change if possible for Paula Deen will be hard,she has been raised in an enviroment where other races are beneath her.Somewhat like the WT where dfed people are lower than low.What is really needed is a no bs talk about race in America,many blacks have white relatives and many whites have black relatives we are so intertwined that it is foolish to continue this way.shake her tree hard enough and some blacks and mexicans will fall out.Sadly for people like her it will be hard to change we might need overlapping generations to pass on before we see any change in those people in the south like her
JoinedPosts by 20yearfader
I am so proud of Wendy Williams for calling Paula Deen to the carpet for her racist remarks
by booker-t ini was cheering wendy williams on when i saw her on et calling paula deen to the carpet for her use of racial slurs.
i use to work for a woman that reminds me of paula deen.
she was s caucasian woman her mid 60s and she was raised in georgia and she constantly would make racial jokes and do racial jestures in front of me.
The antidote to the myth that JWs are declining
by slimboyfat inone of the most persistent myths on this website is that jws are already in decline, the rot has set in, and the descent of the watchtower is inevitable from here on in.
unfortunately the facts do not bear this out.
jws are still increasing even in most developing countries, and they are still growing worldwide at a faster rate than the general population.
when i stopped going which was in 91,i always heard the 40k a year that were dfed.If anything happens to the WT it will come from within.i see jws now that are allowed greater freedom then i was able to enjoy.When the older hardliners pass on you will see the WT change a lot of it's policies if only to stay relevent.The org that i left in 91 doesnt look like the one that operates today teenagers can attend college join in activities that i couldn't org sports.etc...I see born ins like myself everyday that are no longer in the org many are hostile to the Wt others want to be as far away as possible from the org.The wt has laid the seeds to there demise since many of the born ins that have left want nothing to do with the org.In my own family the older gen is the only one that attends the meetings my generation has not embraced the Org and likely never will.Once this gen the baby boomers has passed on expect them to take a lethal hit to the org,at least that's my hope lol.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader inthis weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.he grew up the same way i did being a born in.he and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.he would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.after we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.he stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.he left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.while in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.i can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.he tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.he hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.i talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.i don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.i'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.i will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking..
steve 2 I can't believe that you can post over and over again about the fact that we are grown men and women and that we should get over it.You sir are part of the problem we come here to vent and share with others about our experiences in the org.I can not get over it since the WT and its rules helped shape me into the man that i became a person that loathes people due to the fact that i wasnt given any normal interaction with people of my age group since they were worldly and below the wt standards,i have a hard time expressing myself to my wife she describes me as a robot,cold sometimes unfeeling.As an adult i can see that im a very violent person,i've gotten help with my temper but as a young adult i wanted to hurt anyone that wronged me.My actions led me to being arrested,and yes i blame the religion and my parents for the way that they raised me in accordance to the org's rules.Even though they dont support phsyical beatings now at one time they did and you can't make light of that,how do you think i feel seeing witness children now being able to go to college and having way more freedoms that i couldn't enjoy that is even worse then the org continuing their draconion practices.I got married no one in my family that was a witness attended whom should i blame for that,should i just get over it as you state.This org has our families as hostages no sir i will never just get over it until my family is free of the WT.As i stated in earlier post my mother hates me for rejecting the WT i have a messed up relationship with my parents they are brainwashed whom sir should i blame because of that no one?As i stated you need to get off your high horse and exercise a little empathy instead of post over and over again get over it.There is an old saying if you don't have anything positive to say about something then say nothing.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader inthis weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.he grew up the same way i did being a born in.he and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.he would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.after we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.he stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.he left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.while in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.i can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.he tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.he hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.i talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.i don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.i'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.i will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking..
steve2 this concept of revenge is not only an american thing,this friend of mine has the know how to make his fantasy a reality.You i take it weren't a born in that was subject to physical and mental abuse you need to get down off of your high horse and see the world through our eyes.I can add up the sum of my life and see the common denominator in my life and many of the born ins of my generation and clearly blame the wt and there policies that our parents took to the extreme.That is one of the reasons so many of my generation have rejected religion and carry so much emotional baggage in there lives.Also men don't coo maybe you have forgotten that.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader inthis weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.he grew up the same way i did being a born in.he and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.he would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.after we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.he stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.he left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.while in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.i can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.he tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.he hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.i talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.i don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.i'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.i will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking..
it's funny because the majority of my beatings had to do with the kingdom hall.I even mentioned this to my mother last week when she was saying my daughter was following my path,i stated to her minus all the beatings i got because of the hall,what does that leave like 3 beatings that i got for being a regular child.also as i stated my friend would regularly come to school with black eyes which at the time he blamed on skateboarding accidents but the select few of us witness children he would tell what really happened.
