The Young Witness Exodus Continues

by metatron 69 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metatron

    I just found out that , on my wife's side of the family, the last Witness kid has given up!

    He was the very last one in that half of our extended Witness family. Ten years ago, I never would have

    dreamed that something like this could happen - Witness families with multiple kids who abandon the organization

    one by one - until they're all gone.

    End of the world? Nope, but this is the Watchtower's last generation - you can count on it.


  • frenchbabyface

    if only "the moving feeling" could reach the older once to not bother the young once

  • RunningMan

    My parents were staunch Witnesses, who came from a long line of deeply involved JWs.

    Well, they had four children. Now, two of us are completely out of the organization - 50% retention.

    The four children had seven grandchildren. Of the grandchildren, one is partly still in. The other six are completely gone - 15% retention. Each generation is bringing more and more freedom from the organization.

  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • kwintestal


    End of the world? Nope, but this is the Watchtower's last generation - you can count on it.

    "This generation will by no means pass away, before the end [of the WTS] will come"

    "This generation" has information much more readily available then previously. They may be lazier, but it's not hard to type in "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Google.


  • jaredg

    i'm the first of 5 generations to get out....the trend begins!!

  • the_classicist

    I don't know about an "Exodus." My older sister, 20 years, just got baptised. Sometimes she can be a real bitch when she's playing righteous JW (with an illogic that would make Aristotle spin in his grave, if he probably wasn't disintegrated by now). Most, especially elders children, really "act out" whilst still going to the meetings and then they eventually settle for the drudgery of JW life. I know of one person, an elder's daughter, who got her license suspended for driving drunk. THEN she got arrested for driving drunk without a license. I don't know if she ever faced a JC, and I hope not either as I would be a drunk if I still had to do 5 hours of meetings a week plus a minimum of 8 hours in "Field Service."

  • minimus

    .....and they believe cracking the whip will keep 'em in. Dumb asses.

  • LeslieV

    I also am the first one on my Dad's side to leave since Russel. I agree hopefully this is a beginning of a new trend in my family.


  • minimus

    I'm the 1st one to leave too. I had an aunt that got df'd in the late 50's. She came back though.

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