Try here:
There is a wave file to hear it actually pronounced.
ok, i had a discussion with an old fella and his wife today.
they offered me a couple of bottles of whiskey.
of course, insomniac doesn't drink, she's as pure as the driven snow in that regard (trying to keep a straight face as i type this!).
Try here:
There is a wave file to hear it actually pronounced.
our daughter was born yesterday.
mrs thirdson and baby firstdaughter are doing fine.. i haven't posted much in the past year.
i've been rather busy and life is going to get even more hectic.. 3rd (aka proud dad).
I am just leaving for the hospital. Mom and baby may get released today.
our daughter was born yesterday.
mrs thirdson and baby firstdaughter are doing fine.. i haven't posted much in the past year.
i've been rather busy and life is going to get even more hectic.. 3rd (aka proud dad).
Our daughter was born yesterday. Mrs Thirdson and baby firstdaughter are doing fine.
I haven't posted much in the past year. I've been rather busy and life is going to get even more hectic.
3rd (aka Proud Dad)
*this is a bit of a riff off of bluegrass tom's post in the bible research forumn .
in my old hall we had three interracial couples.
in fact i didn't even realise that they were interracial until i was about 12. .
I grew up in an inner city/multi-ethnic JW cong' in the UK. There were several mixed raced couples with kids of my generation. There were many, many interracial marriages in my generation and later. Nothing unusual and I think one of the better things about the JW least in the area where I lived.
My son, looks white and regards himself as white, has one black grandparent and thus an Anglo/AfroCaribbean heritage. I married someone of mixed race, (now divorced), nothing unusual in my area.
so sad, he was one of my all time favourite comedians .
We watched Dave Allen gowing up in the 70s and I continued to watch his TV shows into the 90s. As JWs we enjoyed his poke at religion and I still do. One memorable sketch was not that funny but so very sharp:
The scene showed a pastor (Allen) entering a church, "Dutch Reformed Church of South Africa" on a sign on the door. Upon entering the sanctuary the pastor spots a black boy on his knees. The pastor shouts, "What are you doing in here?" To which the boy responds, "I am scrubbing the floor, father." "Oh, alright then," replied the pastor, "just don't let me catch you praying in here."
A great man and a great observer of the absurd.
first page... this book issued to________________ date___________ place of baptism____________ date___________.
1. organanized to do jehovahs will.
First Page... This Book issued to I.P. Freely Date_Feb 30, 2005____ Place of baptism_The Bath Tub__ Date_It was a Wetday
It sort of lends itself to school textbook humor.
dear god,,no not you jehovah or jesus because your just archetypes of the collective unconscious,,i mean the real god the self the one the what ever you want to call it,,real deal that one.. please give enlightenment to all members of the governing body let them know accurately the pain they inflict on many innocent people who trusted them.
and let them turn around and give up this terrrible game.
God, help us!
i just found out that , on my wife's side of the family, the last witness kid has given up!.
he was the very last one in that half of our extended witness family.
ten years ago, i never would have.
12 years ago all of my family were JWs. My parents, 6 kids, their spouses and, at the time, 10 grandkids attending meetings. Two of us were elders and my dad was once a "servant" and later an MS (he declined to be an elder). Of the 6 kids, 1 plus the spouse are still in and the spouse of another sibling still attends. Of the 10 grandchildren, 2 got baptized and then left. 7 left and will never attend again. One youngster still gets dragged to meetings and an 11th has since been born to the only couple still in. The two elders were deleted and then faded.
The WTS could once count 25 of my family as meeting attendees. On a good day they can count 7. My parents don't attend as frequently as they once did. They know about the UN scandal and while they sill "believe" I think this is habit rather than conviction. Having seen 3 siblings quit the one grandchild's chance of staying through to baptism is slim.
While there are some examples of extended JW families, in my experience they are very rare. My family was one of those. My mom loved to boast about how they raised their kids in the "truth". They had elders, MS and pioneers in the family. It doesn't take long to see two generations quit. I think we are a great example now!
i have noticed timekeeping has got worse at meetings lately - always running over - some elders are very bad - but i notice it is always the publishers that get counseled not the elders and they are the worse culprits.
ministerial servants seem to be ok -the obviously want to progeress to elder and feel if they keep going over time they will not make elder.
i am told the worse person of all for timekeeping was freddie franz -anybody have personal experience of this?
I always disliked having the last item on the SM. I had to plan to do short versions of the item because timekeeping was notoriously bad in the cong' I attended and the accumulative effect of others left the last item with reduced time. I hated any meeting that went past its time. Once when I was an MS I had a 10 minute item at the end of the Service Meeting. When I got up to the podium we were already past time. I gave a 30 second synopsis of the item and ended the meeting. None of the elders made any comment but several other cong members thanked me for ending the meeting as near to time as I could.
The meetings were boring enough already, prolonging the agony was just too much for most people.
to whatever religion's website you surf, all have a comment on the tsunami in south asia: be it catholic, protestant, adventist, mormon, new apostolic or whatever.
they try to give comfort and encourage people to donate for the suffering people there.
but if you go to or there is no mention of it (at least by now).
I couldn't get the link to work but the JW Media website has that release for Jan 1, 2005 under humanitarian work.