It looks like there is at least one other individual involved with e-watchman. Perhaps a collaboration between You Know and his pal, Yadirf?
Posts by TD
Ole what's his name is at it again!
by Schizm inwho is the anonymous person behind e-watchman?
many here have wondered and/or speculated about who runs the e-watchman site.
for some of you oldtimers here, what follows will likely remove any and all doubt as to who the person actually is.
JW Blood Doctrine Dismembered
by AlanF ini thought some people might like to see a strictly bible-based dismemberment of the jw blood doctrine.
for some introductory material, see the thread:.
Although Paul is talking about Mosaic Law, I believe that is also true of the Noachian Law which is only binding on those that acknowledge it.
As it relates to Deuternonomy 14:21, "Foreigners" would be one thing, but I don't believe you may legitimately make this suggestion in regard to an "Alien resident inside your gates." The term had and still has a specific and widely recognized connotation both to Jews and Christians alike.
There is no suggestion in Deuteronomy or elsewhere that those who are not worshipers of God are obliged to keep his laws.
I'm perplexed by this statement. Do you deny that it is possible to "sin without law?"
You actually seem to express an idea completely contrary to the whole of Romans chapter 2. Verses 12-14 which you cite, open with hosoi gar -- For as many as ("For example" in conversational English) and are therefore a direct amplification illustrative of the preceeding statement of God's impartialilty in verse 11.
In other words, God's impartiality is manifest in the exacting of payment for transgression regardless of whether one is under law or not. This is in fact clearly stated in verse 9: "There will be trouble and distress for every human being who does evil: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile" Verse 13 further explains: "For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous." Again, the point being that the requrements upon which God's laws are based are universal.
New Virus Warning
by Satans little helper inguys,.
the netsky.b virus is on the prowl and i have just recieved an email which nearly had me going.
the mail was entitled:.
Hiya Kenneson,
Beagle and Bagle are both correct.
Bagle.E.GODO, Win32:Beagle-C W32/Bagle.gen@MM, I-Worm.Bagle.e, W32/Bagle.E, W32/Bagle.E.worm are all variants and names of basically the same virus.
Netsky and Bagle are more annoying than anything else. It's the "packaging" that seems to be fooling people this time around.
New Virus Warning
by Satans little helper inguys,.
the netsky.b virus is on the prowl and i have just recieved an email which nearly had me going.
the mail was entitled:.
In a similar vein, here's an actual copy of an email a client received last week:
The attached password-protected Zip file contaned only the Bagle_E email worm.
(Similar in some respects to Netsky, but newer)
> Dear user of "" mailing system,
> We warn you about some attacks on your e-mail account. Your computer may
> contain viruses, in order to keep your computer and e-mail account safe,
> please, follow the instructions.
> For details see the attached file.
> For security purposes the attached file is password protected. Password
> is "60768".
> Sincerely,
> The team -
Liberal Equals Ex-JW
by patio34 insomething i've noticed on this board is that there seem to be many more liberal-left types than conservative-right types.
what do you think of my following theories?
in the 70s, many converts to jw-dom were influenced by the anti-establishment philosophy and anti-viet nam war.
Interesting Thread. My wife, her folks, her three brothers (JW elders all) all would be best described as socially liberal/morally conservative. Were they to ever leave (dare I hope?) they would certainly gravitate to the left of the aisle. I think JW idealism coupled with their utopian dreams certainly influence this outlook.
A lot of people made statements and took up very strongly entrenched positions and with subsequent events, lack of WoMD, Bush looking like a liar etc... I think they find it easier to storm off rather than face the possibility of eating humble pie and admitting that they were just wrong.
That's distessing. I followed those discussions that ensued on this topic. They were both stimulating and amusing. It's truly sad if anyone really had that much invested in the discussion that they would feel the need to leave. (We're supposed to be friends here, right?) All the more so since both sides of the issue are sorely in need of evidence at this point.
Help is this true??????
by finger in
are these true especially numbers:.
20, 26 (is this true in uk?
Base on my research:
20. You cannot be a police officer
The "cannot" needs to be replaced with "should not." A Witness, may not serve in any capacity whatsoever in the congregation if his occupation involves use of a firearm. However holding such an occupatoin won?t result in expulsion.
