Look at the universe. We are nothing.
during the massacre of many witnesses at a kingdom hall in germany the other night, where was jehovah's holy spirit ?
Look at the universe. We are nothing.
this has been announced on the jw's official website, in the "jw news" section.
this is not a joke.
anthony moron da turd is out as a gluttonous body member!
So transparant like a concrete wall.
mass shooting at a kingdom hall in hamburg, germany this evening.
at least 6 or 7 killed, dozens injured.
single shooter on the run, police doesn't rule out more shooters.
this book was published around 1990, but was never studied (to my knowledge).
does anyone know the reason why?.
What I heard in the 90’s, that it was ment to be studied at the bookstudy but tthe society changed plans because the book was about other religion doctrine and theology.
So many wiitness around me those days kept asking when are we going to study the mankind book.
One of the jw mystery’s.
in the 90's my fading begun.
it had a great impact on me, and took a lot of energy.
later on it gave me a much better life, also for my wife and children.
Johan Wrobel has his biography online, in German and English. Here is the link: http://johanneswrobel.de/
The German version, goes indept about leaving Selters, has all to do with Jaracks.
Read the part The Wiederstand nimmt zu: http://www.jswrobel.de/rueckblicke-1.htm#widerstand
About Aid Afrique:
This relief organization was an initiative of 2 JW doctors in France. It was a huge succes, the France witnesses donated an mass for direct help in Africa half way the 90’s.
At a moment in time it was taken over by the society. They used the netwerk of politician, ambassadors and the UN. There was a website with pictures that proved this all.
It was for me a sign that watchtower became more and more a normal religion.
And then everything was stopped, because it seized with watchtower interests.
Orher events then in France were a protest march in Strasbourg and Brussels, JW’s were transported by bus to protest against tax laws in France. We had pictures to prove these events. Asking about it gave aggressive reactions from local elders. It had to stay under the radar.
Same period the France headoffice was evacuated to London with all the tools, printing press and computer systems, just a day before the Governement would close it. It was presented by watchtower like a big victory. It crashed the relation between watchtower and France. All for the money. France jw’s were the victim, lost their government jobs.
And so on, and so on in the 90’s.
I have also in my archive a publication about children rights and sects, seems a neutral publication, but it was printed on jw press in Selters. Asked about it and the local elders saw water burning.
Sonthe difference between the local jw religion and their deeds out of sight, this gap, became such a big issue for me, that I couldn’t stomage all that I heard in KH, circuit and assembly. It made me sick. The CO and DO gave at that time much pressure wit their anti government and anti education views.
in the 90's my fading begun.
it had a great impact on me, and took a lot of energy.
later on it gave me a much better life, also for my wife and children.
In the 90's my fading begun. It had a great impact on me, and took a lot of energy. Later on it gave me a much better life, also for my wife and children. We are free from the brainwash now!
How did it start?
It all came together those years:
- 1995 generation change
- alternative service
- Weird Daniel prophecy books with unproven facts and a mix of history events that looked like the writers used a lot of liquids during the writing process
- Aid Afrique, the France JW organisation, working together with UNHCR
- JW protest march in France (had to be off the radar)
- Watchtower advert in NY Times protesting against France tax laws
- Blood fractions allowed
- European JW and Watchtower working with OCSE
- Watchtower working with UN (and support article in Awake)
- Book Mankind in search of God went under the bus
- Watchtower funding “neutral” movies and books about JW
- JW media, James Pellechia, Jolene Chu and Johan Wrobel working together and research (great job!) with historician and university, and formal doctrine condemned higher education, CO did hate speech against UN, University, historicians.
- Detlef Garbe's history book about jw's in Germany during the war, that gave so much insight (and different from jw view)
- The Awake magazine about Paul Balzereit wrongly gets the blame in 1975 yearbook
- JW publising and print ‘neutral’ publication about children rights
All above and much more researched by me and proved correct.
And knowing this, hearing CO and Bethel officials at conventions and assembly’s condemn the world, the university’s and research.
It all started in 1995 for me, and I know because of all the research, it was the only right step to leave, for me and my wife and children.
After 4 generations JW it was enough. We moved to another city and never came back.
Johan Wrobel wrote on his website he left Selters “because it was time to do other things”. That’s the way I see it now, it was, after 4th generations, time to do other things.
Did you had the same proces?
kingdom halls will be the thing of the past.. conventions (mini assembly halls will still be going on) but will charge for attending and parking and always a donation.
elders will play a much smaller role since csa.
cart preaching will replace door to door.
It will stay the same, some minor details will change due to legal.
this afternoon i drove by an old hall i attended ( barrington illinois) and noticed that it had been sold, it is now an adventist .
church !
now here is my drive-home thinking.. back in the 80's when i attended i was newly married, and had a young child.
My parents told me when I was young, “You can trust the brothers”.
The end of asking questions.
i was out on the ministry(tm) in the 1980's when i was pie-on-earring.
i was only a lowly publisher(tm) being coached by a rather odd elder(tm).. one of the publications(tm) had recently mentioned japan and the growth(tm) of jws there.. the elder(tm), brother(tm) i was with offered the magazines(tm) to the householder(tm).. then he stated, 'there are (gave the reported numbers at the time.
i can't remember the number he stated), jehovah's witnesses(tm) in japan.'.
Remember 15 jw's in front of the house for the fieldservice gathering. I parked my car, stepped out and ask, whats going on?
"Br and sister so-and-so stopped with the truth this week, and we have no new gathering adress".
That was the morning we held the gathering with daily text and prayer in the garden of former br and sister so-and-so and went in service 😊
the organisation is now creating museums in 35 countries, is that their new way of making money?
nowhere does the bible say that christians should engage to such activity but is it possible the watchtower is now making it a priority for :.
a. look like they have something to offer to the community.
A big contribution box with a museum banner.