Spiderman2 is one of this year's I want to see. My son bought the first Spiderman movie for my birthday. I'll be watching that this weekend.
we did tonight.
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is a very good film.
the first was light and entertaining.
Spiderman2 is one of this year's I want to see. My son bought the first Spiderman movie for my birthday. I'll be watching that this weekend.
we did tonight.
harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban is a very good film.
the first was light and entertaining.
We did tonight. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is a very good film. The first was light and entertaining. This, the third movie, is much darker, and by far the best film of the trilogy. Like the actors the films are growing up.
There are a number of movies I want to watch this summer. Shrek2 was so-so. HP was an 8/10 for me.
all the more hilarious as the actors were known to me.
seeing some dub london cockney you've known for years miming to an american accented voice had me holding my sides in mirth!
..until, that is, the subject matter begun to surface.
Back on E-man's topic, I remember watching a drama in 1971 performed in Victoria, Australia. It may have been an evening session, but I do remember it featured a modern-day couple dating. They apparently, in the drama, were alone in a car and fondled each others private parts. Being only 11 and totally naive I couldn't figure why they were touching each others bums (butts). Anyhow, in the follow-up comments about the drama the girl confessed to the elders (or equivalent in 1971) and was reproved, the guy didn't fess-up and was disfellowshipped. I made sure from that time onwards to steer clear of girl's bottoms.
all the more hilarious as the actors were known to me.
seeing some dub london cockney you've known for years miming to an american accented voice had me holding my sides in mirth!
..until, that is, the subject matter begun to surface.
The funniest drama I saw featured thirsty Israelites wandering around in the wilderness begging for water. Being a typically English convention, it was absolutely pouring down with rain. Oh well, the show must go on.
after working here as a contractor for four months, i finally got my id badge!
the badge is good until sept. 30th.
i'm hoping that i will get extended beyond that... or maybe even hired as a perm empoyee.
The company needs to get a new ID card system. Where I work all visitors are photographed and given a photo ID visitors badge. It takes about 30 seconds to produce the card. All contractors are given contractor badges as soon as they report for work and provides them access to the employee main entrance and any other areas required by the role. As for security, it only works if everyone is involved. And you don't hold the door for someone who doesn't flash a badge. I earned a $50 spot award for simply enforcing the rules when I caught someone sneeking in without proper ID.
this one really freaked me out.
i was so brainwashed at the time i found a way to justify it.
i think i?ve been repressing my anger about this and now i need to vent.
I have a shameful story as well. When I was young, the hall I attended with my family was being remodelled. The hall was being extended widthwise but meetings continued to be held with plastic sheeting hanging down and taped-down wires across the floor. Before the start of the Ministry School an elderly sister tripped on one of the wires and fell. She broke her hip and needed medical assistance. The meeting continued as normal, her book study conductor was the school overseer. He started the meeting on time ignoring the situation. One brother (former elder and ex PO down on his luck) and his wife managed to move the sister to the small entrance of the hall while the opening song was sung and waited for the abulance to arrive.
The sister died a few days later. The same elder who was the school overseer gave the funeral talk. I didn't attend the funeral but i heard later that the deceased sister's unbelieving husband beat the elder with his walking stick at the graveside. I didn't blame him. I wished he'd sued the pants off the congregation.
my wife just came home and brought with her, the widescreen version of the lord of the rings- the return of the king on dvd!.
she ordered it two weeks ago, and we have been watching the first two getting ready for the third.
now, if i can just get her to wear that arwen costume for me .
I thought I had the best wife ever which is why on Tuesday I took a trip to Wal-Mart on my way home from work and picked up Return of the King ($14.98) for her. I know that in a few months time she'll buy the extended version but in the meantime she'll watch this version at least 10 times.
PS I liked the movie too, and as she likes it so much she lets me crank up the volume on the home theater system.
whether you have been disfellowshipped, or disasociated yourself or just slowly are fading or inactive... .
or even are still there at the hall attending due to family.. .
do you think that when you were at your 'strongest as a believer' that anyone would have guessed how you feel about the wts now?.
Yes. My sister told me she met someone we knew when we were kids. He was raised a JW but never baptized. She told him that she wasn't a JW anymore. Then said, "Thirdson isn't either." The guy was "blown away".
as witnesses, we believed that for a thousand years in the new system would be grand.
at the termination of the thousand year rule of jesus, we learned satan would be let loose and many paradise dwellers would follow him.
why do you suppose the majority of mankind who had no satan or demons to influence them, would want to follow a wicked wiley snake who already got his arse kicked twice now already from god for rebelling.
All this testing; it's part of God's "No sinner left behind" program.
for what it's worth, i never did.
i just never really believed in '75 or any other time.....signed, faithless minimus
Felt? I believed whole-heartedly the end would have come and gone years ago.
I remember as a kid expecting to wake up any day and see lions in the street, (we lived in the inner-city area of a very large industrial town). I was chastened for suggesting that the end was coming by counting the years to 1975. "Oh no," I was told "it could come much sooner."
Hence, I didn't think I'd graduate high school. By 1976 I sort of knew the 1975 date was hoakey (I could do a little math) and started college. I wasn't certain I'd get married, didn't think the system would survive to 1990 and couldn't believe the end would exceed 2000 as by then the generation would be too old. I married and my son was born in 1988. He's working (part-time) and will be attending college in 2 years time. I believed most of the WTS stuff until 1995 when the generation was determined to be as current as Napoleon's generation. A great-grandfather and a grandfather fought in WW1, I never knew either. All my grandparents (the 1914 generation) are dead. My mom and dad are in their late 60's, mid 70's respectively and my dad was too young to be a soldier in WW2. WW1 history is about as current as Napoleon's, and there aren't many left of the 1939/41 generation either. Sad really, it took me 30 years to figure out the Watchtower lies.