely ignore a person who has been removed from the congregation?
not necessarily.
Who Are the "Other Sheep" and Jesus "Brothers" ?
by Sea Breeze inwatchtower plays lots of games with definitions.
once they change a definition then they have a false assumption to build their deception on.
then they repeat the new definition and use its new meaning thousands of times to reinforce it.