Hey! It's been a while since my last update. Well, I'm now in college pursuing my dreams. So far, I'm enjoying the atmosphere of easy breathing and starting a new chapter in my life. I have a long road ahead, but surely the reward will be worth it. How is everyone doing? I hope all of you are recovering and having control of your life. It's a process, but you'll eventually heal and enjoy life. With that being said, never give in to your doubts. You have friends and people willing to listen to your woes and troubles. They will help you out. And if you need urgent psychiatric therapy, take it. Get all the help you need because it's worth in the end and you'll recover. I'm majoring in Visual Arts. I love creating art and all. I don't know what I'll exactly do. I can be an art therapist. But one thing is for sure, I want to travel after I'm finished with college. I've been reading Rolff Potts' book, Vagabonding. Great tips and motivating, yet I'll have to wait and see. Also, I'm looking for scholarships and applying. If any of you have any scholarships you would recommend, I would greatly appreciate that! Well, I have to get back to my homework. I keep you guys updated. Enjoy your day!
Posts by Issa
Update: Now I'm in college
by Issa inhey!
it's been a while since my last update.
well, i'm now in college pursuing my dreams.
Since leaving the JW Organization, who is believing?
by Issa ini left the jw organization last year during summer.
maybe some of you can relate.
who of you are agnostic or an atheist?
I left the JW Organization last year during Summer. Maybe some of you can relate. Who of you are agnostic or an atheist? I am agnostic for a couple of months now.
I will be studying to become a nurse
Why Jehovah witnesses don't say, "Bless you" ?
by Issa inbless you, that was a big sneeze you let out sister.. sister- ah, what does "bless you" mean?.
oh, it's pagan.
because people bless the soul of the person so they don't escape from their physical bodies.. sister- right, it is difficult to change the little things, but we can please jehovah by staying away from those things.. .... this is a scenario that happened when i accidentally (naturally) said "bless you" to the jw sister.
Bless you, that was a big sneeze you let out Sister.
Sister- Ah, what does "bless you" mean?
Oh, it's pagan. Because people bless the soul of the person so they don't escape from their physical bodies.
Sister- Right, it is difficult to change the little things, but we can please Jehovah by staying away from those things.
This is a scenario that happened when I accidentally (naturally) said "bless you" to the JW sister. When she asked what it meant, I just simply replied, "it's pagan." It is pagan because the soul escapes the body (?) It's ridiculous that the organization comes up with pathetic excuses for the simplest things, like even saying "bless you". It is just being polite, and nowadays, I doubt people view bless you as in the old times.
Can anyone explain why the JWs don't say bless you, besides being "pagan"?
It has been a couple of months since the last time I updated. I got a good news to share.
I have been accepted to University!
The idea or pursuing college after high school was not in my mind last year. I contemplated trade school, but I never considered college. The idea of college came to me this summer (I left the org. during the time) and I set college as a goal of mine. I'm going to be challenging myself, be physical or mentally, and meet the goals I set for myself. For once in my life, I feel accomplished.There are many of goals that I want to accomplish. I can believe I can do it and find satisfaction in what I do. So, yes! I got accepted to University and I will be pursuing a career that will help others and my journey.
I have enjoyed the shunning in the past. But why not now?
by sinboi ini am prepared for shunning when i send in my da letter.
my dad was furious when he comes back from overseas and find out that i have da myself.
yes, i do regret not talking to him first before i da...i also know that my mom is crying in her room.. but they didn't chase me out of the house.
How long have you been disassociated?
From experiences that I have read and heard from, usually JW parents have either 1) completely shunned their own flesh and blood, 2) have their disfellowshipped or DA sons or daughters leave the house, and that was seen in one of the videos of a previous convention, 3) or very few parents that interacted with their parents.
It's a complicated situation between exJWs and their parents. It's surprising to hear that, in the case of children, shunning applies to them as well. I may not completely understand what you or others in a similar situation are experiencing. People in this forum are up to date with others in the forum. You posting this shows us aspects and experiences of former life in the JW org. People like you who decided to DA are an insight to what it feels to be treated afterwards, the life out of the org, and the challenges you'll be facing.
It feels like freedom, now doesn't it? And it's a relief to know that there's more to this world than how the org portrays it. There is hope that the JW org will be exposed for what it is. The hidden information about the information will continue to rise to the surface. It can happen through the media, social media, or people like us sharing our experiences in this forum.
Now, does anyone care whether you're alive or dead? Yes, there are people who care that you're alive. For one your parents. Under all that shunning, they care about you. You're still part of them even if they can't fully associate with you. Note, that's fault in the policies set forth by the org. Hope for the better I can say, but they still have love towards you.
