Thanks for another fine job, Blondie. Indeed, "time well spent.
I notice that frequently the scriptures the WT throws out to support a point in the paragraph really does not support it at all. For example, the last sentence in paragraph 4:
All servants of Jehovah should share regularly in the Kingdom-preaching work.—1 Corinthians 9:16-18.
So what does 1 Corinthians 9:16-18 actually say? Here the apostle Paul is declaring, "Woe is me if I did not declare the good news...I have a stewardship entrusted to me..." Every Christian, or 'servant of Jehovah' is not an apostle.
Similarly, Paul's admonition to "preach the the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry" (2 Timothy 4:2, 5) is given in the singular ("I solemnly charge you," not YOU, verse 1) to one person, the elder Timothy. Throughout the New Testament the specific order to preach is given only to apostles, elders/overseers, not to "all servants of Jehovah." Even Jesus' "great commission" at Matthew 28:19, to "go therefore and make disciples..." was given, not to all who followed Jesus at the time, but to "the eleven disciples" (Matthew 28:16) who in turn became apostles.
Any preaching done by "rank and file" Christians in the NT was of the informal type, according to the accounts in the book of Acts. It was not highly structured as an "obligatory" thing, as among JWs. People did what they could, when they could...and often 'when the Spirit hit them,' so to speak.