26. You cannot marry a non-Jehovah's Witness
The "cannot" needs to be replaced with "should not." Frowned upon, but doesn?t result in expulsion.
47. You cannot play chess*
Not really even a "should not" An article on the game's orgins once cast it in a negative light.
54. Women cannot pray in the presence of men without a hat
Almost true. A Witness female may not offer a prayer in behalf of others without covering her head.
57. Only officially approved sexual practices are allowed in marriage
Technically true although they seem to have moved to a "don't ask - don't tell" policy. More specifically, anal intercourse and fellatio are forbidden.
61. You cannot use pet foods made with blood or blood products
Technically true but an "archaic" rule by Witness standards. Few Witnesses give this a second thought today.
66. Jehovah's Witness meeting places have no windows
True, when the Witnesses themselves have built the place. Not a requirement per se because Witnesses also meet in rented and purchased buildings and private homes.
67. If you see another Jehovah's Witness breaking the rules you must turn them in to the elders to be interrogated
Most true.
71. Women must submit to Watchtower elders
Not sure what this means. All Witnesses must submit to Watchtower elders.
Memorial Question I Never Have Had Answered ???
by RubaDub inhaving been in the borg my entire life (now over 40), i never got a good answer to why the memorial could not be "celebrated" in the afternoon.
remember, the jewish "day" runs from sunset to sunset.
and 2 out of every 7 years, nisan 14 falls on a friday or saturday.
Another point of interest. Sometimes the date of the memorial differs from the Jewish passover. How come?
According to the OT and the synoptics, the Lamb was sacrificed and prepared on the 14th day of the month. (Exodus 12:6,18-19; Leviticus 23:5; Numbers 9:3, 11; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7) The next day immediately after Passover was the 15th (Numbers 33:3) Therefore the actual celebration technically occurs on the 15th. (After sundown on the 14th day) This corresponds to Pesach.
The Witnesses celebrate the Lord?s Evening Meal immediately after sundown on the 13th day. (When the 14th technically begins) However by this reckoning, the Lamb would have been sacrificed during the afternoon of the 13th and the day immediately after is the 14th. (As Rubadub observed at the outset) So the Witnesses start off on the wrong foot right off the bat by being a full 24 hours too early. (This year, 2004 is a good example, the Witnesses will celebrate the Memorial on the 4th, the Jews will celebrate Sedar on the 5th)
However since they don't seem to really understand the lunar calendar either, the dates do sometimes coincide.
Memorial Question I Never Have Had Answered ???
by RubaDub inhaving been in the borg my entire life (now over 40), i never got a good answer to why the memorial could not be "celebrated" in the afternoon.
remember, the jewish "day" runs from sunset to sunset.
and 2 out of every 7 years, nisan 14 falls on a friday or saturday.
Good questions
I've also never understood why they insist on celebrating it on the evening of the 13/14 instead of the evening of the 14/15. The OT and the synoptics seem quite clear that the latter evening is the correct one.
How many here use Intel, AMD, dont know what the hell they have?
by pr_capone injust out of curiosity.... how many of you here have an intel processor in their computer.
how many have amd?
how many dont know what they are using?
All Intel at work, (about 40 desktops) All AMD at home. (5 systems)
Both have their good and bad points. The P4 seems very weak in the floating point department. In an extemely math intensive app, (e.g. computational chemistry, design rendering, etc.) AMD really shines. In more mundane office apps, (e.g. database management) the P4 is often just slightly better.
Would you allow your children to see the Passion? What age?
by LyinEyes inafter reading megadudes review of what he thought of the movie, i really want to see it now.. gore doesn't really bother me in movies, like braveheart, saving private ryan etc.
i hate the slasher movies for the sake of gore thou.. i guess i am the type of person that is so curious about everything, that even if it is gorey, i would want to know what jesus went thru, as painful as it may be to watch.. but should you let your children see it........ since i havent seen it , i was wondering for those who have seen it,,,,,,,,would you let your kids see it?.
what age,,do you think is appropriate ?
Absolutely not.
Ditto for Schindler's List, The Killing Fields, Saving Private Ryan, etc. ---All good movies which remind us of things that should not be forgotten, but inappropriate for children.