The Bible a wierd book.
by James Mixon insome events in the bible can be questionable but there are some stories the rings of truth, and why do i say that because they are so descriptive.
judges 3:22 "ehud an israelite judge, goes to the king of the moabites to pay annual tribute.
instead, he pulls out a dagger and stabs the sh--t out of the king while he is bathing, he literal caused the sh--t to flow and the dagger disappeared in the folds of the king's skin.
The Bible is certainly an interesting and questionable. Lets look at Lot's daughters. After they fled with their father and leaving their salt-pillar mother behind, they had sexual relations with Lot. Why? Well, (comment on what you think about this count) I don't understand the motive. In the NTW of that count, it said that Lot's daughters needed offspring to pass on their inheritance(?). Couldn't they simply wait, it's not like they needed to have children right away and especially since they fled and had nowhere to support a family. The incest aspect of it was ignored in bible discussions. And how about David's and Goliath's account? -
Update: My current situation
by Issa init's been about two months since i stopped attending meetings, came to the conclusion that the org is not the truth, and i'm currently dealing with some problems since leaving the org.
i want to discuss these problems and hopefully get helpful advice.. discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime's work, but it's worth the effort - fred rogers.
my current situation in this: i faded and hold off on writing a disassociation letter.
It's been about two months since I stopped attending meetings, came to the conclusion that the org is not the truth, and I'm currently dealing with some problems since leaving the org. I want to discuss these problems and hopefully get helpful advice.
Discovering the truth about ourselves is a lifetime's work, but it's worth the effort - Fred Rogers
My current situation in this: I faded and hold off on writing a disassociation letter.
I talked to my parents about what I learned from the truth behind the org and why I decided to leave it for good. My mother took it fairly okay. On the other hand, my father insists me to talk to the elders. My confrontation with my father was like this: I made a Google Slides presentation highlighting the history of the org, the flip flops of doctrine, the governing body members of the org, the failed end-of-the-world prophecies, and the policy of the no blood transfusion and child abuse within the org. I directed them to videos that confirmed that child abuse exists in the org (a look at the case of Candance Conti and the Australian Royal Commission where Geoffrey Jackson "clarifies" the two witness policy).
My mother is pretty open-minded about me talking the truths of the org.
I've been getting text messages from sisters and a brother asking how I am doing. I know their intentions are good, but I'm not replying them (I accidentally answered a phone call from a sister on my mother's phone). One alternative that's been suggested to me is simply reply "this is the wrong phone number, I'm not....."
How should I react when I meet any sister or brother? I try to avoid meeting them, but at any point I will meet them again.
My problem is my father insisting me that I should talk to the elders. So far, only one elder texted me to know how I am doing. From what I've been researching and hearing, Judicial Committees are the worst. I'm not planning or even considered meeting with the elders.
Another problem is that my siblings (one left the org for personal reasons, the other was studying with a witness) are treating me harshly than before. This is one of the consequences that I accepted, even so, it pains me that my siblings are reacting this way. I can't talk about why the org is not the truth without getting backlash from my sisters.
This forum is a great opportunity to get to know others and their experiences when they left the organization. It's great, I like it, and I hope to get as much help as well as helping others. I've been busy lately and this is an update on my current situation. Thank you for reading and please give me some advice, it's very helpful.
God Bless
JW Kids Bullying My Daughter
by pale.emperor intrying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
And the witnesses say they love their neighbor. Proves to show they're hypocrites. I'm sorry that your daughter went through that. At such a young age and already witnessing what it means to be an outcast within "Brothers" and "Sisters". It's all bullcrap and putting up a display to show their love to their neighbor. Hopefully this experience will show your ex what the organization really is about. And not being invited to a relatives party is really, really messed up on so many levels.
I left the organization
by Issa ini left the organization.
my awakening was this month of july, the first week of july.
i couldn't answer my own questions about the organization or the doctrines, i couldn't understand the prophecies, i couldn't figure quite well what i was feeling.
I left the organization. My awakening was this month of July, the first week of July. I couldn't answer my own questions about the organization or the doctrines, I couldn't understand the prophecies, I couldn't figure quite well what I was feeling.
I'm going to write a disassociating letter. Straight to the point. This organization is not the truth. God is not directing it. And there's no of the world. Men is suits, frail old men calling themselves the GB...they didn't die for me. I'm aware of the consequences. My sisters would limit their contact, but I believe that they'll see the organization for whatbit is. I doubt two loving parents woukd allow their daughters to remain in a Pedophile paradise org.
Thank you everyone for your support and advice. I'm so glad and relieved I'm not the only one alone. I can begin to live a life. To love the people around me and truly see a wonderful future ahead of us.