i could never go back,as a born in the only thing drilled into my head was how the generation of 1914 wouldn't pass....now they have and even as a mind controled jw i always had serious questions that couldn't be answered.I look at the members in my family that are jws,they are the older ones i'm looking forward to this cult dying out of my family it has caused so much harm and pain and if you look at the ones in the hall compared to the rest of my family they appear odd compared to the rest of the family.
JoinedPosts by 20yearfader
I'm thinking about going back
by Corboy101 ini have been out for 22 years.i was raised as a jehovahs witness.
i was baptized in 1986 but soon after left the religion.
theres a whole lot to the reasons why i left, but i left.
I missed a lot of TV over the last 30 years
by sosoconfused insince i have stopped attending meetings i have realized that there are alot of good t.v.
shows that i have missed as well as channels that i would not watch because they would no doubt be in opposition to the scriptures(har har).. .
i have been watching the history channel and the discovery channel so much over the last few months that it is amazing.
i reccomend my all time favorite Dr.who on the bbc america and grim on nbc
by Godsendconspirator inhey guys.
don't really post here much, mostly just lurk around.
so here's just backstory: in 2012, after about half a year of research i decided to leave the organization.
i wouldn't send a letter just fade i've been fading for over 20 years....no problems no calls no visits,the added perks are i can go to my jw family weddings and funerals without the df or da recoil from the jws lol.Only had one problem from a jw that was released from prison that i grew up with saw him at my grandmother's funeral he spoke later i tried to frien d him on fb and he asked what was my status ..lol he did 15 years for murder an he was still better than me go figure
Who from JWN would you most like to have dinner with?
by laverite inif you could pick anyone from jwn to meet in real life to meet and have dinner with, who would that be?
let's exclude all those who you are already friends with, who you know and love from jwn in real life.
so or me, that excludes my friend ann and also curious butterfly.
it would have to outlaw and unstoppableraven outlaw because he missed his calling to be a comic and un because we both are raven fans
Do you think "Blondie" is addicted to reading Watchtowers and Awakes?
by booker-t ini remember when i was a "devout" jws i could not wait to get the new watchtowers and awakes from the wednesday nite theocratic ministry school.
i would actually salivate thinking of the new information jehovah had in the magazines for us.
i was "franatical" and i would go home still in my three piece suit and devour the magazines that very nite.
i always look forward to blondie's post on the watchtower and i hope she will continue exposing the bs in them
Hello and my exit story from WTS
by free2Bme13 ini thought it was fitting for me to share my freedom from the witnesses story on independence day weekend.. i dont have any secret info, just experiences that happened to me and started to open my eyes.. i was a third generation, raised in the truth kid who was never supposed to be born, and then never supposed to graduate high school.
ive now been out of high school longer than i was in school.. the beginning of the end started a little less than a decade ago.
i was late 20s at the time.
welcome free the COs you describe sound just like the ones we had when i was a kid in the org.Never understood how someone that really has nothing but the kindess of the cong could come in and talk so much crap to people,also that CO that was in salvadore i would have told him that doesn't impress me try speading the good news in a muslim country and tell me it was a calk walk i bet that will be the last we every hear of him.The issue of shunning relatives never sit well with me either.As a kid i always made an effort to speak to my dfed aunts that use to come to the district convention knowing full well i would face the wrath of my parents funny i had more sense then them at such a young age.
What evidence is there for the miracles of the Bible OUTSIDE of the Bible?
by punkofnice inok. this is something i've wondered about.. people of certain religions tend to use their own holy book as evidence for things in itself.
this seems very circular to me.
using the book to prove the book in my view is pointless.. i am not aware of any of the 'miracles' of the bible or the quran as having any substantial evidence outside of themselves to give credibility to the books themselves.. has anyone come across such evidence?.
i always use to say as a jw why didn't he leave the flaming swords at the garden of eden,that way future humans could say look that's where our parents use to live but were thrown out.Now at this point in my life i believe nothing in that book it is a well written fairy tale and that is it.
Our Blondie Has A Torn Memiscus.
by LoisLane looking for Superman inblondie posted her watchtower comments for today and her last paragraph was asking for help, suggestions.
she is in pain from her knee injury, is on steroids and possibly going to have surgery.. she is asking if anyone here, has had the same problem, and if so, what did they do and how was the outcome?.
just lois.
as someone that has suffered from bad knees for years i feel your pain.i use to keep my knees wrapped with ace bandages but lately i've stopped doing that.started exercising the knee joint with weights and i've seen some improvement but you need surgury get it done right away.I bet i need surgury too but i'm going to delay it as long as possible.Bad knees run in my family on my mother's side everyone no matter what age height ,weight has bad knees.
WT SHUNNING POLICY: What has it done, or could it do to you?
by flipper inhi y'all, this is mrs. flipper.
please share your experiences with this, or possible consequences of being outed.. this recent controversy and resulting arguments all stem from people being outed - possibly losing friends and family because most jw's will blindly follow the watchtower's rules to shun them.. among people i know and experiences read here, the grief and loss caused by this is terrible, and maybe now is a good time to put up some experiences here, and put the focus on the worst villians of all - wt policymakers..
Seeing my aunts being treated as dirt by my own jw family made me realize at an early age that i wasnt going to let men tell me whom i could speak to.i would as a kid always go up to the red seats in the dc convention in the capital center to speak and spend time with them.Funny thing is,now they are back in the org and Don't speak to me even though i'm not dfed.
Would it be too cruel to..............
by Amelia Ashton inyesterday i had a real blast from my past turn up un-announced on my doorstep.
she bumped into my daughter (who has rejected me) in sainsbury's, took her to lunch and got my address from her.
she claims she has been searching for me ever since she discovered i was back in the uk.. she is a disfellowshipped sister who was described by one of our elders as a wagon.
i would it seems like talking to her is a pointless as talking to a wall.you know the bad part is that she is so close minded i can deal with stupid and someone that knows they are stupid but when you don't even want to entertain a discussion on the topic,i have no use for you,you guys havent been friends in 10 years i say lets go for 20 and beyond....