Jeffro stated, " It seems they don’t understand that presenting a growth rate where there is no previous value would actually be an invalid division by zero and so growth should be left blank or otherwise similarly noted for new entries. (And Monaco apparently wasn’t counted as one of the 33 ‘other countries’ before, which hasn’t changed.)"
There HAS been a previous value, there have been JWs in Monaco for decades, so the unchanged number of "other countries" just means that a new country has entered the group.
The 1980 YB stated about Monaco that " The small independent principality of Monaco on the Mediterranean seacoast comes under the jurisdiction of the France branch. As you may know, this is the home of the famous Monte Carlo gambling resort. Although house-to-house witnessing among Monaco’s 27,000 inhabitants is forbidden, publishers from the French Beausoleil Congregation have regularly preached there. By 1978 there were seven active Witnesses in Monaco."