i was wondering about the following lines in the NGO Q&A, dealing with why one is cooperating with the NGO/DPI:
......"encourage political participation at the community level."
......"disseminate information about the range of issues in which the United Nations is involved, to enable the public to understand better the aims and objectives of the world Organization."
......"thereby building knowledge of and support for the Organization at the grassroots level."
"Publicizing UN activities around the world on such issues as peace and security ...."
"Promoting UN observances and internationsla years established by the General Assembly ...."
...."as an integral part of the United Nations information activities...."
....."interested in spreading information about the United Nations."
......."undertake to support the work of the United Nations and to ptomote knowledge of its principles and activities,...."
"Share the ideals of the UN Charter."
"Have a demonstrated interest in United Nations issues ...."
"Have a commitment and means to conduct effective information programmes about UN activities ...."
...."the question of the participation of NGOs in all areas of work of the UN,....."
"This international forum brings together senior UN System officials,...."
"-regular mailing of UN information materials sent to the Headquarters of all associated NGOs;"
..."encouraged to ......organize joint projects."
..."mobilizing public opinion in support of the UN......"
...."expected to devote a portion of their information programmes to promote knowledge of the United Nations principles and activities."
..."regularly providing samples of their information materials relating to the work of the UN."
Must confess (hadn't expected that, hm?), wonder a bit at this .....
JoinedPosts by TheOldHippie
JW Response to NGO/UN info
by Andrew Farrell infollowing is the response of a jw to the information regarding the un/ngo status of the watchtower society.
it seems not all will see with clarity the hypocritical position of the organisation in this matter:.
Watchtower Investments Limited
by nicolaou inpurpose 1 .
purpose 1 .
suppliers, providers of goods or services.
It has nothing to do with the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society; the name "Watchtower" in no way is allowed to be used by the Witnesses only, there are scores of firms and organizations calling themselves Watchtower-something. If you check up Bible groups, you will even find some New World societies and -organizations, and also a Bible translations group, neither of which have anything to do with the WB&TS.
by MacHislopp indo you remember the informations passed on by kent in.
this link:.
MacHislop, You stated:
You see how many things are really not disclosed
to " ...all the international brotherhood .."!
Well, not really.
1. The operations in the Zambia/Congo/Rwanda area have been written about in articles in Watchtower, Awake and Yearbooks.
2. The AidAfrique is written about extensively on the home pages of the Watchtower in France.
3. The AidAfrique has its own home pages.
4 The brochure "Mission to Africa" is no secret - you can find it named in the Index if you bother to look it up.
"Not disclosed to the internation brotherhood"? Not really, my friend, it is there for everyone to see.
Greetings -
Hey, You Masters of War
by TheOldHippie inin these days of the great cowboys preparing for the man-hunt, here are some lines telling what the mediterranean/european sentiments are, as published by a political commentator.
i just quote them to show the us-europe gap:.
un minuto de silencio... .
Yes, larc, What should we do? I have found the comments here well-balanced, as have the comments to the terrorist attack in general also been. They seem not to line up with the cowboy mentality of certain people of importance, who have voiced that "Either you are with US, or else you are with the terrorists." There is a growing discomfort here in Europe, that the US will overplay the reply, will hit out too much. So you should be very careful in order not to destroy the sympathy you now have. Crying mothers in Kabul might easily destroy the picture. Over here, Israel had the sympathy of 99 % of the people up till 1980 or so, whereas the few ones sumpathising (wrong spelling, I am sure ......) with the Palestinians, were regarded as potential terrorists. The Israeli acts of later years have given as a result, that today 20-30 % have sympathy for the Israeli, whereas the majority have sympathy for the Palestinians. A US reply like the war on Iraqi, will make the Europeans voice even stronger that "Hey, we are not on your side, but we are not on the terrorist side either!" The Chief Cowboy makes statements that are hard to understand here. I just wanted to let some European voices he heard, voices I found "good", well-articulated, and it seems many posters on this board also can understand that, also can see the balance in these matters, and are not as cowboy-ish as we feel "all" Americans are these days. Perhaps there is hope for America after all ..........
Hey, You Masters of War
by TheOldHippie inin these days of the great cowboys preparing for the man-hunt, here are some lines telling what the mediterranean/european sentiments are, as published by a political commentator.
i just quote them to show the us-europe gap:.
un minuto de silencio... .
In these Days of The Great Cowboys Preparing for the Man-Hunt, here are some lines telling what the Mediterranean/European sentiments are, as published by a political commentator. I just quote them to show the US-Europe gap:
Un minuto de Silencio...
Si todavia estas horrorizado por las escenas del martes pasado, aprovecha para hacer UN MINUTO de silencio en homenaje a los casi 10.000 Americanos, la mayoria civiles, muertos cobardemente por terroristas que aun no se sabe quienes son.
