I was an elder for a short while and have limited experience of the "goings'on" between elder bodies. I do know from experience (being a baptized JW for 22 years) that on numerous occasions bothers moved congregations and were never re-appointed to the position they held previously. I think the move was used as an opportunity to punish some and elders refused to recommend the brother.
I had the publisher record cards for about 9 months and there was nothing with them that contained notes or secret records about congregation members. I do remember the PO giving me the record cards for a sister who had moved to our area. With the cards was a letter from her previous cong's elders detailing how much trouble she had caused, how she had been DF'd and reproved previously. I felt she deserved a clean slate and not knowing what to do with the letter, I destroyed it. I don't believe it was passed around the other elders but I am sure the PO would have recalled it in conversations.
I found being an elder was a real eye-opener. I was brought up to believe that elders were special, Godly and caring men. I always felt I was never good enough to be an elder but after I was appointed and, later quit, I felt I was too good to be the JW overseer and quit in disgust and what was going on and what I observed. Being an elder led to my eventual realization and I quit totally two years later.
I often wonder what the back-stabing, rat-bags said about me when I moved congregation.