I'm sorry to hear your life isnt going where you want it to. I can honestly say the exact things you are saying were in my own head a few years ago. My husband was pretty selfish...not neccesarily a bad person, but didnt think of others. I came to the point where I was going to leave him, or stay. I didnt want my son raised in a broken home, like I was... I sat my husband down and told him my thoughts. I told him that I had been thinking of leaving, and did he want that? He didnt, and we worked on alot of our problems. His main thing was he took us for granted...never showed appreciation or much affection. Alot of that has changed, but its taken work on boh parts, him and myself.
If you talked to your husband, do you think he would listen? I would tell him your doubts, how you are not happy, and though you want to raise your kids with him, you also need to be fulfilled and happy yourself. If he cares, he will do everything in his power to change. If he doesnt care, he will blow it off and let you go.
If you can find an affordable marriage therapist, I would encourage you to see one. We saw a counselor (she wasnt specifically for marriage partners), but taught us how to communicate alot better.
Things wont happen overnight...but with alot of work and love, it can happen!
I wish you all the best! I'm praying for your happiness and peace of mind.
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?