outnfree, I was sickened by that too.
How terrible to say that these kids say these things out of 'spite' ?????????
I think if they said that to me, I wouldve thrown my lunch up on them. Sick, sick, sick.
there i was, enjoying a lovely warm morning in sunny winscombe in deepest somerset whilst working on a clients roof, when out of the corner of my eye i espied 3 ladies sauntering up the road at a leisurely 0.5mph.
aha, i thought, that looks like the pioneer crawl, there's dubs on the horizon!
i had my car parked in the customers driveway, so i thought to myself "why not take a break now, sit in the car and munch my blt, and see if they approach?".
outnfree, I was sickened by that too.
How terrible to say that these kids say these things out of 'spite' ?????????
I think if they said that to me, I wouldve thrown my lunch up on them. Sick, sick, sick.
qwerty, I asked you not to reveal how I made my living...just because my last check bounced to you ..you have to go and do this?? I think its funny that, although I am the third woman in line sniffing the underarm, you have the pic focused on Annibel. She had a bad sinus infection that day and she had to keep sniffing extra hard. We work hard at what we do because America needs us.
Please show a little more compassion next time.
when i was a baby i was walking along and i saw a flower.
it was all colorful and pretty so i picked it and showed it to my mother, she called it a "flower" and i held it and kept it with me until it turned brown and faded away.. as the years went by i saw many flowers and i passed many of them without notice, even stomped a few on accident as i walked threw the field to a new destination.
the years passed so fast and so many flowers were around, and yet i only took a fading glimpse at best.. then one day i was sitting in a field wondering what the universe was all about and why life was even here.
Kenpo, what a beautiful post. I am reading a book called "All the Joy you can Stand" and it talks about being close to the earth to get grounded. Eating on the floor, sitting on the grass whenever you can....being near open water and getting fresh air, they're all things that center you and make you slow down.
Thanks for the reminder that we all need!
when i listened to the album at my bro's i pissed myself...... .
here you'll find some of their songs to have a listen to.
Oh my God, I cant believe someone mentioned my all time absolute favorite group in the world!!!!
I am the biggest Tenacious D fan ever....Jack Black is the mofo dissa!!
He doesnt even have to talk...just blink his eyes and I fall down laughing...there is something about him that is so 'me'..LOL. I used to watch Tenacious D on HBO and it was so funny, I think I broke a few ribs watching it. They would crank out some of the funniest songs.... I'm cracking up just thinking about them.
Anyone who didnt see Shallow Hal is missing out! While some thought it was making fun of fat people, it really didnt....it was a hilarious movie with alot of sweetness. I have been stalking the stores for it but it hasnt hit the shelves yet.
just a bit of fluff...what's your favourite men's cologne or women's perfume scent?.
have you ever got a gentle wiff of a really nice cologne and wanted to ask the owner what the name of it is??
if its a woman i will ask, only because i want to go out and buy some.
but will worship him from afar LOL.
girl, I luv ya!! LOL we're so alike!
I actually love Cool Waters and once I met a guy wearing Oscar De Larenta once..oh my god...i was in love! Dont know if it was him or the cologne, LOL. But it was soooo nice!
Actually, anything nice smelling on a guy is great. I also like anything musky, Obsession for men, or anything manly smelling!!
i for one am really sad about it though.
the watchtower observer was the first xjw site i found.. i will miss you kent and thanks so much for everything you have done.. gravedancer
Like others mentioned here... I too, was shown the truth about the 'truth' from the Observer site. I wish him all the best and while I dont post there, really have enjoyed the site. Its not that I hold any favoritism..its just that I cant keep up with posts all over the Internet. Gotta keep it simple.
there are certainly enough valid criticisms of the wts and the jw religion, but a significant number of often-repeated criticisms of the religion are, imnsho, just ludicruous and serves to take attention away from the real issues.
significant problems with the wts includes, but are not limited to, the shunning policy, the blood issue and of course the corporate policy of hiding child molestors.. here is a list of criticisms of the wts that i find particularly annoying to see:.
russell was a freemason (or, even worse, the wts is part of some other large-scale conspiracy like the illuminati).
Perfect point!! I've thought the exact thing...they dont need to sit you down, starve you and force you to spit back the same rhetoric...they do it much smoother than that. Let you go to 3 meetings a week and feed you a mentality, ask you to say it back and let you think you came up with it in the first place. It's still a mindf*** no matter how you look at it.
You all have me confused with this thread....now I'm thinking I should go back to the meetings!!
okay, folks.
whenever people say these kind of things in disasters i think, "well, what about the other guy who got killed?
god didn't feel like saving little johnny today?
Chris, I met a guy once who said death is the best thing..better than living. I asked why and he said, you get to live with God !! That comment really shocked me ....
I know what you're saying though..it is a slap in the face of every other person who died and their families.
a jw sister sent me this.... said this showed how jw's help all americans:
subject: why jehovah's witnesses' victory is a win for all of us.
date: tue, 25 jun 2002 14:25:50 -0400. .
