In USA that's just a matter of public records. Not a difficult task at all.
JoinedPosts by scratchme1010
Making a list of the WT properties that's been sold
by no-zombie inin harmony with gorbatchov's topic about the income derived from property sales, i have thought for a while how good it would be to have one combined listing of all the assets the gb has sold together with a "worldly reference" to their prices.
it would be a bit of a task, but if a dump of all the links were made in one place, i could recompile it into one neat listing and repost it..
RC 2017
by wifibandit indue to last years success, i will post everything related to the 2017 regional convention in this thread.. to start us off.... thanks to exjw reddit user ich3b we have advance notice of the theme (this is not a joke!).
the theme for the 2017 regional convention is: "don’t give up!” .
as always, if you have access to confidential materials you would like to leak but need to protect your identity, pm me or email me: wifibandit1 (at) gmail.
The theme for the 2017 Regional Convention is: "Don’t Give Up!”
1992 called. They want their theme back.
If you think the JWs have got some crazy shit scandals going on then watch this
by joe134cd in
Interesting, but just fyi. There isn't a competition between organizations on which one is more messed up.
If you give a present, Jehovah will kill you.
by schnell inif you tell someone "merry christmas" or simply respond with "you too", then god is angry with you and you will answer for every such violation at your day of judgment.. if you eat some leftover birthday cake and a thin-skinned witness sees you and gets offended even though there's nothing wrong with the cake itself, you have become a stumbling block and god wants you to fix it before judgment day or else.. if you watch a cartoon featuring characters that may or may not be hilariously gay, it turns out that it does matter because this is an affront to god and he will judge all those who entertain such cartoons.. there are a lot of implications about god that jehovah's witnesses seem to make but never consider.
the problem is that they don't follow it all the way through.
in keeping themselves in god's love, and considering how they think he feels about matters in their daily lives, they submit to what is basically an ecclesiastical opinion that has terrible implications about god's character.
Jehovah is an awfully precious wee soul. And boaby daft as well. Loves a rule or two about people's genitalia. Quite the little pervert actually.
Not to mention his childish outbursts and mood swings. For real, any human being acting the way schnell describes will be in a psychiatric ward, yet "Jehovah" is supposed to be praised, worshiped and feared for it.
Garden of Eden
by Onager inwhere is the garden of eden?.
i don't mean where in the world, i mean where in history.
adam and eve get booted out of this place.
Where is the garden of Eden?
It never existed.
Who of us has ever thought, 'What's the point? I'm going to die anyway'
by Funchback inwhen i truly believed the jws had the truth, i usually reverted back to 'what's the point?
i'm going to die anyway' as a way to justify for doing so-called bad things or not doing so-called good things in jw land.. i shouldn't be watching this r-rated movie.
(why stop?
But...My guilt is also what led me to explore the truth about The Truth (You might as well do some research. You're going to die anyway).
That's not exactly how it went in my case. I just couldn't care less; I just had no interest in any of their nonsense, plus I wasn't treated in a way that enticed me to give them a chance.
Also, I wanted to point that guilt may be one thing, but maybe subconsciously you knew that the whole thing was nonsense, or maybe you knew that it's not for you.
Let the party begin.
by The Rebel in- the earth explodes.
one, two, three, more explosions, and then the earth opened beneath my feet, as a loud mouthed angry elder, screamied at me " i told you so".
i am still alive, but deep inside the earth.
If there's any consolation, you're no longer doing that. There are so many who are still wasting their lives in that nonsense.
Does anyone have any fashion sense? Getting Married. Help?
by RavenPearl ini am a man and i have roughly 10 months to prepare for my wedding (including raising the funds etc... my fiance is caught up in her affairs associated with the wedding.
now i do have a pretty good sense of fashion when it comes to 'dress to impress' when required.
however, i'm not familiar with specific clothing lines.
My suggestion, and I hope my gay license doesn't get revoked for this, look at fashion websites and magazines. Look for styles and looks where you see yourself. You will make the right choice if you trust your taste and common sense (yes, people, common sense exists).
Also, you can still look sloppy in the best outfit if you don't take care of the details. Make sure it fits well, it's clean, neat, ironed and new (or newish). Everything in its place. No too long/short sleeves, not too wide for you pants, hem at the right length. The outfit itself is only one part of the equation. I don't think I have to tell you to shave and shower properly too, but I just did.
Of course, consider that it's your wedding, that you want to look sharp, and that most of the beauty will be focused on the bride.
Good luck.
Many of the atheists are doing better than religionists!
by anointed1 ini got up today to listen to the shocking news that russia’s ambassador to turkey was assassinated at an ankara art exhibit, and assassin was acting in the name of god.. it seems things have evolved to the other extreme that atheists are doing the work of religionists and vice versa.
while religionists take delight in killing fellow humans in the name of god, there were many atheists who followed very elevated morality.
the french existentialists and writers jean-paul sartre and albert camus were some of them.
It seems things have evolved to the other extreme that atheists are doing the work of religionists...
That's making the pompous assumption that religionists always make about them being the only ones right and righteous and that non-believers are supposed to be amoral and careless.
IMO, there's no difference of how things have been all along, except for the fact that religionists cannot continue hiding all their hypocrisy. It's all now in the open.
Elder/MS requirement for marriage talk? (Wedding not in KH)
by respectful_observer inokay team,.
some family friends who are engaged are getting some flack around the particulars of their wedding ceremony (surprise!
"strain out the gnat, gulp down the camel", and all that).
is anyone aware of any rules (written or otherwise) when it comes to having a baptized JW who is not an elder or MS give the wedding talk at a non-KH venue when members of the wedding party are not JWs?
In my experience, when it comes to that, elders pretty much do whatever comes out of their behinds. I saw elders who decided to cancel a wedding altogether because the JW couple filled the paperwork a week before to qualify for a housing program. They were not allowed to get married.
Another elder decided not to preside the wedding because the non-JW sister of the groom, who wasn't attending got pregnant out of her marriage. And so on, they are full of nonsense.
There doesn't have to be a rule for them to decide to do whatever comes out of their behinds. It's just like that.