The watchtower is making some dangerous enemies
by 20yearfader inthis weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.he grew up the same way i did being a born in.he and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.he would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.after we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.he stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.he left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.while in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.i can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.he tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.he hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.i talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.i don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.i'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.i will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking..
This weekend i spent time with a friend that i haven't seen since high school,that would be 22 years.He grew up the same way i did being a born in.He and i both received our share of beatings related to the wt org coming to the hall without a song book not getting a comment low hours in field service etc....Where we differ is the fact that his stepdad was beating him with his fist i got the belt or a stick.He would come to school with black eyes due to his infractions with the hall.After we left schoo we lost touch since he was still living at home an going to the meetings and i wasn't, kicked out at 17 so that ending my time with the org.He stayed at home until 21 still getting his fair share of beatings due to any sort of failing that had to do with the org.He left after one beating and joined the marines,he was dfed.While in the marines he told me he asked an got sniper training becoming a deadly shot,he also told me he always volunteered for the most dangerous missions.I can see that he was doing this to escape the pain of his upbringing even to his subconscious mind secrectly hoping to die on one of these missions.He tells me he has some sort of nerve disability that will progress until he cant walk,he has hearing loss due to a grenade going off by his head'he knows one day he will be in a wheelchair disabled it's only a matter of time.He hasn't spoke to his mother and his family in over 20 years they care nothing about him not even returning the calls he leaves on there answering machine,he told me he calls once a month for the past 20 years.Sitting here at my house he says out of the clear blue you know i've thought a lot about going to brooklyn and with the skills i have i could do a lot of damage to those men that have ruined my life.I talked him out of it i think,i told him about this site where he could come to vent,because i think he needs to vent badly.I don't know what will happen to him when he is told his quality of life will get worse and if he will revisit the idea of lashing out at what he thinks has ruin his life,i don't know what he will do and even though i think i talked him out of doing anything,can i really say i blame him.I'm in the same boat my family is fractured broken all because of some men,men in brooklyn that hold more control over my family than i can,i wonder do thay ever think about the countless people that they affect with there shunning methods how many broken families they leave in there wake.I will say one thing there are many others out there that think the way my friend does i feel it's only a matter of time before karma comes a knocking.
Why conservatives are losing
by free2beme ineverytime i see a facebook status about hunting, fishing, farming, 4 wheeling, and being a good old boy.
it is a conservative republican friend who is saying he or she is proud to be real an american.
this is common, to mention these good old boy jobs and mentality in such a way.
conservatives are losing because they didnt adapt to the changing of the nation.not modifying your views and allowing right wing nuts to hijack the party have left the republicans as the ridged party of no just because no is easier than trying to modify your message.Gun rights will never be taken away however getting a gun wil be a little harder due to the nut jobs running in malls and schools and killing everyone however conservatives will paint it as guns will be taken away from them...which makes them look like they are behind the times,rest assurd the last time the constitution was changed it led to a civil war,that won't happen again gun ownwership is here to stay.Another topic is gay marriage,there going to get the right to marry so as a conservatives they also need to pick there battles standing in the way of the tide that is gay marriage is almost like trying to catch a fart with your hands,the liberals have laid the groundwork for all of this liberal crap that is passing now a days conservatives need to do the same thing.Don't look at the 4 year plan,look at the 10 year of 20 year plan.i always thought i was like a semi conservative person,but this liberal agenda that is passing is scary illegals with licenses,gay reset the clock to 1984 for god's sake.
How Many Here Have Ever Smoked Pot or Tobacco?
by minimus inam i the only one who has done neither?.
i've done both and enjoyed both.
May the next generation fade walk away!
by SophieG indo any of you see how the "truth" will fade out in future generations of your family?.
i have a few relatives either dfd or faded and we were talking about this.
we were talking how we would not raise our kids in the madness.
In my family on my mother's side it looks good since the only ones in are the older ones there children have not shown any interest in the wt in fact they hate it based on the odd behavior that my aunts have shown,so it dies on that side soon,on my father's side only my 2 cousin have taken to it which leaves them as the odd men out since the majority of my family on that side has seen the damage it has done to the family,yeah its over after the older ones pass on,which i think is very positive it will serve as a warning to the rest of the family that comes after know you really have to wonder what the gb is thinking you come in an divide families and you wonder why you have the lowest retention rate of any religion.
2 jws just called on my door
by l p ini saw them coming down the street...the excitment grew.....then 2 people walked up to my door.... .
one could hardly speak english...struggling to invite me to the memorial....i said "why should i go".
they told me ...bec jesus died for everyone just one day a year is very important.... .
Oh they will be back,cause it seemed the sister had a hard time understanding your point years of brainwashing.They knocked on my door last week too, i didnt even bother to open the door all i have for these people is pity