I’ve broken up this poor individual’s reply and added some brief comments.
Blood according to the
best medical dictionaly is a fluid that circulates
throught the heart ,arteries,veins and capillaries
carring nourishment,electrolytes,hormones,vitamins,antibodies,heat,
and oxygen to the tissues. and taking away waste
matter and carbon dioxide. Human blood is composed of
lymphocytes,platkets, red cells, (erythrocytes)
It is a trasport system.
As long as you ignore spelling, OK so far
Many things are transported to tissue like antibodies….
Antibodies are not, strictly speaking transported to tissue. They function as a plasma solute, that is to say within the plasma itself.
….which not every one has,
Wrong. Not everyone has the
same antibodies for the simple reason that not everyone has been exposed to the same diseases, but everyone most certainly has
some antibodies.
…albumin a protein which is used to make muscle tissue,
More accurately, albumin regulates the passage of water through the capillaries, it binds toxins and heavy metals, it prevents red blood cells from clumping and it transports certain nutrients. Low levels of albumin causes a condition known as edema, where fluid seeps from the capillaries into the surrounding tissue, causing it to swell.
….immune globulins which not every one has.
Wrong again, poor guy. He doesn’t seem to realize that immune globulins and antibodies are one and the same thing – or that everyone has them.
I answere all the questions the brother asked up to
about page 12.is the amount of blood components is how
we deal judicially with some one --no. If they take
one red cell, or any cell of blood that is a sin.
Wrong again. It depends on how cellular components are taken. To cite one example, USDA standards for cow’s milk allow a somatic cell count of up to 750K/cm3. Goat’s milk can have an SCC of up to 1000K/cm3. Somatic cells are primarily nuetraphils, a type of white blood cell. When the amount of milk and other dairy products that one would consume even in a day is considered, it can be seen how meaningless the his quoted statement above really is as a single 8 oz. (250ml) cup of cow's milk can easily contain 50,000,000 white blood cells
Another example involves organ and bone marrow transplants, which are currently a matter of conscience. Both are saturated with whole blood.
taking something that is not really a blood component
is a gray matter because according to blood experts is
not really blood like albumin.
The claim that albumin is not a blood component is not only ignorant, it is a patent denial of reality. Blood is a combination of
both cellular and liquid components, as any college level introduction to human anatomy will tell you.
Further, while it is true to say that albumin is not really blood, the same can be said with equal force concerning the prohibited components, red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets.
in our pharmacy not the bloos bank because the blood bank says it is a
drug not a blood component
Wrong again. All pharmaceutical companies obtain plasma proteins, including antibodies from blood banks, which most certainly do consider them to be a component of blood.
When blood id processed for any
components such as platlets ,which we do not except or
for even non blood proteins, such as antibodies….
Here is a common format by which blood proteins are ordered, one of many available on the internet:
Notice that the list includes about everything, immune globulins, serum albumin, clotting factors, platelet growth factor, etc.
To claim that any of these are not blood proteins simply shows that this individual does not have a clue.
All the parts of the blood is used nothing is wasted…….
so none of the gray matter components are blood NONE
True, but the forbidden components are not “blood” either. “Blood” is the sum of its components both large and small.
answer this what other religion respects and refuses
to except blood ? tell me that.
Hardly a badge of honor. Jehovah’s Witnesses show respect for blood at the expense of showing respect for life itself.
I also had another story to tell you about the husband……..
Completely irrelevant.