JoinedTopics Started by Jidders
The Incredible Shrinking Watchtower -- What's Up?
by Room 215 inwhat's up with this?
it seems that with the january study magazine it's been trimmed by by four pages.
have any of you commented on this?.
More Watchtower Property For Sale!
by Atlantis inif this is old news then just scrap it.. .
looks like more watchtower property is for sale.. .
They don’t even know that they have become Scribes & Pharisees
by Muddy Waters in“father, forgive them, for they know naught what they do...”.
- said jesus as they were killing him.. “... and the man who comes to kill you will imagine he is doing it as a deed to god.”.
”oh, father, i thank you that i am not like these sinners, these unrighteousness, lowly, and ungodly people.” .
New Upcoming Changes - No More Publisher Record Cards & Reporting Hours
by thedepressedsoul inpublisher record cards and reporting hours will be going away.
coming soon.. made this post 4 years ago, it happened - https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/24020002/kingdom-consolidation-sales-coming-reliable-source.
I'd like to see something like this
by frozen2018 ina dragon aurora over iceland.
i've seen auroras, both northern and southern, but nothing like this.. .
while not nearly as spectacular as a dragon aurora, if you think of it take a look at the super snow moon tonight.
Watchtower Trolleys With Added Bling
by cofty inmy wife and i were in edinburgh on saturday (did a ghost tour) and around dusk we passed two trolleys on the high street — aka 'the royal mile' — that both had two rows of led lights under the little shelves.
has anybody else seen this or is it a local innovation?
i'm happy to report their pimped-up trolleys were attracting no attention as usual.
Is this how you saw your Armageddon? I sure did :(
by Diogenesister ini think most of our imaginations of the new world was probably nothing like the watchtower reality.
after all, we jws are very good at avoiding uncomfortable truths!
you can tell micheal jackson was a certain type of jehovahs witness.
Life as a Perfect Human in the New System of Things
by RubaDub ini have always wondered how basic things that we do to ourselves will be handled as "perfect" human beings.. i recall someone here had a quote from an old wt that said that if we fall off a roof or something that there will be some "force" to soften the fall and we will not be injured.. but, as a perfect human, if we travel to mexico and drink water from the tap, will we get the squirts, flying shits, montezuma's revenge, or whatever you wish to call it?
maybe we will be protected as perfect human beings and have colons that also are perfect.
but who knows.. just pondering these common things that we take for granted.. rub a dub.