I read on H20 that someone there has his email address. Just look for the Ray Franz post about 2 weeks back.
And he lives in Atlanta I think.
PS He might even visit this site.
i bought c of c last year and spent a long time reading it (3 whole months).
thanks to this well-written and researched book, i was finally able to get past the "armageddon syndrome" that so many ex-jws experience (i.e., "i'm gonna die at armageddon for reading this apostate literature").
i noticed that r.f.
I read on H20 that someone there has his email address. Just look for the Ray Franz post about 2 weeks back.
And he lives in Atlanta I think.
PS He might even visit this site.
anyone read the books (besides franz's, jonsson's and penton's books) on this page?
: http://www.commentarypress.com/booklist-eng.html.
what did you think of them?
Anyone read the books (besides Franz's, Jonsson's and Penton's books) on this page? : http://www.commentarypress.com/booklist-eng.html
What did you think of them?
it's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already.
a lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......job's going ok, the chick got the flick, jw's keep smsing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so i should get them soon.. from 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact i don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
i was thinking about the situation of if someone was df'd for reading apostate literature.
Uncle Bruce: No! No! No! The "getting a hard on" part was refering to if someone takes the Watchtower Borg to court over human right's abuse's (that's why I reprinted article 18, 19, 20 of the U.N.'s Universal Declaration of Human Rights) and wins (the whole world would know about it). I'm not saying i'd get a hard on if someone was DF'd.
"I was thinking about the situation of if someone was DF'd for reading apostate literature. If I was DF'd for that i'd sue for human right's abuse's. I bet if someone would do that and won, that you would all get a hard on, wouldn't you?"
Btw I never said that 1975 was the r&f's fault. I said it was started by the GB. The GB got the r&f all excited.
it's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already.
a lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......job's going ok, the chick got the flick, jw's keep smsing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so i should get them soon.. from 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact i don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
i was thinking about the situation of if someone was df'd for reading apostate literature.
Uncanny: I'd like to sincerely apologise for my "sexist gutterspeak" and "toilet humour" that I wrote that may have offended you in some way. I'd like to apologise for what I said, but instead I won't...
"this fine forum is a boys night chat club or on-line stag party."
Last time I looked the ratio was 1:1.
it's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already.
a lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......job's going ok, the chick got the flick, jw's keep smsing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so i should get them soon.. from 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact i don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
i was thinking about the situation of if someone was df'd for reading apostate literature.
"On the other hand, if you continue to resort to low level crudities to make your point or frame an analogy, I would rather do without them."
If you don't like them then there's always the opposition?? But then again, their all lower than me.
"Your use of the expression "you would all get a hard on" if someone was to win a court case for being disfellowshipped for reading apostate literature was tasteless and inappropriate for a forum like this one."
You sure you aren't a Watchtower sympathiser????
it's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already.
a lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......job's going ok, the chick got the flick, jw's keep smsing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so i should get them soon.. from 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact i don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
i was thinking about the situation of if someone was df'd for reading apostate literature.
Hi all!,
It's only been 2 days and i'm starting to miss all of you (filthy apostates) already. A lot can happen in 2 days and it has.......Job's going OK, the chick got the flick, JW's keep SMSing me on my phone (sending me goodluck letters) it's a pity they'd never find out the real story, and my friend has sent my records to me yesterday so I should get them soon.
From 2 days ago and onwards i'll only be online once or twice a month cos of work and the fact I don't have ready access to a computer anymore.
I was thinking about the situation of if someone was DF'd for reading apostate literature. If I was DF'd for that i'd sue for human right's abuse's. I bet if someone would do that and won, that you would all get a hard on, wouldn't you?
Article 18.
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Article 19.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Article 20.
(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
(2) No one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Can someone email when the Sydney BBQ is going to happen so I know when to head to Sydney. Btw anyone got a spare spot on the floor where I can sleep by any chance?
P.S. Just got my copy of "In search of Christian Freedom". it's more meatier and juicier that "C.O.C." that's for sure!
P.P.S. Take care of Uncle Bruce and a few other of his friend cos they all need help.
Lot's of love,
From Ala.....err....The Apostle AK
wtbts arguments against internet correspondence.. .
1. you never know for sure with whom you are communicating.. 2. they may be apostates.. 3. they may lie to you, and you won't be able to tell.. 4. they may be boys pretending to be girls.. 5. they may be porn pushers.. 6. they may be child abusers.. 7. they will waste your preaching time.. 8. there's "nothing quite like" face to face speech.. duck shooting season is upon us friends.
roll up, rollup for the summer quack-attack.
Messenger: The man of lawlessness????
wtbts arguments against internet correspondence.. .
1. you never know for sure with whom you are communicating.. 2. they may be apostates.. 3. they may lie to you, and you won't be able to tell.. 4. they may be boys pretending to be girls.. 5. they may be porn pushers.. 6. they may be child abusers.. 7. they will waste your preaching time.. 8. there's "nothing quite like" face to face speech.. duck shooting season is upon us friends.
roll up, rollup for the summer quack-attack.
Internet killed the Watchtower.........sung to the tune of "Video killed the radio star"
i thought i would break the suspense and tell everyone what the new book is going to be at the district convention.
i can't believe that anyone has not brought it out yet.
are you ready?
It wasn't a bad book either.
who is the head honcho and/or big kahuna?
watchtower presidents:.
charles t. russell (1879-1916).
I thought Jehovah God was running the Org????