Ya que estas en silencio, guarda otros TRECE MINUTOS en homenaje a los 130.000 civiles iraquies muertos en 1991 por orden Bush padre.
Aprovecha para recordar que en aquella ocasion los americanos tambien hicieron fiesta, como los palestinos hace dias...
....ahora mas VEINTE MINUTOS por los 200.000 iranies muertos por los iraquies con armas y dinero proveidos a Sadam Hussein (todavia joven en esa epoca) por los mismos americanos que mas tarde giraron toda su artilleria contra ellos...
Otros QUINCE MINUTOS por los rusos y 150.000 afganos muertos en manos del Taliban, tambien con armas y ordenes de USA, quienes crearon su organizacion y la entrenaron con la cia....
Mas DIEZ MINUTOS por los 100.000 japoneses muertos directa e indirectamente en Hiroshima y Nagazaki, tambien por accion directa de la gran Aguila...
Si lo hiciste, ya estuviste en silencio UNA HORA (UN MINUTO por los todos los americanos y CINCUENTA Y NUEVE por TODAS sus victimas...)
Si aun estas perplejo, haz una hora mas por los muertos en la guerra de Vietnam, la cual no agradable de mencionar para los americanos...
Ojala (aunque los indices de belicosidad de los americanos indiquen lo contrario), alguien recuerda el bombardeo de USA a Bagdag ??? donde murieron 18 mil personas , no 5 mil como en las torres??, alguien lo vio en la CNN?? o algun canal del mundo?? alguien pidio justicia?? o peor aun venganza? rogamos porque los americanos comiencen a entender que ellos tambien son vulnerables y que las tragedias que ellos provocan son tan barbaras y cobardes como las de los otros.
Los MUERTOS de otros pueblos duelen tanto como los de ellos...
In case there are some uneducated window-washers amongst you, who do not speak the language fluently, I will just give you the main points:
If we are horrified at the terrible tragedy which took place in the US, and pay our respect to the 10,000 victims by one minute's silence;
You should be silent for 13 minutes in respect of the 130,000 cicilian Iraqis killed in 1991 on the order of President Bush;
And remember that Americans celebrated this, as did the Palestinians celebrate now;
You should be silent for 20 minutes for the 200,000 civilian Iranians killed by the Iraqis back in the 80's thru weapons provided for by the US, as Sadaam was then the US tool against Iran;
You should be silent for 15 minutes for the 150,000 civilian Afghans killed by the Talibans, who were given weapons and training by the US against the Russian-installed regime;
You should be silent for 10 minutes for the 100,000 civilian Japanese bombed in Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the US;
So you should be silent for one hour - one minute for the ones killed in the New York massacre, and 59 minutes for the civilians killed by the US in other countries;
And one hour more for the ones killed in Viet Nam, although that is not nice to mention to the Americans;
And we can also remember the 18,000 killed by the US bombs over Bagdad - did someone cry for justice or revenge then? Perhaps the Americans can begin seeing they are as vulnerable as is everybody else, and that the tragedies they have committed to others are just as barbarious as the one they have experienced themselves? The dead ones of the other nations count just as much as these latter ones.
Good lines, I feel, in the heat of the night, to cool down some of the most revengefull cries and acts .............. -
THIS got WT Leaders thrown in Jail
by Tallyman inhow many of you were aware that watchtower leaders were .
charged with, tried and convicted of sedition.
during world war i ?.
So all pacifists are idiots, is that what you said, tallyman, in your first message?
Well, I guess it's official
by siegswife ina jw on another board has called me a lunatic.
i've always kinda suspected it, but since a witness told me, it must be the truth.
Strange, I never believed in talking snakes - just in forces making it look as if.
Your new light, Farkel? -
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
I did not quite understand what you meant, Farkel, but yes, I would call it regularly if it is something you do once a year. Maybe, due to my not being American, I use the words or understand the words differently that you do, but I would use the word "regularly" if once a year was the "rule". Here thet have done that, AND they have visited them when and if they have been informed these have talked to others about their wishing to have contact, magazines etc.
Japanese gossip and scanning of hypothetical cards which never appeared, don't impress me at all. -
Org. Re-orging in JAPAN
by JWD infor those of you who haven`t been following it,the wts is in a downward spiral here in japan.fs hours are down,memorial attendance.
is down,pioneers are down,studies are down,donations are down,number.
of congregations is down and the number of publishers continues to.
You cannot be well-informed, Japanese friend; in the rest of the world, these visits have been made regularly for at least 10 years, as have also others here shown. They have been made in Japan as well, it is only you who have no information or insight into these matters.
Bush's speech -- I'll be the first to admit...
by Seeker in...it was an effective speech.
i was impressed, and thought it only fair to say so here given the recent political discussions.
The cowboys ride again - out to kill the Indians of our age, the Moslems.