"You can’t simply claim secret knowledge by Holy Spirit, as the scripture point outs, anyone with discernment can learn these things, thus claiming Holy Spirit revealed it to you specifically is no better than the WTBTS FDS doing the same"
I never claimed to have "secret knowledge". Anyone can pray to God for holy spirit, and that He gives generously is no secret.
I am not ashamed of Jehovah God and His holy spirit, so I will continue to make the statement that it is only by means of His holy spirit that I can accurately understand anything in the scriptures. I will be very bold and say that it is only by means of holy spirit that anyone can understand anything in the Bible accurately. What you know accurately from the Bible is also because of holy spirit, not intellectualism. If you know that "God is Love" it's not because you are an intellectual. It's because you have experienced what love is and what it looks like and acts like, because you and others have been moved by holy spirit, the primary fruitage of which is love.
As I already mentioned, I don't care what the WTBT$/FD$ claims. Their claims make no difference to me. They think I'm a wicked apostate deserving of death. I think they make a lot of ridiculous claims. They can go jump in the lake for all I care. 😜🤣(That lake there looks like a nice place to swim anyway...)
"Other numbers in Revelation that use the exact same phraseology in Greek are 2 million scorpion-tailed horse-man hybrids, given your interpretation, they must be a literal number too, yet, nobody ever reported those things to be literal.
Interestingly enough, the original Greek text uses the same word for number (literally translated: to count/number) in the verse with 666, where the writer basically says the name of the beast is to count 666."
I already told you, it's not my "interpretation".
Genesis 40:8
"Do not interpretations belong to God?"
As regards Revelation chapter 9...
The "myriads of myriads" means "a lot".
The "locusts" are those of the nations who destroy religious institutions. The primary part of the attack on religious institutions will be a literal five months during the first part of the 3 1/2 years of the great tribulation.
The cavalry in verses 16-19 are angels, which is made clear from the context in verses 14 and 15.
In Revelation 13:18 - The number "666" is figurative. It means trying to fix the world through systems of men rather than resting on God to fix it. It means looking for salvation through human institutions to the exclusion of God and the Kingdom of Christ that will be set up soon in heaven.
What else do ya got, @AnonyMous?😃This is fun!😁