A jw sister sent me this.... said this showed how jw's help all Americans:
Subject: Why Jehovah's Witnesses' victory is a win for all of us
Why Jehovah's Witnesses' victory is a win for all of us
Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 14:25:50 -0400
Why Jehovah's Witnesses' victory is a win for all of us
Inside the First Amendment
Charles Haynes -- Senior scholar, First Amendment Center
June 23, 2002
The Jehovah's Witnesses have done it again.
This week they chalked up their 48th Supreme Court victory - an
extraordinary line of cases that have significantly expanded First
Amendment protections for all Americans.
Something about proselytizing by the Witnesses inspires state and local
governments to keep passing laws aimed at shutting them up. If you're not
Witness, you may not be too concerned about how "they" are treated.
you're even a bit irritated by all of those knocks on your door.)
But remember this: If the government can restrict the freedom of one
it has the power to restrict the freedom of any faith - or all faiths.
As long ago as 1940 Jehovah's Witnesses successfully challenged a
Connecticut law that required them to get a license "to solicit" before
distributing their literature and asking for donations on public streets.
In striking down that law, the Supreme Court applied the First
free-exercise clause to the states for the first time.
But the battle was far from over. More than 60 years (and many lawsuits)
later, the Witnesses were still in court - this time fighting a Stratton,
Ohio, ordinance requiring all door-to-door "canvassers" to get a permit from the mayor.
The lower courts sided with the town, ruling that the ordinance was a
"content-neutral" regulation that didn't interfere with anyone's First
Amendment rights.
But in an opinion handed down on June 17, the U.S. Supreme Court saw it
very differently. In a rare display of agreement, eight of the nine
justices voted to strike down the Stratton law as an unconstitutional
limitation on free speech. As Justice John Paul Stevens explained in the
majority opinion:
"It is offensive - not only to the values protected by the First
but to the very notion of a free society - that in the context of
public discourse a citizen must first inform the government of her desire
to speak to her neighbors and then obtain a permit to do so."
Note what this ruling doesn't mean. Cities and towns may still regulate
commercial activities and solicitation of funds by people going
But Stratton's law went much further. Requiring a permit to canvass for
"cause" would make anonymous political speech impossible - and would
have a chilling effect on people advocating unpopular causes or minority
Of course, people have a right not to listen - and to close the door. But
the government shouldn't have the authority to decide who gets to knock
the door.
So two cheers for the Supreme Court.
The third cheer is reserved for the day (probably in the distant future)
when the Supreme Court restores full protection for religious liberty.
Yes, the ruling in this case protects the speech rights of Jehovah's
Witnesses and anyone else going door-to-door for a variety of causes. But
the Court continues the pattern of the last decade of treating religious
expression like other forms of speech.
"Free exercise" has become the stepchild of the First Amendment. The
appears to be saying: We'll protect your right to practice your faith,
only if you frame it as freedom of speech or - in the case of
of religious tracts - freedom of the press.
Perhaps this was not the case for the Supreme Court to restore stronger
free-exercise protection. Since the ordinance in Stratton covered so much
speech, the Court could easily strike it down without revisiting the
about the special status of religious expression under the First
But the Court can't duck the question forever. Religious practice and
expression is much more than a question of free speech or press.
Consider the Witnesses. They don't go door-to-door because they think
a good way to spread their message (or because they enjoy all of the
comments they get). They do it because they're convinced that God
them to preach the "good news" from "house to house."
That's why Jehovah's Witnesses keep fighting these laws (and also why
successfully fought for the right to opt out of the salute to the flag in
public schools). They are exercising their freedom of conscience - the
freedom to do what they believe they must do out of obedience to God.
True, in the majority opinion Justice Stevens mentions that "it is more
than historical accident" that so many of these cases are brought by
Jehovah's Witnesses, because "door-to-door canvassing is mandated by
But the justices don't reaffirm the freedom to follow the dictates of
conscience - as our nation's founders put it - as an inalienable right
protected by the free-exercise clause of the First Amendment. And they
neglect to say that the city of Stratton or any other government may not
limit that right without a compelling reason to do so.
The weakening of "free exercise" protections by the Supreme Court over
past decade is a disturbing trend. But who's paying attention? Until it
hits home (and it rarely does for members of large and powerful
most people don't think much about the First Amendment.
That's why we all owe the Jehovah's Witnesses a debt of gratitude. No
matter how many times they're insulted, run out of town, or even
attacked, they keep on fighting for their (and thus our) freedom of
religion. And when they win, we all win.
Now what I dont get is, the jw's love to take credit for how they keep 'all American's' rights free....but in reality, they dont care about any religion's rights..only theirs.
check out this thread,.
everyone has an agenda lol.
I'd rather believe that Jesus died for our sins than it's okay to fly a plane into a building so I can get my 2,000 virgin concubines!!!