Blackwolf, you remind me of me when I was in a almost identical situation. The JWs do that for no reason. To them you may not be cool enough to deserve their attention. Or it may be simply based in some ill-intended gossip that for some reason they love taking as factual information.
Moving forward, I wish I could tell you that things will turn around, but not only they may not, but also it's better for you.
Questions, are you happy being a JW (forget about how you are treated in the congregation)? Do you believe in what they teach? Do you want to remain a JW? Do you enjoy their activites and are you ok abiding their rules and guidelines? If so I'd suggest to start going to another congregation, maybe you may make better connections with people from the congregation.
However, if on the other hand you find yourself questioning your faith and belonging to that organization, this is a great opportunity that is being handed to you. You have now plenty of time and space to start informing yourself about alternatives and maybe making a move. The good thing about people not paying attention to you is that you can get away with doing plenty, and that my friend, is definitely reason to be depressed.
I was in a similar state in the congregation and I went through a period of depression over the mistreatment and neglect from the people who are supposed to be loving. I even went through a conflicted time when I started feeling bad for feeling good outside the congregation. I got that over really soon as I got a taste of what a better life and really caring people are.
I'm not encouraging you to stay or leave, but I do encourage you to realize that you do not deserve to be mistreated, especially if you are being a good JW.