You and I know that, little witch, but it doesn't cut any ice with one who has taken up with the Dawn Bible Students. They think they are the rightful successors of Russell and that Joseph Rutherford was the true father of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
Posts by TD
Back to Russell Need help.
by Gordy ini've come across a guy who was a jw, but has now become a "dawn bible student" , that is he now follows charles taze russell's teachings.
he swears by russells six volumes of studies in the scripture" and writings.
i've tried pointing our russells views on the great pyramid, christ coming in 1874, armageddon in 1914, masonic connections etc.
Back to Russell Need help.
by Gordy ini've come across a guy who was a jw, but has now become a "dawn bible student" , that is he now follows charles taze russell's teachings.
he swears by russells six volumes of studies in the scripture" and writings.
i've tried pointing our russells views on the great pyramid, christ coming in 1874, armageddon in 1914, masonic connections etc.
I don't know why you would want to change his mind, as the the Dawn Bible Students are innocuous. They also do not suffer from the doctrinal rigidity that renders the JW belief system fragile. (In other words, there probably isn't a single card you can yank out that will bring the house down.)
Although Russell certainly had his faults, much of the information you will read on the internet about him is either distorted, speculative or just plain wrong. If you approach a knowledgeable Bible Student with the usual "Masonic connection" "Pyramidology" and "Miracle Wheat" crap, he is the one that will cut you down to size, not the other way around.
The "Masonic connection" is purely speculative, the fascination with pyramids was not out of place, given the time period and certainly not a backbone of Russell's eschatology. Russell also appears to have acted in good faith regarding the Miracle Wheat. Although it turned out to be embarassing we can't reasonably argue today that it was his fault that the strain turned out to be a "sport." (In other words, the vigorous growth lasted for only a generation or two.) This phenomenon has embarassed many horticulturalists since then.
We need a little information for OUR files !
by Rabbit ini was baptized in '73.
i also reg.
pioneered for 3 years.
If you're asking what I think you're asking, I don't believe the records are supposed to be stored at the KH. Probably in the home of the "Secretary" or PO.
Money and career tips for EX-JWs....
by logansrun init's a safe bet that if you were raised as a jw, or if you came into it early in life, you have some strange ideas about money and finances.
the wt for decades made even minimal post-secondary education utterly taboo and only recently has capitulated that "some" extra schooling might be neccessary (associate degrees good, bachelors degrees bad).
the average youth raised a jw has little understanding of investment due to the apocalyptic worldview of the organization (why invest in a dying system when the big "a" is right around the corner?).
In my opinion, when it comes to money, the single biggest failing of the JW's is that they have no sense of a financial future. Generations of them have looked down the road and seen only their New Order instead of retirement.
My advice: It's never too early to start saving. If your company (or future company if you're still in school) has a 401K plan take full advantage of it. Some employers will match up to 50% or more. (Usually with a tiered vestment system of some sort) There's next to nothing that will give a 50% return right off the bat like that. If your employer doesn't offer a 401, open an IRA. Any good life insurance agent from a reputable company will be happy to do it for you. Even if all you can put in is 5$ a week, DO IT.
Learn from the JW's, who by and large are still thinking and spending like 20 somethings long after they are in their 40's. The real panic doesn't set in 'till mid-50's or so, and it's not pretty. It's really sad. That's not where you want to be.
What the Fox News Network thinks of the BBC
by Sneaky Russian in
my friends have shown me this link here in england showing the fox network pillaring the bbc in this news report.. but here the people and press are behind the bbc and call the government report a complete whitewash.
the bbc is shown in russian and i have felt they have always reported the war very well, a lot better than fox news.. i think this reporter is a little harsh, how do you feel as americans?
It's can be aggravatingly difficult sometimes to really define what is the political "center" for the simple reason that one man's liberal is often another man's conservative.
However there are plenty of issues that really truly divide and polarize liberals and conservatives here in the U.S.. One either believes in a women's fundamental right to choose post-pregnancy (and all that this implies) or one does not. One either believes that keeping and bearing arms is a fundamental civil right (and all that this implies) or one does not. I could go on, ad nauseam, but even with just these two issues, those that answer "yes, but..." and attach conditions to what the left and right respectively consider to be fundamental rights are either somewhat right of left or somewhat left of right as the case may be.
