Hi Txwld,
Good questions. I have thought the same thing raising my 7 year old. I came to the conclusion, like the others have posted, that a child brought up in a happy, well adjusted home has every chance of being a great adult, that a jw one would have.
When I think of all of the young people I grew up with (as a jw), here is how they turned out:
1 got into drugs and drinking, has 2 kids with 2 different men, her mother raises both now (takes the kids to meetings).
1 got married to a worldly guy, never loved him, cheated on him and is on her third marriage at 27.
1 married a worldly man, tried to get him into the 'truth', he left her with a baby.
1 elder's son married a worldly girl, got another girl pregnant, has 3 kids at 25.
3 kids in the same family- the oldest boy entered the Army, the 2 other daughters got pregnant and have many kids with different men.
I just described to you young ones I knew in just 2 congregations. There were many more I could tell about , but dont have the time to go on and on.
The point is, I know many kids who were not raised JW, who have wonderful morals, who have an education, who open the doors for old ladies, mow their mother's lawns, etc. My husband is one of them.
Believe me, you dont have to raise your kid a Witness for them to turn out good!