Comments anyone?
They are filthy liars and pedophile protectors.
i'm always interested to hear what a 'spokesman' for the organization has to say when newspapers report on child abuse issues.. for example the following statement was made in a recent guardian article.
a spokesman for the jehovah’s witnesses said: “we are in no position to, and neither would we wish to, force any victim of abuse to confront their attacker.”.
and this is straight from the shepherd the flock book -.
Comments anyone?
They are filthy liars and pedophile protectors.
i always have a nice bowl of candy ready for trick or treat, we don't get many so you usually have a short conversation with the parents.
so a mom & 3 kids come and the two boys were dressed in suit and ties!
i am laughing because my first thought was they were dressed as jw's!
Maybe they were dressed in JW customs.
hi folks.
i have been a lurker here for quite some time but i have now decided to make my first post.
i am originally from somewhere on the east coast, but recently, in part to aid in the fading process, i have moved to a city somewhere west of the mississippi.
Does anybody think this could work?
No, I don't think that would work because of the Internet and the many other ways of verifying information and statements made.
However, what you did, moving to a different congregation where nobody knows you to start fading, doesn't need such convoluted scheme. trust me, I know; that's exactly what I did in my case. I left one congregation and remember going to the new KH once or twice, talked to an elder and pretty much disappeared.
Many elders are overworked and are happy to slack as much as possible. I faded from the new congregation where nobody missed me and had my records transferred (and the elders at the previous congregation had a lot to say about me).
My suggestion is do the transfer and remain as anonymous and disconnected from people in the new congregation. That's all I had to do and it worked. It may work with you too.
several years ago, i was introduced to a "wonderful" company called fortune hi tech marketing by a brother and his wife.
they had been introduced by a former sheriff who claims he had researched the company and found no leins or judgments, and that former sheriff had been brought in by a pastor.
you can read what happened with fhtm on wikipedia if you so desire.. this whole new idea of multilevel marketing had my brain reeling, though, and soon enough, i actually signed up with none other than prepaid legal.
I think that my JW training has taught me not to believe in any of that nonsense. I'm a innate skeptical, so I find it hard for me to trust any of those things that make promises of lots of money with little work or education. So no, personally I haven't fallen for that nonsense and doubt that I will as I have a profession I like and work in a place I like and am good at managing my resources to live well.
so if the gb changed its "bible based beliefs" on some teaching, would witnesses all of a sudden change their individual beliefs too?.
witnesses like to claim that "their bible trained hearts and minds" make them believe as they do, but we know that the reality is that all witnesses hold their "deep seated beliefs" according to what they have been told to believe.. so what would cause the average witness to question those that dictate their "personal convictions"??.
So if the GB changed its "bible based beliefs" on some teaching, would witnesses all of a sudden change their individual beliefs too?
Witnesses like to claim that "their bible trained hearts and minds" make them believe as they do, but we know that the reality is that all witnesses hold their "deep seated beliefs" according to what they have been told to believe.
So what would cause the average witness to question those that dictate their "personal convictions"??
My first thought was "What do you mean if they change believes?" They have changed a number of believes through the years, so my guess is that you may be referring to a very drastic, noticeable change.
So if that's the case, I can't envision that kind of change happening. The WT is set to adjust and evolve as they see it fit for their sole purpose. They have changed believes, policies and practices since day one. They will never make changes in a way that will make them lose money.
one thing i've never understood is judicial committees.
yes, i understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process.
but why give them all the power?
One thing I've never understood is judicial committees. Yes, I understand it's held to see if elders should go through with the disfellowshipping process. But why give them all the power? Someone ratted on my cousin for SMOKING (mind you she hasn't been to a meeting in 3 months), so I just told her to ignore it and just keep on doing her own thing (I admire her for just saying 'screw it' and leaving/if you read my previous posts, I don't have that same courage). She said she has to do it.
It you don't show up and ignore their requests, are they still allowed to df you? Will they take it as an admission of guilt or will they just give up and move on?
As far as I know, you cannot just decide to accept/ignore the parts of being a JW that you like/don't like as you please. I am making the assumption that your cousin doesn't want to get disfellowshipped, and therefore, there seems to be an interest in still having a connection with that organization.
Part of what makes them a cult and not just a religion is the fact that it's all in black and white. You are either in or out, no middle ground, no room for picking and choosing what course of action is in your best interest.
I know of people who have been disfellowshipped in absentia. So it's possible to have a person judged and sentenced without the person present. Ignoring and not paying attention to (or horrors! not being afraid of) a JC is seen as the ultimate act of insubordination. Those goons believe that they have been exclusively designated by no other than the creator of the universe him(her)self to formally judge you over their interpretation of what is considered to be good/bad actions from your part. JWs have no saying on it for as long as they want to remain JWs in good standing.
