JoinedTopics Started by gabcol
Kingdom hall cleaning
by Farmer Jim1 inwhat are your memories of hall cleaning?.
i actually enjoyed it on the whole, my dad as the elder always tried to keep it to under one hour but in my later years in a hard-line congregation it was a chore.
the po's wife had a printed list and we had to complete it all before left (or got disapproving looks if we left after an hour).. as well as vacuuming the whole building the lost said you had to dismantle the vacuum and clean and polish all the internal elements.
Special talk/Memorial (Trigger warning maybe?!?)
by gabcol infirst off, you all are amazing.
though i don't comment much on here, it is nice to read all of your posts and see our shared knowledge/experiences.
thank you for everything.. so, here in australia, we just had the special talk and tonight was the memorial.
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars (continued)
by Simon inuh oh, looks like the mega thread gave up the ghost, so while i investigate / fix it just continue the discussion here .... it's been a long 9 years lloyd evans / john cedars.
Zoom Memorial
by gabcol inwell i did it.. i attended the zoom memorial ( in respect for my mum).
it was very strange to say the least.
everyone had bread and wine at their houses.
When You Were A Witness Did You Believe Everything Taught?
by minimus inobviously at some point you stopped believing the witnesses had the truth or else you wouldn’t be here.
but for the most part, were you a true believer or were you typically a rebel or a doubter?
Ban on Independent Meetings
by lssjr insource - march 2021 announcements - -
this is a sobering reminder of what happened some 40 years ago when raymond franz and others were literally kicked out from the jehovah's witnesses for having pre-arranged private spiritual discussions.lesson: paragraph 7 is another example of the i and t in dr. steven hassan's bite model of the 21st century cult - information and thought control at its best!!!!
"my gosh, there must be a lot of independent meetings these days.
Profits ,Not For Profit ,and Prophecy ( Profitcy )
by smiddy3 ini cant get my head around how a religion ,like the jehovah`s witnesses can be a not for profit organization ,that profits $ from wheeling and dealing in real estate ventures $ ,and also profits from being a multi media publishing company $ that in its heyday profited from volunteers selling their literature and now its venturing into the digital age of tv imaging ,video conferencing ,dvd`s and whatever else they can use.$$$.
making $$$ profits from all of these activities while still claiming to be a not for profit religion reaping in the $$$ profits selling prophecy (profitsy $$$).
it`s about time governments woke up to this charade ..
If You Have A Choice To Listen To Any Music, Any Artist —what would you like??
by minimus ini love rhythm and blues and soul music.
i love funk but i also enjoy music of the 60s and 70s.
just not really into classical or country western although some country is pretty good..
WT Teaching That You Can't Leave Behind
by jhine inafter posting on another thread it became apparent to me that it can be difficult for some ex jws to totally shake off all wt teaching , even after leaving the org.
do you still feel guilty going into a church for a wedding or a funeral .
can you bring yourself to celebrate birthdays or christmas .