Gawwwwwwddd, how many times did I say that, and how many times have I heard it.
Notice how much it has to do with nebulous isues? "That elder is an unChristian jerk." Answer: "Yes, he is, but Jehovah will see to it that he gets removed." "That doctrine is wrong." Answer: "Yes, it is, but Jehovah will see to it that it's corrected." "The WTS was hypocritical about the UN, by becoming an NGO." Answer: "Yes, and Jehovah will see that they pay for it."
How about the hard-nuts-of-real-life stuff: "I was abused by my elder-father, and am having lots of emotional issues." Answer: "Pray to Jehovah, and he'll make it better." "Gosh, I held out for Armageddon, and so I have no retirement account, and Social Security won't even pay my rent, much less my prescriptions." Answer: "Jehovah will deposit $100,000 at the foot of your bed tonight."
Anger , on the first point, and sarcasm on the second point.
"Jehovah will take care of it" has almost become a trigger phrase for me.
Where in hell is Jehovah?