It's a controlling, highly demanding cult, and as such, their indoctrination involves make people believe that they have power and authority over them, otherwise, there wouldn't be any WT if it wasn't for that.
But the most important thing for me to ask is why on Earth does your cousin want to continue being a JW? I mean, I posted here all the things I did that were against the JW guidelines, but I was born in and as soon as I knew better and could I sent them to the carajo (no English translation exist for that place) and never looked back.
Is your cousin in the position of just leaving? Is there anything that ties her up or forces her to stay at least for the time being? What's the level of investment and involvement of your cousin in that organization? Why is your cousin staying?
well, i got myself in a dilemma.
i'm currently 18, being baptised for a year.
i had my doubts, but due to a variety of reasons (getting subtle flack for not baptised, not having a support system even if i wanted to leave).
Well, except for the fact of my family. Despite having put me through a lot, I love them and don't want to lose them. One friend gave me the advice to just fade as soon as I move out so they won't have to shun me. Another said just disassociate so I can move on fully and not be harassed by the witnesses. I honestly dont know how to go about the situation. I know I'd have he support of my boyfriend and his family, but I'd like to keep my family and friends too. How do you think I should go about my exit plan? Any ideas, similar experiences? Just reply if ya do!
I don't know the particular details of your relationship with your family, but once I found myself in the exact same situation (and to some degree I still do, and I'm in my 50s now).
What helped me was changing my perception of the issue, and realizing that the relationship with my family is a two-way street. It's not OK for them to shun you for believing something different. It's not ok for them to treat you differently for having a bf outside the WT.
They will be the ones making the wrong decisions and losing you over their faith to an organization that you have the right not to belong to. They too have responsibilities, and they too have the moral obligation of respecting and accepting you the way you are and with what you believe.
Discrimination based on religion is illegal for a reason, and that is, entities cannot deny you service or opportunities because of religious differences. So people who love you should know better than creating problems (and they are the ones creating the problem) because of the decisions you as an adult make.
It's not going to be easy; nor is it going to be possible to maintain a good relationship with your loved ones while not being a JW. However, holding them responsible for being the cause of disruption helps.
Those are the best thoughts I can provide. I wish I could tell you that you can leave the Wt and still maintain the same closeness to your family and friends. All I can say is, prepare to decide which kind of BS you're willing to put up with, and prepare to be shunned and blamed if you decide to leave. Also prepare a support system, better friends that can support you regardless of what your religious believes are/become.
the society claims to be jehovah gods sole channel on earth - his spokesman.. if any witness disagrees with this claim, they are branded as an apostate and punished.. but the society has made countless errors over the century, and repeatedly changed doctrines and beliefs.
not to mention the appalling foundation teachings of the organisation's teachings!
so a simple question: is god making msistakes and getting things wrong, or is this proof that the society is not guided by god?.
So which is it??
None; they are full of --it.
The whole concept of some "Jehovah" having such convoluted way of communicating (leave alone that his message is intended to be one that should save as many lives as possible - according to them) is just top notch nonsense to me. Any given tweet in Twitter today is capable of mobilizing thousands if not millions of people.
Yet, the so-called creator of the universe chooses to communicate what is supposed to be the most important message to save humanity by having an organization publish gazillions of publications explaining the message from a book that was written thousands of years ago in limited languages and at a time when humanity was the most naive at its views of the world, and if that's not bad enough, the book was written in parables, prophesies, visions and dreams. Nonsense.
i tend to be quite open about my experiences within the dub religion.
i've been out for a long, long time.
i'm now in my eighth decade.
I tend to be quite open about my experiences within the dub religion. I've been out for a long, long time. I'm now in my eighth decade. Sometimes, if I get into it on-line with a still-in witness, I get mocked for still having plenty to say about being brought up as witness because it was so long ago. Apparently, for some, there's a time limit on the validity of my experiences. I really should have moved on!
As for the hoary head, well Proverbs 16. 31 says: "The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness"
Well, I'm no saint. And I do drink too much. But I'm not a bad father or grandfather. And my missus thinks I'm OK. So I'll settle for that.
If you take care of your drinking in a healthy way, and you do it for your own well being (or maybe not if you're already in your 8th decade seems like you have healthy habits) you are 1000 times better than any of those resentful, jealous, full-of-hidden-anger, oppressed and in denial about it, JWs who mock you.
I find their laughing at people to be a pathetic attempt at them shifting the focus away from their miserable way of living. They can't accept that a non-JW or a former JW can be (a) right, (b) happy or (c) a better person than any of them. So they rather dismiss their sad reality by trivializing or mocking those who are out.
we are deeply indebted to wifibandit for such revealing documentation..
incidents: .
38. when property damage occurs, quick action can go far in preventing further damage.
It's no secret that the WT can't care less about the well being of children. That's the number one reason I have no respect for that organization.