I guess it really depends on the genre you're interested in
Failed predictions?
Quack medicine?
Bad science?
Environmental alarmism?
Political views?
i have a trove of old watchtower literature.
i know of course, and for example, to keep the three first volumes of the watchtower (bound) and a bunch of other items.
(and i handle them delicately.).
I guess it really depends on the genre you're interested in
Failed predictions?
Quack medicine?
Bad science?
Environmental alarmism?
Political views?
all scripture is inspired of god and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness, that the man of god may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work.. most scholars don't think paul wrote 2 timothy.. every time i here a witness quote this verse, i will be reminded of the irony.. -undisputed-.
1 thessalonians.
The only scriptures were the OLD TESTAMENT..
To echo what Half banana said above:
Why not The Book of Jubilees? Or The Assumption of Moses, which is a likely source for Jude 1:9?
How about The Book of Enoch or the Book of Jasher or The Epistle to the Laodiceans or The Life of Adam and Eve, or The Martyrdom of Isaiah or Paul's original letter to the Corinthians. (Referenced in 1 Corinthians)
The point is that we have no way of knowing what writings the early Christians considered authoritative. All the writings I mentioned above are either quoted or referenced in what we call the New Testament today.
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
If we’re still talking about the OP question - Rush isn’t wrong on that
I'm wondering if you actually listened to what Limbaugh said.
He claimed that the flu shot was not not a vaccine
It most certainly is a vaccine. (You do understand what the term, quadrivalent means right???)
And he is also right on the flu vaccine, we don’t know what the next strain of the flu will look like so we just kind of guess using last 6 months worth of flu strains.
Correct, but Limbaugh didn't say that. His misunderstanding of this fact was his rationale for claiming it wasn't a vaccine.
i recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
Maybe if you overlook the fact that Babylon was a city-state and the difference between Babylonians and Persians is debatable..
i recall when it was released ,that's when i was a drone, how excited i felt at the prospect of reading it and formulating ways to sell it at the homes in my area.. i thought, finally a book to explain the last book in the bible and indeed one that the churches seemed to want to leave alone!.
i sold quite a few probably because of my enthusiasm and can still remember clearly the first day when i went knocking on doors with it ,and it's been decades since.. but over time it lost it's shine and my mind started to question the explanations in it due to the scene of other things being changed in the jw beliefs.. do you remember they flogged that book so many times in the book studies even when it was found to have "newer light " eclipsing it!.
who else remembers the printed pages with the official corrections to insert into the book ,so many that the book collapsed to be of no relevance anymore really.....what an embarrassment!.
This current lot not only lack imagination, they lack the necessary intellect.
The current crop of leaders and policy makers don't even understand the precepts and methodology behind previous doctrines.
A religion built from the ground up on typology can't abandon it as an interpretational method, for example.
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
The function of the audience is to make the talk show host look good. This isn't just true of Limbaugh, it's true of all talk shows.
Rush Limbaugh is more honest about this than most, as he's said as much many times.
Guests are rare, calls are carefully screened and knowledgeable critics calling in about an embarrassing mistake the host has made are practically nonexistent.
When it comes to vaccines, some provide long term immunity and some don't. It really depends on the disease. Tetanus vaccinations are very temporary and if you work with your hands at all, you need to keep current.
Influenza is especially nasty in this regard as there's more than 100 potential variations of just the Type A variety alone.
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
I don't agree with personal attacks and hearsay.
Whether we 'like' Limbaugh or not was not the questioned posed by this thread
Limbaugh claimed that the annual flu shot was not a vaccine and he was completely, totally wrong.
Specific strains of the influenza virus, like A/Singapore/GP1908/2015 or B/Maryland/15/2016 NYMC BX-69A are grown in the allantoic cavity of embryonated chicken eggs. They are then harvested and inactivated via a combination of ultraviolet light and formaldehyde. The result is then centrifuged, purified and suspended in a buffered saline solution.
That is a vaccine. If a talk show host doesn't understand this, then he probably shouldn't be talking about it at all.
some light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
Baby You're a Rich Man (Man-baby in the stroller directly under the glass onion)
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
Flulaval by GlaxoSmithKline, another four strain formulation
As you can see from the packaging, these vaccines are specific to the flu season, because as I said, the exact strains to inoculate against are an educated guess made months in advance.
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
Fluzone by Sanofi Pasteur: