A brother, called André.
study article 47. .
7 maintain your spiritual routine.
consider how doing so helped shirley, a sister in papua new guinea, when she faced hardships.
2022 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 86. .
number of lands reporting: 239. .
happy birthday 2 me!!.
sunday is my 76th birthday and i know that you want to know how it "feels" to have outlived my usefulness, to have lost my natural beauty (being reduced to wrinkles and flab), and constantly walking into a room not knowing why i'm there.
you also are curious as to how i can continue to find a reason to live since none of my kids think my opinions have any possible value, most of my facebooks friends i wouldn't recognize if i tripped over them on my way into starbucks, and my monthly expenditure on bird treats exceeds u.s. spending on the military.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
A rank and file, like me before PoMo, counts 8 hours a month preaching.
So I would preach aprox 104 years to get in a new member.
That's not good, the local rarety society's like stamp collectors, cats and dogs and honkey tonk piano society does better.
So the weekly training / brainwash in KH and broadcasting are proved a useless tool.
The Awake university is significant time wasting, but we knew that already.
2022 grand totals.
branches of jehovah’s witnesses: 86. .
number of lands reporting: 239. .
A rank and file, like me before PoMo, counts 8 hours a month preaching.
So I would preach aprox 104 years to get in a new member.
That's not good, the local rarety society's like stamp collectors, cats and dogs and honkey tonk piano society does better.
So the weekly training / brainwash in KH and broadcasting are proved a useless tool.
The Awake university is significant time wasting, but we knew that already.
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
isn’t it about time they released the report for the service year?
or have they stopped publishing it?
did they released selected figures at the annual meeting as they usually do, such as the memorial attendance or record number of pioneers?
@blotty every coin has 2 sides.
Some jw.org aspects are not that bad at all.
My opinion it that jw.org is a typical US religion, baseď on production, loyality and obey to the leadership, hardly personal freedom and money and property comes first. A business model, with the American dream as perspective. (Religion, family, practical labor, house, car, wife and children).
And yes, they are a social structure for the rank and file. Attention for the sick and those in need, but only for their own members.
If you can not agree with all of it's habits and rules, there is ony way, that of the extrance.
there is a huge problem now in all congregations as the gb stubbornly will not do the u turn on staying fully vaccinated that many hoped they would do.. all congregations around the world the cobe has to ask all ministerial servants and elders if they are fully vaccinated (meaning no more than six months since last shot).
there is a massive problem now with many many jdubs not getting their latest boosters and not wanting to stay fully vaccinated .
but more serious than that is how the gb painted themselves into a corner with these vaccine mandates.. most governments did a u turn on the vax mandates but the gb can’t get out of this one so easily .
warning: this post doesn't belong to me, i took it from reddit and posted it here.
+0.4% growth in publishers globally.
after a previous sale fell through, geico has sold its sprawling woodbury property for $27 million.
the buyer for the 236,365-square-foot office building on 20 acres at 750 woodbury road is the christian congregation of jehovah’s witnesses.