I'm not intimately familiar with British politics, but there must be similar examples accross the pond as well.
The point (and question) here is whether the major media outlets come down on one side or the other on those issues that truly divide and polarize liberals and conservatives. It seems that anyone labeling their slant as "liberal" or "conservative" would have to be prepared to offer examples.
My two cents, anyway
Will there be winter in the new system?
by Atilla inso much snow this winter, but it reminds me of the silly conversations we would have out in service about conditions in the new system.
this one guy, who thought he knew everything because he had been to bethel and had been pioneering since the 9th grade, was positive that there would be no winter in the new system.
his reasoning was that since the whole earth would be made into a paradise with perfect conditions, there would be no real cold places like russia or even central pennsylvania.
That's got to be one of the better examples of doublethink within the JW community. They will point to the hollow hair shafts of the polar bear and the fact that trees make their own antifreeze and any number of other cold weather adaptations as evidence of a wise Creator and then turn around and say that winter was not part of the Creator's original plan.
Of course this is not surprising coming from a group that points to symbiotic relationships like that of the shark/cleaner fish, sea anemone/clown fish, etc. as evidence of Jehovah's wisdom and then turns around and says that predation was never part of the Creator's original plan.
"They hate you if you're clever, and they despise a fool..."
by logansrun ini was talking to a longtime elder a few years ago about people who "leave the truth" and he said something that, to this day, i must agree with.
he said,"there are two types of people who get in trouble in the organization: people who are really smart, and people who are really dumb.".
at the time i took exception to the first part of that assesment -- how could anyone be "too smart" for the organization?
I'm not sure if it's just cleverness in and of itself, because there are plenty of extremely clever individuals in the JW organization. My wife is one of them. I'm not the least bit ashamed to say that she is much more clever than I am.
I think there are plenty of JW's in this boat. They can be quite intelligent, but they don't have the compulsive desire to take things apart and pull at every loose thread that many on this forum seem to have. Therefore, I think what eventually leads many faithful JW's "astray" is cleverness driven by a fair amount of curiosity.
Proof You're in a Cult - -----Self-Reference!
by metatron inwhile there are many definitions of what a cult is, one of the more disturbing features of a deceptive religion has.
got to be the habit of "proof" by self-reference.. go to any "public talk" and take note of how the speaker quotes from the watchtower to "prove" a point!
worsening world conditions, growing crime and the 'worse and worse' fallacy can all be "proved" as long as you keep.
All too true, Metatron.
I think a classic example involves the way in which the terms, "The time of the end" and "God's visible organization" can be either premise or conclusion interchangeably.
Depending upon what literature you read, both of the following statements are considered by JW's to be true:
1. The fact that the good news is being preached worldwide by God's visible organization proves that we are living in the time of the end.
2. The fact that the good news is being preached worldwide in the time of the end proves that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's visible organization.
Porland OR: Stan & Gail Hedeen
by ExpandedMind ini am seeking to find a couple of dear friends, stan & gail hedeen.
last i knew they lived in arizona, but through a people search, it appears they may have moved to portland oregon.
i believe they are still witnesses, but am not positive.. thanks!.
There was a Stan Hedeen that attended one of my wife's congregations in Mesa years ago. I don't remember his wife's name nor the exact number of children they had
I haven't set foot in a KH even as a casual visitor in over 10 years and we have since moved to a different city ourselves, so we don't know what became of them.
Sorry I couldn't help more.....
Perfectly Positive Primary Politics~~In Their Words and Other's
by SixofNine inthe 2004 election is in full swing, and we can vote with our bad apostate selves!
yeah useverything any one candidate stands for), rather, we want to have a sense that we know who this person is at their core.. in order to keep this from becoming a bloodbath, we have positioned armed guards at the entry and exit bigtex (and hopefully the other mods are on board as well) is going to make this the most heavily moderated thread in history, by removing any negative comments and chopping off the hands of recalcitrant negative posters.
if something positive said in this thread just has to be rebutted by you, please start a new thread for that rebuttal.. seriously, this is only for positive words about your particular candidate.
Joe Lieberman:
Doesn't stand a chance, far from perfect, but he stands out to me as someone who actually remembers his own past remarks, positions, affliations, endorsements and senate votes.