Sure, there is freeness of speech --
As long as you don't mind being called bad associations, spiritually weak, disgruntled, or a murmurer.
Or most foul of all, an independent thinker.
i've come to appreciate that "freeness of speech" is something one could have only if they were studying with witnesses.
once you became a witness, it was all over!
no more questions, discussions or contrary opinions.
Sure, there is freeness of speech --
As long as you don't mind being called bad associations, spiritually weak, disgruntled, or a murmurer.
Or most foul of all, an independent thinker.
jehovah's witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (tm) to "prove" that god is blessing them over and above all other religions.
but with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-witnesses are there?
with thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with wt doctrine, might the number of ex-witnesses over the years now equal the number of witnesses?
I doubt anyone can pin down exact statistics. But I keep hearing about the thousands that get disfellowshipped each year. And I see from forums like this that many just walk away.
Somewhere down the line those thousands must add up to quite a few.
what doctrines and beliefs do jw's stick to, that are not mentioned anywhere in the new world translation ????.
i thought of a few ........ 1) christ returned invisibly in 1914 .
2) heavens doors were closed in 1935.
Not even the NWT says that only 144,000 go to heaven.
The NWT does not identify the other sheep as a class of people who will live on earth.
jehovah's witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (tm) to "prove" that god is blessing them over and above all other religions.
but with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-witnesses are there?
with thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with wt doctrine, might the number of ex-witnesses over the years now equal the number of witnesses?
Jehovah's Witnesses use the number of the mighty 6 million (TM) to "prove" that God is blessing them over and above all other religions.
But with so many being disfellowshipped and leaving over the past decades, how many ex-Witnesses are there?
With thousands growing wiser and more dissatisfied with WT doctrine, might the number of ex-Witnesses over the years now equal the number of Witnesses?
And what do these millions of ex-Witnesses "prove" about whom God is "blessing"?
why did russell see the necessity for dividing up christians into "classes"?
the distinction between the heavenly and earthly classes is essential to dispensationalism, but beyond that, russell had three classes co-existing during the gospel age: justified believers, the great company, and the little flock.
it must be remembered that russell could not point to a previously existing church organization as possessing the "truth.
Thanks, Justin. What I see then is that Russell didn't know what he was talking about.
And that Jehovah's Witnesses, who inherited his theology and patched it up here and there, don't know what they are talking about, either.
I see no 'divine guidance' in the Russell-Witness system. Just loads and loads of human speculation, and a superabundance of hubris that they have some direct pathway to God.
No wonder it keeps falling down all around them.
why was jesus even sent to the earth?-it was because he was a perfect man.
he died to attone for our sins so that we may have have a better chance to be in jehovah god book of life.
so we may live in paradise.
The Bible does not say that only 144,000 go to heaven. It mentions 144,000 "out of every tribe of the sons of Israel." It mentions 144,000 "standing upon the Mount Zion" with the Lamb. It says they are "bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb."
But nowhere does the Bible say that only 144,000 go to heaven, and who the 144,000 are is a matter of varied interpretation.
In the context of Jesus' mention of the "other sheep," the logical conclusion is that he was talking about the gentiles. The book of Acts concurs with this.
i am posting the entire article .
a bit of a read, but those who are so inclined .
Yes, it's a feeble attempt to show that we do things the way the early Christians did.
To call the reports in Acts "statistical reports" is stretching the truth by a long way.
And those reports in Acts were not used by the early Christians as "quotas" for all Christians to meet. Most of the preaching done then was "informal," not the highly structured stuff Witnesses do. Nor is there any evidence that all Christians were required to make individual reports of their activity. Nobody in the New Testament is stigmatized as a "low hour publisher." Nowhere in the NT is salvation a matter of hours spent in "field service."
The truth is, we do it "our way," and then blame it on the Bible.
it's been a while since i posted anything biblical... christianity is not really my cup of tea anymore, except from a purely academic perspective.
however, i just had an interesting thought today.
the jws always say that you should submit your judgment to the organization.
Sorry you feel bummed out at Christianity, Eu. Personally, I'm not ready to give up on Jesus just because one organization has misrepresented him. Or even if we assume that many organizations misrepresent him. I find something in Jesus worthy of my continued allegiance.
But as for the Society, it is to its shame that it stifles all intelligent thought, that it demands acceptance of 'the full range of WT teachings.' This it does even for speculative things for which there may be a number of valid interpretations.
As much as I want to resist labeling Jehovah's Witnesses a cult, this mind control is surely a damning piece of evidence. And it's so unnecessary. What the Society does is no different from the enforced patriotism of making people salute the flag.
I don't expect Christianity to be easy. But the binding of heavy loads to put on people -- the quirky restrictions, the regimentation, the flogging of slaves to "do more" as if our salvation depended on ourselves rather than on Christ -- this is not Christianity. This is an organization exalting itself as the Second Person of the Trinity.
i have a new article on my site called, who removed god's name from the bible?
if you'd like to check it out it's at
Very good points, especially since we can show that Jehovah's name (YHWH) was preserved over the thousand years of Old Testament transmission. So it is correct to ask why He did not preserve it in the NT, if it was ever there in the first place?
But even in the OT the correct pronunciation of YHWH is unknown. And maybe people didn't know how to pronounce it in Jesus' day either. That may be why Jesus never used it. Jesus used substitute words like Father, and the Power.
There are many times in the context of a verse or passage in the New World Translation where it is plain that Jesus is being spoken about, and the sudden appearance of "Jehovah" is distracting. For example, in Stephen's prayer at Acts 7:59, 60, Stephen begins by praying to the Lord Jesus, then suddenly the NWT changes over to "Jehovah." That makes no sense. The Greek text has "Lord" in both places, which does make sense.
comments you will not hear at the 4-11-04 (week of 4/5-11/2004) wt study (march 1, 2004 wt)
review comments
will be in black and parentheses ().
The Society does not want to acknowledge too many anointed Christians prior to Russell because then it would be clear that the number of 144,000 was filled up long before the 20th century, and then neither Russell nor Rutherford nor others of our time would be of the "anointed," a qualification we make for being part of the Slave.
But they put themselves in that predicament by claiming that only 144,000 Christians are anointed with holy spirit. The Bible nowhere says that.
Too long? By no means! Great reading! Excellent work!